why should Egypt take them in? Because everyone else says they should? Isn't Egypt a sovereign state with a right to determine and control its own borders?
Example - something kicks off in NI. We say "well Republicans should just move south into ROI". Scotland and Wales agree with us. Does that mean ROI should just accept refugee's from the North because it suits the rest of us? Housing. Medical and educational provisions. Meh - it suits us if they just leave. The world isn't like that.
Which is precisely what did happen.
When partition happened originally there was mass migration south and when it kicked of at the start of The Troubles (isn’t that a very British Moniker), there was plenty who fled to safety across the border.
And the exact same thing happened at the perceived injustice. There is absolutely no doubt that paramilitary strikes into The North were organised and executed from groups in The South. It’s part of our history whether we like it or not. We own it. We all own it, North, South, UK and Irish governments. Ignorance of the truth of it isn’t and never was an excuse.
I’ve had my eyes opened in this thread and I’m quite surprised by the attitudes shown by some posters, although in retrospect, I don’t know why. I don’t really know anyone in here so nothing should surprise me.
There’s people firmly entrenched in subjectivity that will not look at the simple justice of a situation and see what is simply unjustifiable from whatever angle you are looking at it.
Humanity? WTF is that I wonder. I’m not religious as I keep saying, but I sometimes feel we’re all on the road to hell.
I look at the history that I openly admitted from the start, that I am learning and trying my best to educate myself on. I fully accept the foundation of the state of Israel as legal in the eyes of the world, I see it’s necessity perhaps in light of what had just happened a people, but whether you want to blame Britain, The US or France, the UN or any others at the end of the WW2, I as a secular person don’t see the logic of any Religion being given a state.
It was always going to be a troublesome solution devised by ex-colonialists that didn’t really have any regard for those they were displacing off the land.
The same can be said about the Northern Ireland solution.
Northern Ireland isn’t Ulster. So, Ulster doesn’t say No. Ulster involves 3 other counties that were left remaining in the Republic after the border was drawn up. And why was the border drawn around the Six counties instead of the Nine?
To maintain a Unionist, Protestant majority. Not quite ethnic cleansing but probably the first bit of gerrymandering that went on up there.
Like I keep saying, that’s part of our joint history and we all own it.
Well the same goes for Israel. We’re told repeatedly in here that it’s the only democracy in the region. Well there is nothing democrat about what is going on in the West Bank or Gaza and Israel very much own that as much as any other parties that you care to post whataboutery for justification, for our consumption in here.
This has the potential to escalate into something global. Even if it doesn’t what’s currently going on isn’t going to end anything. It’s not going to make the area more secure, it’s not going to make life better for millions of people in the area. What you can see happening is the brainwashing of further generations into more and more subjective polarised and increasingly violent callousness towards the others.