Middle East Conflict (merged) | Iran launch missile attack after Israel invade Lebanon

Like I mentioned before, give some people with flawed ideologies rifles, and make them aware that killing will not lead to repercussions, they will see human lives through disillusioned optics.

Since the first intifada, with hundreds of children being shot in the head, up until now, there has only been one soldier punished for using excessive force after he shot point blank to the head an unarmed adult Palestinian. He was trial for murder, which was then reduced to 14 months, and then 12 months. in a year, for shooting a person’s head, you get off scot free. What message does that send to others?

Of course there was the other convicted case of the tragic death of our own, Tom Hurndall. Based on the many versions of testimony made by the shooter, of an attack by Palestinian militant, and then of human shields, and of wearing military fatigue and holding a gunm and of firing a deterrent shot, so many lies to squeeze one’s way out of the situation without any regard or remorse of his actions, is a testament to the perspectives shared by many who hold the sniper rifle.

In April 2003, the IDF were on a mission in the Gaza border town of Rafah. Hurndall and a group of activists were in the area, having planned to set up a peace tent on one of the nearby roads to blockade IDF tank patrols. Hurndall was shot in the head on April 11, 2003. According to the IDF, an Israeli checkpoint came under fire from Palestinian militants, and the soldiers at the checkpoint returned fire. Hurndall's group of nine activists abandoned their protest and seek cover. Hurndall then ran out into the street and was shot in the head by an IDF soldier. He was taken to a Palestinian hospital in Rafah, and was declared clinically dead.

His father told a British inquest that, according to ISM and Palestinian witnesses, Hurndall had seen a group of children playing and had noticed that bullets were hitting the ground between them. Several children had run away but some were "paralysed with fear"[9] and Hurndall went to help them. Hurndall's father told the inquest: “Tom went to take one girl out of the line of fire, which he did successfully, but when he went back, as he knelt down [to collect another], he was shot.”[2]
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They are shooting unarmed people at will and refusing to use any other use of a deterrent.

Come on, do you honestly think there should be snipers with live rounds just taking protesters out. It's just been condemned by our government.

I know your not a fan of Netanyahu and neither is West Dids so it's not having a pop at you and fellow Israelis, but the man is out of control.

Over 2,400 shot and only 54 (claimed) dead. I do believe that if the IDF were going full weapons free and being even 1% as evil as Hamas and their supporters claim then the level of mortality would be vastly higher.

When an IDF soldier shoots a Palestinian there is normally an inquiry and sometimes the soldier goes to jail.
When a Palestinian murders an Israeli child the murderer is celebrated and has streets renamed in their honour as well as receiving a lifelong pension from the Hamas authorities.
Unfortunately for everyone (except perhaps journos) Hamas doesn't care a sh*t about Palestinians getting killed in fact getting them killed is the whole point of their current exercise.
They are shooting unarmed people at will and refusing to use any other use of a deterrent.

Come on, do you honestly think there should be snipers with live rounds just taking protesters out. It's just been condemned by our government.

I know your not a fan of Netanyahu and neither is West Dids so it's not having a pop at you and fellow Israelis, but the man is out of control.
I agree about Netanyahu. But it's still not genocide.
When an IDF soldier shoots a Palestinian there is normally an inquiry and sometimes the soldier goes to jail.

Is this some kind of a sick joke?

The vast majority of “inquiries” have been whitewashes, condemned repeatedly by many human rights organisations, including B’Tsalem. Somebody here already stated the facts with regards to this.

You talk about Hamas, but ignore the equally if not more degenerate Israeli politicians that openly call for a genocide of Palestinians. I quote Ayelet Shaked who said:

This is a war. It is not a war against terror, and not a war against extremists, and not even a war against the Palestinian Authority. These too are forms of avoiding reality. This is a war between two people. Who is the enemy? The Palestinian people.

In wars the enemy is usually an entire people, including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.

This is not the rambling of a lone lunatic. Her views are shared my many Israelis and many Israeli politicians.

Former defence minister Moshe Dayan, considered a moderate, once famously said that “Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother”. This is the modus operandi for the IDF and the state of Israel in general. For every dead Israeli, kill 1,000 Palestinians. For every destroyed Israeli house, destroy 10,000 Palestinian houses. It breaks fundamental principles of international law, those of proportionality and collective punishment. The religious use of the veto by the US ensures that they will never be held to account for their crimes.
Remember My Lai and Lt. Calley. There is no limit to the violence that so called western democracies will visit on poor powerless people, especially if they are brown or black. Ashamed.
Tbf Obama never moved it. Netanyahu absoutely fuckin despised him as he didn't bow to Israel. And fair fucks to him.

But now its a whole dif ballgame. Trump is everything they could ever want.
Fast forward 50 years and we'll either look back on Obama as a great president for not bowing to Netanyahu or a woeful president for not arranging a bullet into the cunts brain. Only time will tell.
Someone asked this morning how many people would have woken up alive and be dead due to this move by the end of the day.

Seems we have the answer. The Israelis are acting like fucking arseholes again but I do have to wonder why the Palestinians would protest in the way they did, where they did. They should know who they are up against and whilst I admire their spirit I just feel woefully sad for their families. They sadly won’t achieve anything because Israel has the ear of Washington.
You can't back down in their position, you're only inviting worse if you do.

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