Middle East Conflict

I just can't get past Israel not knowing about the Oct 7th attack - how could they have missed the Hamas preparations?
They didn't miss the preparations, the available evidence clearly shows they simply allowed the attack to happen.

And when the breach took place and all the sophisticated fence alarms were triggered, the IDF deliberately didn't respond as they were supposed to do.

The truth will come out eventually , it always does.

The propaganda about what actually happened on October 7th has been slowly unravelling in recent months. But you won't find the Israeli version of events questioned by any of the western media.

Meanwhile the excuse Israel was looking for enabled them to ramp up the genocide. As always, asking the question "Cui bono?" will lead you to those responsible.
Good one. Spreading islamophobic hate and stereotypes. Israel are not fighting radical Islam, they're killing innocents and cleansing people of land they misguidedly believe is rightfully theirs. And if we were to ever come under attack, I'd expect the British government to formulate a plan that didn't include killing thousands of innocent children and women.

Don't even know why I'm indulging you because you're clearly down the rabbit hole.
You are deluding yourself. Read your history books. Israel colonised multiple times. If Britain had to fight an enemy that hides behind civilians the ratio of deaths of civilians to terrorists would be through the roof. Israel its 2:1 a stat nowhere been even nearly achieved in history. Ask the survivors of Dresden. They were directly targeted. Literally roasted underground from British bombs. The innocent Afghans that roasted und US bombs retaliating for 9/11. You must stop apologising for terror specially when it's on your doorstep now.
The first line of your post you had no issue.

Then after, issues galore.
Correct. Have you any issues with Israel. Please tell.
Can you tell me how they go about ending occupation and theft of their land. Should they just except it like they have for decade's, Talks, Or any sort of millitary action against the enemy?
You seem a reasonable minded person. Why did the Jordanians and Egyptians not give the palestinian Arabs a state when these countries were in control of Gaza and the West Bank ? It was never even discussed!
"The last time this piece of land was governed with a capital was by the jews 2000 years ago" is a really odd formulation. I take it that it's part of Jewish exceptionalism, that their colonisation of the land was different to all the other colonisations before and since, including modern Zionist colonisation. Wouldn't having Jerusalem as a capital be trumped by having the Crusader "Kingdom of Jerusalem"?

Anyway, on this sort of argument the Jews took over a land flowing with milk and honey (not a swamp) in around 1270 BC, colonised it, were exiled from it in 586 BC by Babylon, then after the Persian and Greek empires, the Jews only had control for about 80 years before the Roman colonisation, then the Diaspora in 70 AD. So that's about 800 years of Jewish government. Excluding 200 years of the Crusades, it was under Islam from 636 - 1922. Over a thousand years. How's that for a claim to the land?
Ah we are getting somewhere now. Correct the Jews were commanded by G-d to drive out the various kings and the Philistines, Moabites etc... Joshua did this but for 3 regions one of which was Gaza. At the time there was no such religion as islam so for Islam to make a claim on Jerusalem or the Promised land Israel is utter nonsense. Just because the Romans and Ottomans colonised it for many years does not mean it belonged to them. If someone raided your house 100 years ago and your family never gave up hope of retrieving it back does that mean it belongs to the raiders who still live there or you and your family? Yes, agreed the land was not a swamp THEN. In 1948 after 2000years of exile it was a swamp. The Arabs never cultivated the land. It came back alive when the jews returned to their own land. Exactly as prophesised. That is not called colonisation. It's claiming your right to your own land. You cant colonise your own land that you were exiled from.
Arabs flooding back. You really know nothing. In 1900 the Jewish population of Palestine was 8 percent.
And please don't mention 2000 years ago. Do you think the Anglo Saxon population of England should be replaced by returning Celts?
Exactly you are 100% correct. You admit there was a Jewish population of 8%. There has always been a jewish population throughout history. So how can they have colonised their own land?? The Jews have always had a presence in the land even after the exile a remnant of Jews remained. They were there 2000 yrs before Islam and 1500 years before Christianity. Thats why Christians want the Jews to return. They encourage it and finance it. They realise it's the Jewish homeland designated by G-d. G-d never promised any land to the Celts. He did promise the Promised land to the Jews. Thats the difference. BTW you are at odds with our great leader Winston Churchill :
Winston Churchill, 1922, A Peace To End All Peace:

“The Arabs would have sat in the dark forever had not the Zionist engineers harnessed the Jordan River for electrification. Now they swarm into Palestine seeking the light”
Exactly you are 100% correct. You admit there was a Jewish population of 8%. There has always been a jewish population throughout history. So how can they have colonised their own land?? The Jews have always had a presence in the land even after the exile a remnant of Jews remained. They were there 2000 yrs before Islam and 1500 years before Christianity. Thats why Christians want the Jews to return. They encourage it and finance it. They realise it's the Jewish homeland designated by G-d. G-d never promised any land to the Celts. He did promise the Promised land to the Jews. Thats the difference. BTW you are at odds with our great leader Winston Churchill :
Winston Churchill, 1922, A Peace To End All Peace:

“The Arabs would have sat in the dark forever had not the Zionist engineers harnessed the Jordan River for electrification. Now they swarm into Palestine seeking the light”

Quoting a man whose actions led to the famine and deaths of 4 MILLION Indians isn't helping your case.

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