Middle East Conflict

Ultimately even if they’re giving pre-warning, the death toll of citizens is high in Gaza when Israel bomb it as it has been and will do so it clearly doesn’t get to everyone needed.
Glad to see six hours on from my message above barely anyone has come out and responded. Says it all for me about the mindset of many on here. Utter cunts!

I haven’t seen anyone not condemn it to be fair, I’m assuming they feel they don’t have to explicitly call that out as it’s taken as a given.
Do you support withholding all the food, Water, Medicines and fuel?
Do you support indiscriminate massacres and hostage-taking?

Let's say your neighbour borrows your lawnmower of something, then throws a load of crap over his fence into your garden and refuses to tidy it up. When he asks to borrow your lawnmower again, I'd guess you wouldn't say "Yes of course. Any time you want it".

Hamas know that Israel controls these essential supplies, yet still committed an act of war, knowing the potential consequences of their actions. A total blockade is pretty extreme but what the fuck did they think was going to be the outcome? I'd say that shows utter contempt for the people they supposedly represent, while their leaders aren't exactly slumming it in Qatar.

There's a month's supply of food in Gaza currently, according to reports. So no one's going to starve to death in the next few days. But there's hundreds dead, many of those innocent, on both sides of the border and no doubt more to come. And as others have said, the international community won't let Netanyahu get away with it for any length of time.
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You’ve got the wrong end of the stick mate.

I’m saying there is a case to be made that the US knew about Pearl Harbour ahead of time (moving their aircraft carriers out of harbour the day before etc etc). I’m not saying the US knew about the Hamas attack but it wouldn’t surprise me if Israeli intelligence knew something and that it suited the cunts in power to be attacked so they could go all out in attacking Hamas in Gaza.

Ah, understood. I always favour cock-up over conspiracy, but you never know.
Playing armchair general, if I was Bibi I would use this to damage Hamas to the point whereby they are incapable of doing anything like this ever again. Its his fault this has happened ultimately and he's got to show the Israeli people he's not going to take this lying down. This would require a huge ground offensive. Risk is, are Hamas waiting in anticipation for this? How many weapons do they have?

I can't see how this doesn't end with tens of thousands of Palestinian deaths.
Playing armchair general, if I was Bibi I would use this to damage Hamas to the point whereby they are incapable of doing anything like this ever again. Its his fault this has happened ultimately and he's got to show the Israeli people he's not going to take this lying down. This would require a huge ground offensive. Risk is, are Hamas waiting in anticipation for this? How many weapons do they have?

I can't see how this doesn't end with tens of thousands of Palestinian deaths.
Same unfortunately
Palestinians need to attack Israel and wipe out Likud in the hope that a more moderate Israeli regime succeeds them and is more receptive to negotiations.
Because assassinating an entire political party would really encourage the moderates wouldn't it. I think you need to speak to a mental health professional if you seriously believe that.

The main problem though isn't Likud but the far-right, racist pricks like Ben-Gvir & Shmotrich, that are propping Netanyahu up because he wanted to hang onto power at all costs so wouldn't form a government with normal people.
No, but it is friendly with Iran and is reliant on them for drones. Equally, Putin and Netanyahu are very chummy and Israel is not overly warm towards Ukraine. My guess is that Putin could do without this and won’t be happy at having to choose sides. Russia is still bogged down in Syria and Africa, is getting woman slapped by Turkey and no longer has control of the Black Sea. Not to mention some of the republics on Russia’s borders are getting restless.

Putin doesn’t need more problems when he is urgently in need of solutions.

Not sure about this, I reckon this is exactly what Putin wants as it moves the US gaze away from Ukraine to Isreal. if there is no defence pact between them and Iran then past loosing a supply of arms this is probably what he wants.
Genuine question but seeing as they’ve stopped electricity and internet, how are the Palestinian’s supposed to read the warning tweets?
I believe they transmit this stuff on the radio too but yeah without electicity you can't listen to it either.
Do you support indiscriminate massacres and hostage-taking?

Let's say your neighbour borrows your lawnmower of something, then throws a load of crap over his fence into your garden and refuses to tidy it up. When he asks to borrow your lawnmower again, I'd guess you wouldn't say "Yes of course. Any time you want it".

Hamas know that Israel controls these essential supplies, yet still committed an act of war, knowing the potential consequences of their actions. It's pretty extreme but what the fuck did they think was going to be the outcome? I'd say that shows utter contempt for the people they supposedly represent, while their leaders aren't exactly slumming it in Qatar.

There's a month's supply of food in Gaza currently, according to reports. So no one's going to starve to death in the next few days. But there's hundreds dead, many of those innocent, on both sides of the border and no doubt more to come.
Nope I don't support Hamas as they are a terriost group. Cunts.

If we're trying to do analogys I'm game.

What would you do if your neighbour knocked on your door and says "This house is now mine, Now fuck off" He then takes it and kicks your whole family out.

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