Middle East Conflict

Rachel Riley was an eye witness to Palestinians “celebrating” the terrorist atrocities and waving Palestinian flags out of a car on consecutive days. She said it was just a coincidence because she’d nipped to a London shop
Got you. Not listened to a word she said since I found out she was a rag (not sure I listened to her before that either)
The problem for Israel is, they always end up losing the PR war, and in this conflict PR really does matter. of course they have to respond after the the recent events but it has to be measured, id the bodies start to pile up, and people start to stave, they will get told to stop by the Americans
As someone with no axe to grind in this (I think it’s appalling dog shite on both sides of the fence) I think you could take a more balanced view - if a population is completely downtrodden by a far mightier power then eventually you are likely to see a rebellion. Nobody doubts the might of Israel’s military, that’s never been in doubt, I just wonder whether the continued subjugation of a people is what you see as the right way forward. Anyway I’m getting involved now and I shouldn’t. For balance what happened at the weekend was disgusting, but ignoring the root cause isn’t the answer, not to me anyway.
You nailed it.
You seem to think this started last Saturday! Based on your logic the Israeli’s murdered was a result of their people’s actions over the last 75 years? Or does it only work one way?
You persist in pushing this narrative that somehow boatloads of Jews suddenly descended on this peaceful Palestinian state and proceeded to drive them out at the point of a gun.

What started 75 years ago was that the British government having made a number of attempts to resolve the issue, handed its mandate (granted by the League of Nations in 1922 or 1923) back to the UN.

The UN proposal was for partition of the territory, which was voted on and agreed by the required two-thirds majority.

The Muslim bloc at the UN voted against and the decision wasn't acceptable to the local Arab leadership. Once the mandate expired in May 1948, Israel declared its part as an independent state. They were already subject to attacks by irregular Arab forces but now the regular armies of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq joined in. The newly formed Israel more than held its own however and (after atrocities on both sides) the 1948 borders were established in international law.

Those borders were far less favourable to the Arab side than the original partition plan had been. I also don't think there's much doubt that there was a deliberate campaign to ethnically cleanse some areas of the territory but that also applied to long-standing Jewish communities outside Israel.

So this slant that these bloodthirsty Jews attacked and occupied the land is utterly and completely false.

And even if the Arab armies had overrun the nascent Israeli state, there would have still been no Palestine as it's well documented that both Egypt & Syria claimed it as part their own countries.

Now we can't change history unfortunately but let's not completely rewrite it.
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Where’s Rachel Riley and her camera phone when the serious stuff is happening?

The same Rachel Riley who's go's absolutely ape shit and calls comedians Anti semites when they tell jokes about Jews. Weirdly enough she's still yet to criticise Jimmy Carr on his Holocaust Joke which she's reminded daily of on her twitter feed.

Hypocrite and a fuckin busted flush.
The same Rachel Riley who's go's absolutely ape shit and calls comedians Anti semites when they tell jokes about Jews. Weirdly enough she's still yet to criticise Jimmy Carr on his Holocaust Joke which she's reminded daily of on her twitter feed.

Hypocrite and a fuckin busted flush.
Her interference in our politics ( and whoever she works with) irritated me. Events helped to expedite Starmer to the top of Labour and that was a bleak day for Palestinian people.

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