Mike Summerbee you are legend

Tomalonge said:
Ok, that's fine, be cunts then. =]

And the list of people that I just saw is different, that wasn't a mistake, they disregarded human lives and therefore shouldn't have been free men, and anyone who doesn't value someone's life doesn't deserve one of their own.

I'll be over here celebrating the victory we had over you today, toodles.

Quote: and anyone who doesn't value someone's life doesn't deserve one of their own.

George best didnt value his own life did he ?? you lose. ta ra.
Mëtal Bikër said:
Tomalonge said:
But if he died, I'd pay my respects and say no more about it.
Unless you thought he was a twat, in which case you'd have little respect in the first place.
Best created his own downfall and squandered his second chance, a chance someone else could have had. Very few people in the real world are going be praising just because he "could kick a ball pretty well"
Even if I thought he was a twat, what use is an opinion like that when they're no longer here?

There's something called a respectful silence, but of course you wouldn't understand that.

Let me put it this way, if Neil Young had done something horrible during his life, I wouldn't even mention it in a discussion about him because he's GONE. What's the point? It's like milking a cows skeleton.
Tomalonge said:
Ok, that's fine, be cunts then. =]

And the list of people that I just saw is different, that wasn't a mistake, they disregarded human lives and therefore shouldn't have been free men, and anyone who doesn't value someone's life doesn't deserve one of their own.

I'll be over here celebrating the victory we had over you today, toodles.
I knew you'd crack eventually.

They always do. ☺
Tomalonge said:
Mëtal Bikër said:
Unless you thought he was a twat, in which case you'd have little respect in the first place.
Best created his own downfall and squandered his second chance, a chance someone else could have had. Very few people in the real world are going be praising just because he "could kick a ball pretty well"
Even if I thought he was a twat, what use is an opinion like that when they're no longer here?

There's something called a respectful silence, but of course you wouldn't understand that.

Let me put it this way, if Neil Young had done something horrible during his life, I wouldn't even mention it in a discussion about him because he's GONE. What's the point? It's like milking a cows skeleton.

you werent gone long ??

Another Fregie time comeback..
Tomalonge said:
Mëtal Bikër said:
Unless you thought he was a twat, in which case you'd have little respect in the first place.
Best created his own downfall and squandered his second chance, a chance someone else could have had. Very few people in the real world are going be praising just because he "could kick a ball pretty well"
Even if I thought he was a twat, what use is an opinion like that when they're no longer here?

There's something called a respectful silence, but of course you wouldn't understand that.

Let me put it this way, if Neil Young had done something horrible during his life, I wouldn't even mention it in a discussion about him because he's GONE. What's the point? It's like milking a cows skeleton.
Making assumptions about a complete stranger there?

Not very civilised is it. I'll give respect to those who deserve it. Best kicked a ball sometimes and drank himself to death, twice. What's to respect?
bluemanc said:
Put Bell,Lee or Summerbee or any other of our players from the 60/70's amongst that shower of cunts & they will react the same way.
They don't suffer imbeciles & it's good to see the majority on this thread can actually see what that ragfest called sky is all about,if they wanted a bigotted one-eyed view they should have got paddy rag tv crerand on, now that is one fuckwit of the highest order.
I'd love to see Mike Doyle on the show now that would be good.

Redknapp is a spivvy clown...we all know that but sadly Murdoch has cornered the market for Football now so got no choice. We are all guilty whether we subscribe to SKY or buy The SUN.
samharris said:
Tomalonge said:
Even if I thought he was a twat, what use is an opinion like that when they're no longer here?

There's something called a respectful silence, but of course you wouldn't understand that.

Let me put it this way, if Neil Young had done something horrible during his life, I wouldn't even mention it in a discussion about him because he's GONE. What's the point? It's like milking a cows skeleton.

you werent gone long ??

Another Fregie time comeback..
Rag in telling lies shocker,we shouldn't be surprised these clowns have been brainwashed into believing 35yrs is more than 37yrs without a Trophy.
Mike Summerbee is a brilliant bloke and a REAL City legend (forget your Kinkladze's and such).

This man is one of the final links with our glorious past. If you have never seen him play then buy the Bell, Lee, Summerbee DVD from the 1990's.

He had such class that I can't even put it into words.
Re: Re: Mike Summerbee you are legend

Tomalonge said:
BigBarry said:
So he wasnt a wife beating selfish alcoholic then?
He made a lot of mistakes, ones that were terrible. Granted.

But that's no excuse to speak ill of the dead, he's remembered as a United player and an exceptional talent. I'm truly shocked that you're so adamant on his character, as I'm sure you never met him.

I've done things I regret too, does that make me a ****? No, it just means I was one at the time. I think you should be ashamed of yourself for what is essentially a disgusting display of humanity.

Why don't you just fuck off you sad rag twat. Going on with yourself on here about a fucking rag player after you have just fucking win a derby. Haven't you got a fucking life at all. Go to the pub and lap it up with your southern mates cause it is going to be unlikely to happen in the future. Now just piss off. No fucker on here really gives a shit about Best, he was a pleb, a rag pleb at that.

Why the fuck is anyone talking to this turd. Leave him alone and he might fuck off. I didn't come on here to listen to fucking rags, had that all afternoon and they are all fucking arrogant WUMs.

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