Go back as far or as recently as you want. No one else in history has ever had a claim to land that neither they nor any of their ancestors has lived on for 2,000 years.
There’s not really any serious argument that the land belonged to the Jewish people or that they had any legitimate claim to it.
Now that doesn’t mean Israel shouldn’t exist, but it is important to be honest about the way we, the British, went about creating it and how all of the subsequent violence has followed that first hostile and violent act of seizing territory.
We started the hostilities. We ignored the violence that followed up to 1948 even when it was so bad that the Americans pulled out of the partition plan because they could see it was never going to work in the way it was suggested.
So for
@Prestwich_Blue to pretend that the Palestinians threw the first stone in 1948 so it’s all their fault and they should “get over it” is beyond dishonest.
And it is not just history, it is relevant now because how can we possibly go about healing wounds and division unless we can actually acknowledge that something bad, and violent was done to these people by world powers, even if it was done in pursuit of the noble cause of setting up a Jewish state.
The root of this problem is not religious. There’s almost no recorded history of violence between Islam and Judaism before the late 19th century. People reading, studying and preaching the Quran and Hadiths didn’t find any reason to declare war on Judaism until the modern conflict existed. The Ottoman Empire - an Islamic Caliphate - was the most hospitable place in Europe and Asia for Jewish people who weren’t persecuted like they were in Christian Europe.
It’s a land dispute, and you can fix land disputes, but only when both sides can agree that land was taken, even if giving it back isn’t on the table in negotiations.