Middle East Conflict (merged)

One of the protagonists does NOT get to tell the UN where to base its peace keepers. If this megalomaniac gets his way he would suggest Cyprus would be a nice location - the World now needs to step in

In 1967, when Nasser was dick-swinging around the Middle East, there was a UN force stationed in Sinai that had been there since Suez to protect international waterways.

Nasser ordered them out and the UN Secretary General meekly complied. With them out of the way Nasser closed the Straits of Tiran to international shipping. Israel said that would be a causus belli and they acted on that.

That led to the Six Day War, which left the West Bank & Gaza in Israeli hands. Had the UN force stayed put, it's doubtful the war would've happened and we wouldn't be where we are today.

The UN force in Lebanon was supposed to ensure that Hezbollah met the terms of the 2006 ceasefire and remained north of the Litani river. They conspicuously failed to do that, which is why we're where we are now in Lebanon.

So you could maybe understand why Israel has no faith in the UN.
In 1967, when Nasser was dick-swinging around the Middle East, there was a UN force stationed in Sinai that had been there since Suez to protect international waterways.

Nasser ordered them out and the UN Secretary General meekly complied. With them out of the way Nasser closed the Straits of Tiran to international shipping. Israel said that would be a causus belli and they acted on that.

That led to the Six Day War, which left the West Bank & Gaza in Israeli hands. Had the UN force stayed put, it's doubtful the war would've happened and we wouldn't be where we are today.

The UN force in Lebanon was supposed to ensure that Hezbollah met the terms of the 2006 ceasefire and remained north of the Litani river. They conspicuously failed to do that, which is why we're where we are now in Lebanon.

So you could maybe understand why Israel has no faith in the UN.

I note in the history lesson there is no mention of shelling the UN and possibly deploying chemical weapons at them.
In 1967, when Nasser was dick-swinging around the Middle East, there was a UN force stationed in Sinai that had been there since Suez to protect international waterways.

Nasser ordered them out and the UN Secretary General meekly complied. With them out of the way Nasser closed the Straits of Tiran to international shipping. Israel said that would be a causus belli and they acted on that.

That led to the Six Day War, which left the West Bank & Gaza in Israeli hands. Had the UN force stayed put, it's doubtful the war would've happened and we wouldn't be where we are today.

The UN force in Lebanon was supposed to ensure that Hezbollah met the terms of the 2006 ceasefire and remained north of the Litani river. They conspicuously failed to do that, which is why we're where we are now in Lebanon.

So you could maybe understand why Israel has no faith in the UN.
Nasser took over the Suez canal as he was entitled to do as it was in Egypt.
The Brits, French and Israelis attacked Egypt.
For once the US were on the right side and told them to back off.

And by the way the UN are always unpopular with states who want to use overwhelming force against states with little means of defense.
Interesting - and probably a lot of truth in it - but if the aim is have an Israel led by Netanyahu that we "need", that's clearly failed (in public opinion if not in the corridors of power), and I'm really not sure that the Taliban are merely the product of colonial divide-and-rule - they don't seem to give much credit to the west for their brand of Islam.
Nasser took over the Suez canal as he was entitled to do as it was in Egypt.
The Brits, French and Israelis attacked Egypt.
For once the US were on the right side and told them to back off.

And by the way the UN are always unpopular with states who want to use overwhelming force against states with little means of defense.
Then it's time to reinforce the UN bases in the Lebanon with some serious no shit taken forces with the mandate to react forcibly. I learnt very early on that the only way to educate a bully was to put them on the deck.
thats about all we have - we lack the personnel to fill said boots most of the military is on deployment the rest is in for a refit - thats what happens when you decimate their numbers
If by "we" is meant the UK, if we're helping "defend" Israel, that would be quite a leap.
In 1967, when Nasser was dick-swinging around the Middle East, there was a UN force stationed in Sinai that had been there since Suez to protect international waterways.

Nasser ordered them out and the UN Secretary General meekly complied. With them out of the way Nasser closed the Straits of Tiran to international shipping. Israel said that would be a causus belli and they acted on that.

That led to the Six Day War, which left the West Bank & Gaza in Israeli hands. Had the UN force stayed put, it's doubtful the war would've happened and we wouldn't be where we are today.

The UN force in Lebanon was supposed to ensure that Hezbollah met the terms of the 2006 ceasefire and remained north of the Litani river. They conspicuously failed to do that, which is why we're where we are now in Lebanon.

So you could maybe understand why Israel has no faith in the UN.
Israel are full members of the UN since 1949. Regardless of whether there is now or was just cause back in 1967, UNEF were as you say, asked to leave and were in the process of doing so when Israel launched a surprise attack and took air superiority. Etc etc it’s history. But so is the fact that 15 UN peace keeping forces were killed in Sinai at the outset of that war, killed by Israeli bombing.

My opinion is that if you are in, you play by the rules. You can’t pick and choose what you define as terrorism or unlawful in other states and flagrantly ignore the law yourself.

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