Middle East Conflict

I heard an interview with a former Jordanian minister last week, and he summed it up by saying the extremists on each side feed off each other. It might be simplistic but it seems to be true.
He also said many people in middle-east countries hate Israel but hate Iran even more.
I heard an interview with a former Jordanian minister last week, and he summed it up by saying the extremists on each side feed off each other. It might be simplistic but it seems to be true.
He also said many people in middle-east countries hate Israel but hate Iran even more.
Sadly the extremists are in charge on all sides at the moment, and that shows no sign of changing due to populations on both sides becoming more radicalised due to the actions of the other side.
Sadly the extremists are in charge on all sides at the moment, and that shows no sign of changing due to populations on both sides becoming more radicalised due to the actions of the other side.
It's just a depressing cycle of violence. What we are seeing now will probably ensure that remains the case long after any of us and possibly our children have drawn our last breaths.
At the root of it all is religion, and a bit like the NI situation, it may possibly only be solved once humanity abandons the various brands of sky fairy (imho)
Israel hasn't done themselves any favours by behaving as they have.
But if Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran hasn't attacked Israel then they wouldn't have been counter attacked themselves.
Strange that.
The bottom. Line is that Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran want the genocide of 7.5m Jews.
Yes it's perfectly understandable that Israel, a democratic country, treat International law with impunity and collectively punish anyone of Arab persuasion for that reason, they are on the verge of being wiped out and are 100% not partaking in some ethnic cleansing while increasing their illegal settlements
The anti-Torah and anti-Bible of the zionism Israel is simple.

Herzl founded Zionism.
Herzl revisioned Zionism as that of Greater Israel as the promised land

Jabotinsky aligned Nazi aryanism with Herzl’s zionism.
Jabotinsky founded the Zionist Federation of Germany that appeased early Hitler and Nazi Germany for the Haavara Agreement.
Jabotinsky is the grandfather of Likud.

Netanyahu is a Likud member.
The cabinet is a mixture of Likud and far-right Messianic parties.

Herzl > Jabotinsky > Netanyahu
"Netanyahu is on a winning streak".

Vile propaganda

Their PR is terrible they come across in press conferences and news briefs as cold and heartless they are not they just come across that way

The weight of the world public opinion is on them and they are loosing and it matters a lot to them

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