Middle East Conflict

One would hope but given the sway Israel holds over the US, and the sway the US holds over everyone else, I’m not holding my breath. Hence my question re the Egyptian border with Gaza and who controls it.

I think Israel would be beyond foolish to lose the goodwill and sympathy they currently hold with the international community by collectively punishing a population of 2.5m people, of whom 99.999% will have had nothing to do with it, with starvation.
They won't because they won't be allowed too, but they have to say this type of nonsense to keep the coalition together

Can you imagine what the reaction would be to mass starvation of 2.6 million people? And the US just allowing it to happen? The reaction of the Arab street would see increased instability in the Mid East especially the gulf region

There is a lot of silly speculation as to what the Israelis will do, including pushing the populations from the various areas to somewhere else, and then annexing the land, like any Arab country would want millions of Palestinians to cross the border

What's sad is that rather than getting to the route cause of the problem, it will just go the way of all the other wars, they can't destroy HAMAS or PIJ because just like they can't destroy Zionism because it's all based on ideology, what they can do, is to agree to some form of compromise, and eventually that's what's going to happen it's just that a lot of innocent people will suffer on both sides before it does
Of course I knew you were being satirical and were responding to people saying Hamas should be wiped out.

I was pointing out it’s a stupid analogy because the Hamas strategy is to try a kill as many Israelis as possible, not to target their actual enemies who are the ruling party in Israel. Israel’s response is to target known Hamas locations in Gaza and pre-warn civilians that they are being targeted, so your satire completely missed the mark.

As for posting the Wikipedia link, that battle was one minor part of this whole operation and if that had been the only target then it would be understandable if some people supported it. But it wasn’t.

No it was the fact that you believe that a more moderate party will fill the gap, by wiping them out, that's insane. Resentment breeds resentment....

History suggests the exact opposite will happen.
Al Quds Brigade admits to operation on Lebanon border and Israel now replying with attack helicopters inside Lebanese territory
Netanyahu’s appeal to the electorate was based on him being a strong man who would keep Israelis safe. That has completely been blown out of the water. Whether the eventual outcome will be for him to be ousted and a more moderate government replaces his coalition remains to be seen, but that is the only hope for anything positive happening in the medium term. I don’t hold out much hope, mainly because the religious right are the fastest growing group in the country and are likely to keep him or someone even more right wing in power.

In the meantime Israel has no choice other than to try and neutralise Hamas but it’s what follows that will decide whether there will be another hundred years of conflict.
Yeah, throw in a supervolcano eruption and Judgement Day and this will have been the best decade ever...
Brexit, Covid, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Earthquakes, Flooding, Global Warming, The Middle East, Amazon Rainforest, Donald Trump etc etc.

I am bloody glad I have reached the age of 77.

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