Middle East Conflict (merged) | Iran launch missile attack after Israel invade Lebanon

Fair to say Robbieh, that you and I are not even fit to lace that mans shoes. A hero of the people for the people and from the people. The utterances we both breath on a football forum, pale into insignificance to this mans deeds.

After graduating from high school in 1967 Netanyahu returned to Israel to enlist in the Israel Defense Forces. He trained as a combat soldier and served for five years in a special forces unit of the IDF.

He took part in numerous cross-border raids during the 1967–70 War of Attrition, including the March 1968 Battle of Karameh, when the IDF attacked jordan to capture Yasser Arafat but were repulsed with heavy casualties, then rising to become a team-leader in the unit.

He was wounded in combat on multiple occasions. He was involved in many other missions, including the 1968 Israeli raid on Lebanon and the rescue of the hijacked Sabena Flight 571 in May 1972, in which he was shot in the shoulder.
He was discharged from active service in 1972 but remained in the Sayeret Matkal reserve.

Following his discharge, he left to study in the United States but returned in October 1973 to serve in the Yom Kippur War. He took part in special forces raids along the suez against egyptian forces before leading a commando attack deep inside Syrian territory.

His brother yoni also a special forces operative was killed in action on a raid he commanded at Ettebe. Now known as operation yonatan in his memory.

Surrounded on all sides by religious fookwits, hellbent on the destruction and total anihiliation of the state of Israel, he has shown true strength in the face of terrorist onslaught that threatens their very existance. God speed that man.

You've left out the fact that he's despised within Israel almost as much as he is in Palestine. And the main reason he returned to office as PM was to avoid corruption charges.

He's a grub.

The leaders in Hamas and Hezbollah getting taken out usually glowing military careers and tales of bravery. You don't afford them the same courtesy. They all make their own myths.
I think you should go away and watch that documentary I spoke of.
I don't need to, because I know what happened. What happened was an atrocity, that doesn't justify further atrocity and what is now tantamount to genocide.

And your above faux-poignant soliloquy about a coward with the blood of tens of thousands on his hands isn't cutting the ice with me. But fair attempt.
Israel is allowed to defend itself.

Don't make me fuckin laugh.
By slaughtering tens of thousands of people, displacing hundreds of thousands of others. Not to mention who knows how many have been maimed.

Meanwhile prominent Zionist mouthpieces joke on Twitter about the potential of the 2028 Lebanese Paralympic team and we are supposed to be moved by a hasbara docu-drama called "We Will Dance Again".
He's no better than Putin. A waste of skin and how sad we have apologists for his slaughter on here.
You are supposed to engage in dialogue lad, not insult people who have an alternate viewpoint. That's the whole problem with this political forum and the reason that folk do not enter and debate here more regular.

Its a closed shop basically, were debate is stifled, and little wonder our beloved leader hid it away in a sub section.
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I don't need to, because I know what happened. What happened was an atrocity, that doesn't justify further atrocity and what is now tantamount to genocide.

And your above faux-poignant soliloquy about a coward with the blood of tens of thousands on his hands isn't cutting the ice with me. But fair attempt.
So the genocide lies equally with both combatants, and sadly all that's left is a hamster wheel of whataboutery.

You mentioned the targetting of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders only. A little difficult wouldn't you say when the cowardly scumbags hide among their own civilian populace.

That's the difference between Netanyahu and the spineless terrorist leadership ..as different as chalk and cheese.
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Fair to say Robbieh, that you and I are not even fit to lace the mans shoes. A hero of the people for the people and from the people. The utterances we both breath on a football forum, pale into insignificance to this mans deeds.

After graduating from high school in 1967 Netanyahu returned to Israel to enlist in the Israel Defense Forces. He trained as a combat soldier and served for five years in a special forces unit of the IDF.

He took part in numerous cross-border raids during the 1967–70 War of Attrition, including the March 1968 Battle of Karameh, when the IDF attacked jordan to capture Yasser Arafat but were repulsed with heavy casualties, then rising to become a team-leader in the unit.

He was wounded in combat on multiple occasions. He was involved in many other missions, including the 1968 Israeli raid on Lebanon and the rescue of the hijacked Sabena Flight 571 in May 1972, in which he was shot in the shoulder.
He was discharged from active service in 1972 but remained in the Sayeret Matkal reserve.

Following his discharge, he left to study in the United States but returned in October 1973 to serve in the Yom Kippur War. He took part in special forces raids along the suez against egyptian forces before leading a commando attack deep inside Syrian territory.

His brother yoni also a special forces operative was killed in action on the raid at Ettebe. Now known as operation yonatan in his memory.

Surrounded on all sides by religious fookwits, hellbent on the destruction and total anihiliation of the state of Israel, he has shown true strength in the face of the terrorist onslaught that threatens their very existance. God speed that man.
Good grief. Not an assassin then.

Rallies organized by Likud and other right-wing groups featured depictions of Rabin in a Nazi SS uniform, or in the crosshairs of a gun.[2][3] Protesters compared the Labor party to the Nazis and Rabin to Adolf Hitler[5] and chanted, "Rabin is a murderer" and "Rabin is a traitor".[8][9] In July 1995, Netanyahu led a mock funeral procession featuring a coffin and hangman's noose at an anti-Rabin rally where protesters chanted, "Death to Rabin".[10][11] The chief of internal security, Carmi Gillon, then alerted Netanyahu of a plot on Rabin's life and asked him to moderate the protests' rhetoric, which Netanyahu declined to do.[8][12] Netanyahu denied any intention to incite violence.[2][3][13]
So the genocide lies equally with both combatants, and sadly all that's left is a hamster wheel of whataboutery.
It does, and therein lies the issue. What I won't do, however, is lionise a genocidal tyrant, just like I won't lionise Hamas or Hezbollah when they use religion to hide behind atrocity.

You said I should engage in dialogue, so I'll indulge you. Do you think Netanyahu will stop if the hostages are returned?

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