Middle East Conflict (merged)

That was a cheap jibe and I apologise.

But my ancestors, the ones who didn't emigrate from Eastern Europe like my great-grandparents (and there were a lot who decided to sit things out) were murdered in pits, or burnt alive in locked buildings, by people who just hated Jews, something which pre-dates the establishment of Israel.

I'm not in the least proud of what Netanyahu is doing now, and it is very uncomfortable viewing. It's gone well beyond an understandable response to the events of last October. I have family and friends in Israel and worry for them, and I also grieve for those in Gaza, both groups having been horribly impacted by this senseless violence.

I was out with friends last night, all of whom would proudly claim that they're Zionists, but who all recognise that you can't kill an idea with bombs, bullets and rockets. But that applies to both sides, which some on here have always seemed reluctant to accept.

No worries. These are tough times and will probably get tougher. Your story couldn’t help but make me think of this author’s experience. The sooner we all recognize each others humanity the better the world will be.

This article speaks a lot to the pain in Israel right now in a sober way in my opinion.

Let's hope so, a lot depending on the outcome of the US election, I suppose. Let's be honest, Israel doesn't care about the "west", really, only about the US. If Trump wins, all bets are off. If Harris wins, will she be brave enough to pull the plug on Israel if they go "too far"? Jury is out on that one.

The 'jury' is not out.

How do you figure that Netanyahu's visit to Harris and Trump, while Harris speaks from both sides of her mouth on 'wanting a ceasefire', can still come away with $3.5B in aid 'to defend itself'?

A lame duck Pres and an AIPAC funded VP are fully in support of Israeli actions through the back door.

The current Iranian and Israeli regimes both win.

That is where we are now. There is actually genuine alignment, however narrow, between the leadership of Iran and the leadership of Israel on certain objectives.

Ironically (really, tragically for Iranians, Palestinians, and Israelis), this limited alignment exists in large part because they both represent the hard-line right trying to stave off more moderating forces within their own country.
I think sensible thinking has been thrown out the window with this war.

Its fuelled by social justice warriors and a younger generation. Most of it is faux outrage. They scream for the people of Palestine yet vote for a party that has been funding the war. The Biden administration funded 26 billion dollars for Israel a few months ago and last week sent more jets and ammo that way.

It's the quiet left leaning people who are the most honest, yet won't speak because of being attacked by their left leaning counterparts. The boomer, Gen X and millennials remember the 9/11 attacks very well. They see how the middle East and Palestine celebrated the towers coming down. Only Israel showed support for the States.

This has lived long in the memory for a lot of Americans, right and left sided. Some of these major news channels who claim to be left leaning like to play both sides of the fence with their anti Islam and then anti semite to stir up people's emotions.

The ones out their protesting are idiots. One week they're waving placards Free Palestine, next week rubbing themselves off over a party who funds it. Also, cheering on a terrorist organisation on top of that. You cannot make it up.

My biggest concern is how much land will be given back to the Palestinian people? Will a puppet government be put in? Will they recognise them as a country?

Just when a corner is turned its more bloodshed and more generations of hate to follow. An absolute shit show.

An excellent post.

Yours is a point I summarised on The Harris thread; that I choose not to vote for any system/ party that supports genocide and/ ot apartheid.

People on that thread cannot understand it.

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