micheal johnson


I recorded it. Will upload in a sec.

He definitely looked out of shape but from what they were saying in the other thread I was expecting a lot worse. And to be honest not playing football for a year will do that to you.

edit: linkage

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=128756&p=2121599#p2121599" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/vi ... 9#p2121599</a>
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

kenster197 said:
hilts said:
I may be way up here in Scotland, but if you were talking about a rag here I could understand it, he's one of our own mate, or are you one of the new "always supported city brigade" who couldnt really care about the squad, club, players or anything to do with our heritage so long as you can say in 10years....I've always supported City!!! Arsehole

He's not one of our own, it's not the seventies when players stayed at clubs for life and went for a pint with the fans, he is a pro footballer who gets paid to play football for man city. I love the club and will support a player on a saturday because he is playing for my team, to players it's a career, he is not one of our own, a mate or anything else, its his job end of.

And your entitled to that opinion mate, personaly, I wouldn't kick a fellow supporter when he was down so I wont kick A guy who plays for the team when he's down either, He looks like he's put on a couple of stone, but it doesnt mean he wont be playing for the jersey when he plays next year...and that is all that matters isnt it... playing for the jersey.[/quote]

see i dont now who thats aimed at cause all the quotes are messed up
if its me
of course every player deserves a fair crack at the whip especially jhonson as last season he was very good
im saying how funny it is how a pro footballer, who has everything there he wants, can give his healty life style up for a lifesyle of booze and become overweight!
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

mikeylad222 said:
hilts said:
I may be way up here in Scotland, but if you were talking about a rag here I could understand it, he's one of our own mate, or are you one of the new "always supported city brigade" who couldnt really care about the squad, club, players or anything to do with our heritage so long as you can say in 10years....I've always supported City!!! Arsehole

He's not one of our own, it's not the seventies when players stayed at clubs for life and went for a pint with the fans, he is a pro footballer who gets paid to play football for man city. I love the club and will support a player on a saturday because he is playing for my team, to players it's a career, he is not one of our own, a mate or anything else, its his job end of.

I pay my money just like every other fan and will support 100% any player of any age or talent who can put in 100% for my team. The season before last, he did that. You've got the memory of a goldfish.[/quote]

thats right the season before last he did his job and got paid for it whats your point? should we be thankful for that? are you real? players, managers, owners come and go man city is about the fans. isnt the money, car house enough, ffs he's got an injury i think plenty of us would swap places with him, if you think he sits at home on a night worrying about the support of fans you are deluded my friend
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

hilts said:
mikeylad222 said:
He's not one of our own, it's not the seventies when players stayed at clubs for life and went for a pint with the fans, he is a pro footballer who gets paid to play football for man city. I love the club and will support a player on a saturday because he is playing for my team, to players it's a career, he is not one of our own, a mate or anything else, its his job end of.

I pay my money just like every other fan and will support 100% any player of any age or talent who can put in 100% for my team. The season before last, he did that. You've got the memory of a goldfish.

thats right the season before last he did his job and got paid for it whats your point? should we be thankful for that? are you real? players, managers, owners come and go man city is about the fans. isnt the money, car house enough, ffs he's got an injury i think plenty of us would swap places with him, if you think he sits at home on a night worrying about the support of fans you are deluded my friend[/quote]

ok then my friend it ure own opinion
its quite hard to get my point across when people arnt reading what people write properly
anyway i say we give up this dicussion before it gets violent
haha im joking
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

mikeylad222 said:
kenster197 said:
So what is happening whith him mate, is he on the up? what was the problem anyway? You appear to know him so, shed some light mate and stop the nonsense on here. Cheers

Mikes been recovering from a pelvic/abdominal injury that is very rare. He underwent treatment numerous times last season only to break down as he was somewhere near gaining fitness. Doctors at the club couldnt put their finger on it thats how rare the injury is and finally Mike seems to have got over it and is undergoing a pre-season pain free for the first time in a long time.

Touch wood all goes well and mike gets his head down he could feature next year for definate. To read the things shouted out on here are getting beyond ridiculous now so so called 'fans' need to lay off and get behind one of our own instead of ridiculing the lad at any chance.
My faith in City fans is restored,cheers people.
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

bluemanc said:
My faith in City fans is restored,cheers people.

He is out a bit too often though and it can't help.

If one of my mates was out as much as he was i would say they had a drink problem
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

I think we should take the phrase "Pro Footballer" out of this, Yeah he is, but he's also a bloke who may or may not have got into drink, its not a huge thing to get your head round, Best, Baxter, gazza,merson all went down that road when they had both money and talent, now Im not for a second putting johnson in their catagory, im just saying, its nothing to do with football, its about your character, the road you go down aint always choice, may be where youre gonna go until you realised you fucked up!! Im not right and Im not wrong here, just pisses me off when the guys getting a hard time for nothing to do with his ability, when he was gonna be the next big thing a couple of years ago
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

johnmc said:
bluemanc said:
My faith in City fans is restored,cheers people.

He is out a bit too often though and it can't help.

If one of my mates was out as much as he was i would say they had a drink problem

How often does he go out drinkin?
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

emptypockets said:
If one of my mates was out as much as he was i would say they had a drink problem

How often does he go out drinkin?

he is often in town for at least 2 or 3 nights in a row. and thats just when people have seen him. Like i said if a mate who had a normal job was out as much as he seems to be i'd say they had an issue.

Yes he is 20 and earns a wedge and is injured but it can't aid his recovery can it.

Hope he gets it right soon as he is a class footballer

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