Mike Doyle 12 years today.

He was before my time but the vid of him on the pitch at the swamp when they invaded the pitch is cinematic genius

Surrounded by the very cunts he admitted to hating, they had a free shot to have a dig, and as they came closer he said something, who knows what, but the pricks around him backed off and he just stood, hands on hips, and stared

Id love someone to do a high res pic of that screen shot
Other than the King, he was my dads favourite all time City player. He absolutely worshipped him. There's a great story about when Harry Goodwin(I think) went to tall to his dad(a copper) about possibly signing him on schoolboy terms. Apparently Goodwin was shitting it about losing Doyle to The scum, where so many kids around that time were going. Apparently when he knocked on and introduced himself, Doyle dad invited him in and that's when 'uncle Harry' seen some kind of City object(might of been on a set of keys) and knew there and then he'd sign for gods club. It was a few years ago I read his book so it might not be the exact story, but definitely along them lines. Blue blood.
As a young kid, I took a punch in the face from a 30 year old united fan during a game at the swamp. He called Mike Doyle a dirty bastard and I just had to correct him. Politely of course.
I guess that’s how he treated his wife and kids too. I wasn’t keen on rags before that day. It turned into hatred after.
I’ve mellowed now that they’ve finally accepted their status as an inferior team with no chance of getting the better of us.
I think it was in his biography where I read about when City toured Australia. At an official reception, God save the Queen started playing. Everybody stood up except a Aussie journalist who started mouthing off. Later in the evening the journalist went to the toilet, Mike followed him in, only Mike came out
It's 12 years today since the passing of a true Blue Legend, We often talk about Bell Lee Summerbee, but Mike should be up there with them, A warrior a battler , he took no prisoners,Blue through and through, loved the way he would wind the rags up on the eve of the derby, who will ever forget the derby at Old Toilet in 1974 when the rag scum invaded the pitch hoping to get the game abandoned, they surrounded Mike but he never flinched walked right through the fuckers. God bless your soul Mike Doyle Legend.
Lived just around the corner from me, member of Ashton Golf Club and scratch handicap at one time. Could be a prickly character but once if ge liked you he was very good company. Still loved his football, I remember him one Sunday lunch we were having a beer and he’d got up about 3am to watch a World Cup Qualifier, think it was Australia v Iran, something like that. I quite often park in the back streets of Ashton where the Church is that held his funeral, it was rammed that day with ex City players and Blues fans, a special man who unfortunately succumbed to a terrible addiction,
RIP still Mike, hope you were watching down on us.

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