Middle East Conflict

Then, call their bluff and return all the hostages!

I’m not a Netanyahu fan, but FAFO seems the orders of the day, and that seems reasonable to a point.

Quandary, huh? The liberal west wants everyone to get everything and so-called neutrals, who are not the target of an actual “from the river to the sea” genocidal desire, think violence violates intl law. Shocked! Shocked, I say!

It’s ironic that I’m agreeing with you that Gazan’s are being unduly punished, while you lecture me on spouting Putin when I said “war is hell.”

And, the inflammatory language serves no real purpose, so keep the “murder” and “genocide” to yourself, not to mention the “all war is a crime” nonsense.

Love how you throw away the important line about “nefarious actors” at the end. One might almost miss who actually funded, desired and started this war!
October 7th was a terrorist act. What followed is an exercise in ethnic cleansing and hopefully land annexation.
The conflict as everyone knows, did not start on October 7th. It has been going on for nearly a century.
Then, call their bluff and return all the hostages!

I’m not a Netanyahu fan, but FAFO seems the orders of the day, and that seems reasonable to a point.

Quandary, huh? The liberal west wants everyone to get everything and so-called neutrals, who are not the target of an actual “from the river to the sea” genocidal desire, think violence violates intl law. Shocked! Shocked, I say!

It’s ironic that I’m agreeing with you that Gazan’s are being unduly punished, while you lecture me on spouting Putin when I said “war is hell.”

And, the inflammatory language serves no real purpose, so keep the “murder” and “genocide” to yourself, not to mention the “all war is a crime” nonsense.

Love how you throw away the important line about “nefarious actors” at the end. One might almost miss who actually funded, desired and started this war!

I really don’t know where to start with this response. You are speaking about the situation from a position of ignorance, exceptional naivety, and false authority.

Genocide is genocide is genocide. It is not “inflammatory” to call out what is happening in Gaza (and the West Bank) as such, nor do you have any authority over me to tell me to keep those terms to myself. The fact you even attempted to do so is an indication you aren’t a serious participant in the discussion.

You reference to the “liberal west” (and many of your other comments) indicates you are likely someone that sympathises with Netanyahu and the far-right in Israel, which is very troubling, especially given you seem to have very little understanding of the current dynamics within Israel or the events of the last few decades leading up to the current state of affairs.

By the way, I am not a neutral. Nor am insulated from the conflict. I am a (lapsed) Jewish person with family in Israel and lived there myself. Some of them, like you, have been taken over by far-right ideology. Some of them are still resisting it and trying to maintain there humanity and compassion.

It is also ironic that you reference “from the river to the sea genocidal desire”, presumably regarding Hamas’ attacks on Israel. For one, I have and do denounce Hamas and the many other terrorist organisations, and support their removal. But, more to the point, the current far-right regime in power In Israel has explicitly stated that Israel should consist of all land “from the river to the sea” and that Palestinians are not part of that vision.

Again, you are not coming to this discussion with first hand experience or even, it seems, a substantial amount of knowledge of the nature of the conflict and everything that led to it.

So I am not sure there is any reason to continue to debate this, as it will only hijack the thread with likely personal arguments.
October 7th was a terrorist act. What followed is an exercise in ethnic cleansing and hopefully land annexation.
The conflict as everyone knows, did not start on October 7th. It has been going on for nearly a century.
Brevity is the soul of wit. And you, sir, in a few short sentences, have captured (most of) the essence of this conflict.
Then, call their bluff and return all the hostages!

I’m not a Netanyahu fan, but FAFO seems the orders of the day, and that seems reasonable to a point.

Quandary, huh? The liberal west wants everyone to get everything and so-called neutrals, who are not the target of an actual “from the river to the sea” genocidal desire, think violence violates intl law. Shocked! Shocked, I say!
At least you recognise the genocidal desire of Netanyahu's party's "From the river to the sea there will be only Israeli sovereignty" (and that was a compromise as they really wanted Jordan as well, maybe still do).
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Americans say boycott China everyday, 365 days/year.
But they are not happy to hear others say "boycott Isreal"
That's weird...
Hamas wants carnage against Palestinians as this - at a minimum - will build hatred against Israel.

And Netanyahu couldn't be more pleased with proceedings - as this gives him cover to play the role of Protector - in that role he'll attempt to wipe out Hamas no matter the cost to innocent lives.

Both sides love the ongoing carnage as it serves their agendas.
The current far-right regime’s aim isn’t to merely wipe out Hamas. It is to wipe out Palestinians.

There are elements of the far-right movement there were as happy about the 7th October attacks as Hamas or Iran, as it gave them the opportunity to enact their “solution” to the Palestinian “problem”. Several of the current cabinet have literally said publicly that it would take Israeli blood to align the nation to do “what needs to be done”.

Anyone that thinks the current regime’s aim is to merely oust Hamas and help install a non-militant Palestinian authority in Gaza and Hamas are either entirely ignorant of the developments within Israel over the last few decades, are exceedingly gullible/naive, or are devotees to Kahanism or extremist Zionism.
That penny should also go to the far-right within Isreal, many of whom have been desperate for an event like 7th October to occur so as to enable the actioning of their vision for “solving” the Palestinian problem.
You are missing my point as that’s completely different - as their intentions are not open to question whereas with Hamas they are.

Did they aspire to this response from Israel, whose relations with some Arab states was starting to normalise? Was this a rope-a-dope Hail Mary designed to provoke Israel into a disproportionate response?

It’s certainly plausible, arguably likely. And if so, it’s certainly worked.

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