Middle East Conflict

Interview with Sinwar from 2021.

He says they don't want war or fighting and that his people deserve peace. Says they tried peaceful resistance against the israeli occupation but the world didn't give a shit. Points out that israel massacres the palestinian people and kills their women and children, says that he would attack military targets if they could but they don't heave the weaponry, unlike israel, so they resist with what they have (this stacks up tbf as Iran hit military targets in israel whereas israel just bombs everything and everyone - women, children, journalists, schools, mosques, hospitals... all fair game)

"Does the world expect us to be well behaved victims whilst we're being killed? For us to be salaughtered without making a noise"?

Such a peaceful, loving man. We’ll just forget he wanted to eradicate all Jewish people and he orchestrated a massacre of over 1,000 innocent people, he also led lots of gay people to their death. Other than that he’s great.

How on earth can you use him in any argument or discussion. Have you lost the plot or has your blind hatred for Isreal made you ok to support a monster like that?
Does the King David bombing not exist in that timeline?
The King David Hotel was the military headquarters of the British administration. The Irgun were certainly terrorists but it's not like they walked in to a tourist hotel and committed indiscriminate murder and rape, as well as take hundreds of hostages including old people, children and even babies.
Don't tell me. He loves his granny & takes in stray animals. His version of 'peace' is one without a Jew within 1,000 miles.

But what we do know is that after winning the election, he massacred his political opponents and threw gay people off buildings. All accounts of him say he was a vicious psychopath. I'm worried that you've got yourself in a state where you see him as some sort of peace-loving hero.

Curious, is the underlined a report linked to Sinwar? Other than the death of Ishtiwi (a Hamas senior commander) for embezzlement in 2016, and not thrown off a building, is there a record of Hamas having thrown gay people off buildings?

I do read extensively from Israel, Palestine and overall middle east libraries, and I have not heard of gay people thrown off buildings. ISIS yes. But Hamas throwing gay people off buildings, I have never encountered.
You could make a case that Palestinian suffering over the last century puts them in a situation like the Jews found themselves in Europe . Unwanted, murdered and dispossessed of their property.

A potential solution. As Al Andaluz was part of the Islamic empire until about 1480, how about offering Palestinians a homeland in Southern Spain. The locals might not be happy but if the US has the will and supplies them with enough weaponry I'm sure they could prevail. Maybe push the Andalucians into Gibraltar.
The King David Hotel was the military headquarters of the British administration. The Irgun were certainly terrorists but it's not like they walked in to a tourist hotel and committed indiscriminate murder and rape, as well as take hundreds of hostages including old people, children and even babies.

The pre-IDF sects in the 12 months of 1947-1948 killed more than 160 British officers. In bars, tennis courts, outside houses, streets and alleyways, etc.

And remember Sergeant Martin and Sergeant Paice. Hung on the Netanya, the ground filled with landmines.


The pre-IDF sects in the 12 months of 1947-1948 killed more than 160 British officers. In bars, tennis courts, outside houses, streets and alleyways, etc.

And remember Sergeant Martin and Sergeant Paice. Hung on the Netanya, the ground filled with landmines.


Military targets, not indiscriminate civilian ones. And it was certainly reprehensible but the sergeants were hung in retaliation for the hanging of three Irgun members by the British. And those three were convicted only of possessing weapons, not murder. But I assume you're OK with Jews being hung?

And after that incident, British policemen went on the rampage in Tel Aviv and murdered five innocent people. But again, they were Jews so, in your eyes, probably deserved it.
The difference between the Irish & Palestinians is that most Irish people fucked off to places like the UK and USA when the going got tough in Ireland. More people emigrated from Ireland (9m) than the peak, pre-famine population (8.5m). And when you add in all the descendants of those migrants that 9m is now probably over 100m, compared to around 5m in Ireland now.

But the similarity is that they both turned to bombing and murdering to get their own way. You should have more in common with the Jews, who fought against an occupying power to get a homeland.
It's interesting you mention emigration, but the Irish diaspora wasn’t a simple choice; it was a response to severe oppression and famine, not an escape from conflict.

Also, comparing the Irish struggle for independence to the Palestinian situation ignores the complexities of both histories. The Irish sought sovereignty against colonial rule, while Palestinians face ongoing occupation and displacement. Framing the issue as one of 'bombing and murdering' is a reductive comparison and oversimplifies the legitimate struggles of both groups. In that case is dropping 40000 bombs on innocent civilians in under a year not 'bombing and murdering'.

I don't think the other poster is trying to take sides against 'jews'. Or even take a side at all. That's and extreme pov as is accusing a while country who played no part in the holocost of being the most anti semitic in the western world.

There's a big difference being anti aparteid, anti imperialist and not backing a government of a country that should be held to a higher accountability if you believe in democracy acting like a terrorist state, commiting war crimes on a daily basis, starving woman and children, cutting off water and aid in gaza, bombing large suburban areas populated by civilians despite showing on numerous occasions they are more than capable of a measured and targeted response, not to mention murdering journalists and aid workers, bombing schools hospitals and refugee camps and so on.
This is clearly bollocks,pro Palestinian positions aren't antisemitic but you have demonstrated the israeli cry antisemitism to try and stifle debate.
Irish people are anti occupation having resisted occupation for nearly a millennia so naturally we would side with any peoples who are brutalised and dehumanised having experienced it ourselves.
The King David Hotel was the military headquarters of the British administration. The Irgun were certainly terrorists but it's not like they walked in to a tourist hotel and committed indiscriminate murder and rape, as well as take hundreds of hostages including old people, children and even babies.

You were comparing Irish experience to the Zionist experience. Just seemed to steer in to propaganda when you started calling the Irish bombers and painting the zionists as a purist liberation theology movement.

There isn't a moral hierarchy where Zionist terrorism is better than Irish republican terrorism.

Deir Yassin massacre included murder of women and children and rape.

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