Middle East Conflict (merged) | Iran launch missile attack after Israel invade Lebanon

Can anyone help me? A relative keeps posting stuff by Douglas Murray. As I live abroad I've never heard of him.
What or who is he?

A ****.

He's a neoconservative who hates Islam and spreads racist poisonous rhetoric. Very angry and spiteful speaking style. Used to regularly appear on Sunday morning programmes on the BBC such as the Big Questions (as did Anjem Choudry and Tommeh).
Can anyone help me? A relative keeps posting stuff by Douglas Murray. As I live abroad I've never heard of him.
What or who is he?
A monster, and not a very bright one. The right go round saying he's clever (and that plebs should listen to him) when he actually seems quite dim. Another one bought and paid for by israel
Interesting (now deleted tweet) from a US foreign pplicy advisor, on what to do with Irish peace keepers who have refused to leave their post in lebanon in an effort to stop/slow one of the Israeli genocides

A small insight into how America appears to be controlled by israel or at the very least, puts Israel's interest first

Let's not forget stuart seldowitz who videos circulated of him randomly abusing a halal cart vendor in new york last year, and he turned out to be deputy director/senior political officer in the U.S. State Department’s Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs from 1999 to 2003!

Real life monsters. Real life monsters calling the shots for america

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