Middle East Conflict (merged)

Dowden saying finding mass graves in gaza is not as much as a war crime as the ones found in ukraine as the isralies are a democracy who can be trusted to look into it and russian are not , what a convoluted mess the yanks and us are getting into to excuse the idf whatever they do , not in my name you fuckers
He wrapped himself in knots over this. Surely he should have been saying that he’d wait for the report from an independent body, other than Hamas or the IDF.

Like you say, they’re getting lost in the politics.
He wrapped himself in knots over this. Surely he should have been saying that he’d wait for the report from an independent body, other than Hamas or the IDF.

Like you say, they’re getting lost in the politics.
It pains me to see blinken lowering himself to this charade , i always thought highly of him , our lot never surprises me the depths they will sink to
Just Mossad casually threatening thousands of American students

Elon Musk’s “everyone can have a verified account if you pay for it” Twxttxr strikes again:

This is a fake account fraudulently implying affiliation with Mossad.

But there is some truth revealed in the post, even if the source is a malicious actor.

There are many Israeli far-right government aligned entities that are actually attempting to frame all protests against what the government is doing in Gaza and the other Palestinian Territories as “pro-Hamas” and “anti-Israel”.

Unfortunately, there is some genuinely disturbing rhetoric, harassment, and assault directed at Jewish people and supporters of Israel taking place at some of the protests which no reasonable person should condone or accept. That must be stopped. Though, much of it is being perpetrated by masked individuals at the gatherings which makes it difficult to determine if they are legitimate participants, malicious entities, or simply opportunistic agitators (which seem to have a much more regular presence at these sort of events in the US and UK in recent years). Whatever the case, I don’t think it would be fair to say the represent the intent of the majority of the movement.

Most of it is simply demonstrations against the Israeli far-right government and the genocide being carried out at their direction by the Israeli military and settler paramilitary groups in Gaza and the West Bank.

The framing from branches of (or entities aligned with) Israel’s far-right government is of course very intentional and is meant to discredit all protest and criticism, not just the obviously problematic, antisemitic, or violent elements within the movement.

And those attempts are dangerous.
Dowden saying finding mass graves in gaza is not as much as a war crime as the ones found in ukraine as the isralies are a democracy who can be trusted to look into it and russian are not , what a convoluted mess the yanks and us are getting into to excuse the idf whatever they do , not in my name you fuckers

Considering israel has murdered over a hundred journalists and 15000 children, whereas less than 20 journalists and 600 children have died in the russia/ukraine war, then yes Dowden is right and it isn't fair to compare russia to israel, just not in the way he thinks...
Are Jewish people (Or for that matter ex Israelis') condemning all of this? It would go a great deal towards stopping this genocide. I dont mean to label this as a jewish problem at all but is anyone (From the israeli side of things) calling this out? I dont hear it or see the demonstrations (Except pro-Palestinian marches which no one listens to unfortunately especially the Netanyahu govn). It would be really good for Israeli's to call out this evil they are doing. But maybe our newspapers and media are ignoring that side of the news?
There's probably more in Israeli newspapers criticising policy (especially Haaretz) than in UK papers.
Many Jewish individuals and groups and protesting regularly and bravery I may add in the West. The ones that do in Israel also disappear quite quickly. The western media cover up of this, and other things obviously, is Goebbels level.

To get some form of regular news get on to chat groups that share real news via TikTok links, etc. Lots of shared videos of Jewish people in the West raising their voices against their politicians and leaders and being arrested or chucked out of conferences.

London is about to host another massive ceasefire protest on Saturday 27 April. Trying to get a million people down. These protests often have prominent Jewish speakers speaking out. Again obviously not covered by mainstream media (MSM).
Gideon's counter protest will help get it noticed.

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