Michael Johnson.....

Prestwich_Blue said:
jma said:
A lot of entrenched views on the subject of mental health here. On both sides.

Some people have mental health issues that are unavoidable, regardless of circumstances.
Some people develop mental health issues in response to events.
Some people respond to problems in a positive and determined manner.
Some people respond to problems by abdicating responsibility.
For some people mental health issues come first and life takes an unfortunate turn because of them.
For some people life takes an unfortunate turn and they develop mental health issues because of it.
Some people create their own problems in life and then rectify it eventually.
Some people create their own problems in life and then use mental health as a reason to absolve responsibility.
Some people are dealt a mental health hand that means they are at risk, no matter how happily and carefully they live their lives.

All sorts of different circumstances. So for anyone, including Michael Johnson, it is nonsense to say either "he is a complete excuse making dick, looking for sympathy" or "he's mentioned the phrase 'mental health' therefore that is a barrier to any sort of critical questioning about his failings in his downfall and everyone should just pat him on the head, and say he can't help it"

Unless you know the complete circumstances, which I doubt many on here do, both of the above stances are cliched and stupid.
By some considerable distance the best post on this thread. Nothing else needs to be said.
I think it's the only time he's posted something I entirely agree with.
jayblue said:
similar to my thoughts trick dicky. at least when you are financially secure then you can concentrate full time on being depressed.

Problem is when you have money it is more dangerous as you have more avenues to self medicate. Drugs, women hangers on none of it any good for you. Then its back to the same depression and guilt because you did all those things.<br /><br />-- Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:18 pm --<br /><br />
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
jma said:
A lot of entrenched views on the subject of mental health here. On both sides.

Some people have mental health issues that are unavoidable, regardless of circumstances.
Some people develop mental health issues in response to events.
Some people respond to problems in a positive and determined manner.
Some people respond to problems by abdicating responsibility.
For some people mental health issues come first and life takes an unfortunate turn because of them.
For some people life takes an unfortunate turn and they develop mental health issues because of it.
Some people create their own problems in life and then rectify it eventually.
Some people create their own problems in life and then use mental health as a reason to absolve responsibility.
Some people are dealt a mental health hand that means they are at risk, no matter how happily and carefully they live their lives.

All sorts of different circumstances. So for anyone, including Michael Johnson, it is nonsense to say either "he is a complete excuse making dick, looking for sympathy" or "he's mentioned the phrase 'mental health' therefore that is a barrier to any sort of critical questioning about his failings in his downfall and everyone should just pat him on the head, and say he can't help it"

Unless you know the complete circumstances, which I doubt many on here do, both of the above stances are cliched and stupid.
By some considerable distance the best post on this thread. Nothing else needs to be said.
I think it's the only time he's posted something I entirely agree with.

Agreed none of us know the whole story so it is all speculation and that is unkind as again none of us know the whole story. Good post jma now come disagree in the Balotelli thread:)
didactic said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
didactic said:
Exactly what I said Toma couldn't agree more.
Here's what you said:

didactic said:
Im tired of there being threads on here about players, managers blah blah and people throw in their own experiences and start turning the crowds to their beliefs just because they have their own opinions. There has been no evidence provided that Johnson had any mental issues. Does this mean I am pissing on all the other blues who DO have/had them? No it does not. And having issues does not excuse drunk driving or being a general asshole to people. Stop putting these players on an undeserved pedestal. He was gambling and drinking before the injuries and its intensified after. Why? Because its fun, because not everyone can remain focused enough to be a successful professional athlete. This happens more often than we are told now lets stop all the "I had mental problems and he has mental problems bollocks". People fuck up in life without needing excuses.

The Priory is an ADDICTION center so by mental issues he is talking about his drinking, gambling and whatever else.

And there's more:
didactic said:
The evidence is there to see he has been arrested for drink driving, those who know him on a personal level say he was drinking and gambling before his injuries. Those who met him say he was always a **** and asshole and then he admits he has been going to an ADDICTION center. What more evidence do you need? Same way I do not feel sorry for the crack head who ruined his football dreams by picking up the pipe is the same way I wont feel sorry for MJ just because he played for City. Spare me the "mental issues" bollocks its a word used by addicts to explain away their actions.

You come on here trolling as usual then when you've got the reaction you've been looking for and have been challenged come out with "I wish him all the best", "Some of my best friends are mentally ill", etc. The truth is that you've got more faces than a clock shop.

There has been some shit spouted on this thread and certainly not just by you. But the others have said their (uninformed) piece and left it at that. You have sought to inflame the debate.

You do not like me you have made that clear over and over again but that does not make me a troll it just means you do not like me. What I stated is my opinion and I stick to it as I still do not believe that the issues at hand are not addiction related. A few posters in this very thread said he was gambling and drinking before the injuries. Zim says he met him and others say they met him and he was a horrible person. Now how does repeating this make one a troll?

Stay objective as you have a position of responsibility here it is not about personal favorites or having only people you agree with. The fact that I have family members who suffer from various problems is actually not any ones business. You causally ignore those calling me names yet jump on me for responding and telling them why I am well versed in mental issues. I just personal think what Johnson is going through is addiction related. Also if you looked back without the hate in your eyes you would see every time a personal attack was launched I would tell them to stick to the topic at hand. I will voice my opinions as they are mine to have and I have not swayed from anything I said.

I wish the lad well but I do not feel sorry or sympathize because I think his issues are addiction related. That is my view and my OWN opinion. You do not need to carry on jumping on me to express your dislike I got it a very long time ago.

I still believe that what happened to Michael Johnson was more addiction related rather than "mental issues".

Well very sorry but you brought the fact up about your family and friends,not us.
Some really ott posters here.

Johnson is somebody with problems and needs help but he needs to speak up and sort it himself. Nobody can help if they aren't asked. Gary Speeds family are no doubt wishing he'd have spoken up instead of being left without him.

I still can't feel sorry for a multiple drink driver, having lived next door to a neighbour who's some was knocked over and nearly died (now is fat from steroids and has box in his throat the poor bastard), no justification when he can pick up a phone and get a taxi. Using mental health isn't an excuse, if it was your child I'm sure you'd sit the other side of the fence.

Anyway, the lad was a major talent for us if he hadn't got these injuries. I'm gutted to have lost him and no doubt he's gutted to be injured. I hope he straightens his life out and finds motivation and happiness, he it football or painting and decorating. One things for sure, he needs help and also to be occupied, idol hands make the devils work.
Really touched me this, I want him to get better, he was one of us. Played in the shirt, what each and everyone of us dream of. Yeah, there's a bit of resentment being that most believe he's blew an opportunity many of us would grab at.

He's got his demons and they have gradually got worse with his injuries and he hasn't helped himself by drinking and gambling. That doesn't deter from the fact that I feel for him as a part of the city family.

God bless you Johno, hope you find peace.
I'm not sure what saddens me most.

The terrible illness that has affected and almost certainly ruined the career of one of our hottest prospects in years, or the attitudes of some of the 'blues' on here.

Literally shaking my head at some of this shite.
didactic said:
Problem is when you have money it is more dangerous as you have more avenues to self medicate. Drugs, women hangers on none of it any good for you. Then its back to the same depression and guilt because you did all those things.

What the fuck has money got to do with any mental health issue or addiction. Some of the worst addicts i have known have been skint, it didnt stop them feeding there addiction.

Addiction also in my experience follows no distinct path. My younger brother is a recovering alcholic, my father had a drink problem, my grandfather was an alcholic. As im adopted and dont have there genes i only love a drink, im not dependendant. My point here is do we know what genes were passed to MJ through his family? No we dont.

My uncle suffered greatly from mental illness, but his did not manifest itself through drink, he was teetotal. But can you say with any surety that his fathers alcholism didnt cause his dreadful depression and later in later his paranoid schizophrenia.

I have read the last few pages aghast at your perception of how peoples minds work and how they react to events and your apparent lack of even acknowledging how previous events can act as a trigger for severe illness.

Back to money as that seems to be an issue to you. I have seen 3 friends die through there addictions aged 22, 31 and 40. I have seen the despair they suffered and the hoplessness they felt. None of them had money or glamourous lives etc, but they fed there addictions and the state of there minds was beyond even the best medicine we have. I saw my uncle, a talented artist who couldnt work and wasnt addicted to anything paint some of the darkest paintings you could possibly imagine as his mind expressed the place it was in. I spoke to his brother about this who was a lecturer in art at University an he said it was commonplace for people in dark places to express themselves thus.

There has been some fantastic posts in this thread offering MJ support and i would propose that perhaps the mods could somehow prune the thread of some of the ridiculous mean spirited stuff and in an act of compassion for a fellow blue work out a way of getting the messages of support to MJ as it may help him.
Rascal said:
didactic said:
Problem is when you have money it is more dangerous as you have more avenues to self medicate. Drugs, women hangers on none of it any good for you. Then its back to the same depression and guilt because you did all those things.

What the fuck has money got to do with any mental health issue or addiction. Some of the worst addicts i have known have been skint, it didnt stop them feeding there addiction.

Addiction also in my experience follows no distinct path. My younger brother is a recovering alcholic, my father had a drink problem, my grandfather was an alcholic. As im adopted and dont have there genes i only love a drink, im not dependendant. My point here is do we know what genes were passed to MJ through his family? No we dont.

My uncle suffered greatly from mental illness, but his did not manifest itself through drink, he was teetotal. But can you say with any surety that his fathers alcholism didnt cause his dreadful depression and later in later his paranoid schizophrenia.

I have read the last few pages aghast at your perception of how peoples minds work and how they react to events and your apparent lack of even acknowledging how previous events can act as a trigger for severe illness.

Back to money as that seems to be an issue to you. I have seen 3 friends die through there addictions aged 22, 31 and 40. I have seen the despair they suffered and the hoplessness they felt. None of them had money or glamourous lives etc, but they fed there addictions and the state of there minds was beyond even the best medicine we have. I saw my uncle, a talented artist who couldnt work and wasnt addicted to anything paint some of the darkest paintings you could possibly imagine as his mind expressed the place it was in. I spoke to his brother about this who was a lecturer in art at University an he said it was commonplace for people in dark places to express themselves thus.

There has been some fantastic posts in this thread offering MJ support and i would propose that perhaps the mods could somehow prune the thread of some of the ridiculous mean spirited stuff and in an act of compassion for a fellow blue work out a way of getting the messages of support to MJ as it may help him.

Now that I like Rascal.Just sorry to hear of your family problems over the years.

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