micheal johnson

Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

He looks haunted, his eyes were darting around all over the place. He didn't look well at all. I don't just mean physically either.
He looks like he needs a cuddle off his mum and a clip round the ear from his dad.

Get well soon Michael
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

Hope he get's his head out of his arse soon, get's in shape and turns out to be the City player we think he can be.
I have a gut feeling that he'll sort himself out soon.
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

I hope Johnson comes back, he can do it if he tries. Hopefully he'll prove a few people wrong on here. i admit to having the odd joke about his tendencey to frequent clubs, but let's not write him off completely?
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

If from what I have heard is 'fact' its a wonder he didn't end up in a funny farm. He was in intense pain but could not be diagnosed. At that point he must of questioned himself?
The bulk may be due to medication-steroids. The film, is how old? IMHO its just media hype big stick to beat us with.
Hughes is no mug if he thought he was washed up, Johno would be long gone. Point of fact Hughes knows how good Johno is.
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

He isn't coming back. Well, for City at least. I'd be amazed if we see him in the blue shirt again. It's sad, he had the world at his feet and pissed it away. He's still young enough to turn it around, but City have moved on and he's a million miles from the first team.

This isn't having a dig at him, I rated him highly as a player, but anyone who believes that it was a groin injury that kept him out for a year, and that the excess weight is down to not playing, are deluding themselves. The lad has problems, I genuinely hope for his sake he resolves them, but only he can do that.

Perhaps a £50k a week contract didn't help - at the time it was awarded he hadn't really justified it - but the club are evidently helping him; he just needs to help himself now.
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

Fk football the kid doesn't look well.

You don't go from the curled goal against Derby to that interview without some serious shit having gone down.He looks ten years older.

Good luck Johnson-fk the money-just get yourself right.
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

Ric said:
He isn't coming back. Well, for City at least. I'd be amazed if we see him in the blue shirt again. It's sad, he had the world at his feet and pissed it away. He's still young enough to turn it around, but City have moved on and he's a million miles from the first team.

This isn't having a dig at him, I rated him highly as a player, but anyone who believes that it was a groin injury that kept him out for a year, and that the excess weight is down to not playing, are deluding themselves. The lad has problems, I genuinely hope for his sake he resolves them, but only he can do that.

Perhaps a £50k a week contract didn't help - at the time it was awarded he hadn't really justified it - but the club are evidently helping him; he just needs to help himself now.

he is deluded himself, not willing to admit he has a problem its quite sad really cause he had massive potential!

wonder what happened to him?
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

I saw the interview in SSN, he looked like Ricky Hatton between fights he was carrying so much weight.
I'm not too sure those who have a positive outlook on his future, would be so positive if they knew what he does while he's 'rehabilitating', not so good from what I've heard.
My honest opinion too much too young. But it is up to him to prove me wrong. Next Colin Bell or Bob Taylor?
Re: johnson looks like a piece of sh*t.. and he is chubby

I have sympathy for him as a human being, but precious little as a city fan. millions upon millions of pounds wasted. if he has any sense, hopefully he'll realise that the only way he'll be able to look himself in the eye in ten/twenty years time is to make a real go of earning his money.

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