Milner [Merged]

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How was he cast off? He was sold as it was agreed if we never reached the Champions league in that season he could leave. Bearing in mind that was his reason for leaving of course! Not the extra 80K a week your lot threw at him! Still he gets to play in that tournament this year with you doesn't he?

No sorry i forgot you'll be playing in the very same European competition as we are.
Yeah Gareth Barry, the guy who we struggled to keep hold of because he wanted to go play CL footy, but then you guys came in with the megabucks and we heard the old `I've always wanted to play for Man City' line.

It was GB who wanted to leave Villa for Liverpool, NOT us wanting to cast him aside like you have done with Ireland, Dunne and Bellamy.
Villan said:
Marvin said:
I hope Ireland agrees to join Villa and City get Milner.

But if Ireland stays I like I am sure the vast majority of City fans will be get fully behind him. I was bemused and confused by his performances last season, particularly the home League Derby, but if he applies himself like he has done before we know what a good player he can be.

It's too simplistic to say that if Ireland doesn't do what Mancini/Marwood would like he is acting against City. Who's to say Mancini is acting in the best interests of the club? He might think he is, but he might well be wrong. I am usually blinkered by loyalty to always back the manager, but in hindsight when the blinkers are off I think how stupid I have been. Before now I've defended Alan Ball and Joe Royle to the hilt.

We don't really know what goes on behind the scenes with players and the manager so we shouldn't be so quick to condemn and write players off.

I'd love to see Milner at City, but I am very confident that if Ireland decides to stay he will still have the goodwill of 99% of City fans, and he like every other player will always have that while they put the effort in.

At the end of the day, Stevie Ireland will do what is in his own self interest, and I hope that coincides with City. I have no idea if City would be able to buy Milner for a straight cash deal.

In short lets not condemn players just because it seems to be getting in the way of what City's management want to do. The players are human beings with families and affinity to City as well and not pieces of meat. I am sure City's management recognise this as well.

I also hope that there we can maintain a good relationship with Villa and their fans through this saga. The fact that we're been after their players is a back-handed compliment to them.

Pretty sure our chairman is none too impressed by the way your side have dealt with things. He's not one to usually speak to the media but has said that.

I think i can pretty much guarantee that the vast majority of Villa fans will welcome Milner staying if this proves to be the case. You seem to think that O'neill left because of lack of ambition/funds available. That seems not to be the case as he has been given plenty of funds to spend on players. The problem is his lack of rotation and actually using the players within the squad that he has amassed. We have players that total some 300K a week that just barely make the bench. This is what the chairman had beef with. The same 11 players playing irrelevant to if they are tired or out of form. He asked O'neill to clear the players that were not playing. O'neill refused. He then spat his dummy out at the chairman because he wanted 10M to waste on Mcgeady of Celtic.

The good thing about O'neill leaving is that we may actually use our squad of players and all the players that he fell out with will actually start with a fresh slate. Our squad is actually a fairly strong one with perhaps missing a Striker and a creative central midfielder. Clearing out of the shite still needs to happen the likes of Beye, Sidwell and Heskey plus with the players that have already gone we have some movement within our wage structure to buy those missing players.

Time will tell if Milner is a Villan by September the 1st but i think with the reception he got from us on Saturday it shows he is still wanted at the club. The same can't be said with players that you seem to cast off with little regard, players with years of service to the club too, such as Dunne last year. I'm kind of hopeful that the lack of speed to which this deal has had plus with players such as Dunne in the ear of Milner so to speak may persuade him to stay.

All of the leaks on this transfer have come from your side. So it's a bit rich for your chairman to start mouthing of to the press now.

When MON was in charge he could have came out and said Milner is not for sale at any price. But he didn't because he had put a price on his head.

I have never been bothered if we get Milner or not and one game isn't going to change my mind. With or without him we will move on and be stronger.
Danamy said:
Villan said:
Pretty sure our chairman is none too impressed by the way your side have dealt with things. He's not one to usually speak to the media but has said that.

I think i can pretty much guarantee that the vast majority of Villa fans will welcome Milner staying if this proves to be the case. You seem to think that O'neill left because of lack of ambition/funds available. That seems not to be the case as he has been given plenty of funds to spend on players. The problem is his lack of rotation and actually using the players within the squad that he has amassed. We have players that total some 300K a week that just barely make the bench. This is what the chairman had beef with. The same 11 players playing irrelevant to if they are tired or out of form. He asked O'neill to clear the players that were not playing. O'neill refused. He then spat his dummy out at the chairman because he wanted 10M to waste on Mcgeady of Celtic.

The good thing about O'neill leaving is that we may actually use our squad of players and all the players that he fell out with will actually start with a fresh slate. Our squad is actually a fairly strong one with perhaps missing a Striker and a creative central midfielder. Clearing out of the shite still needs to happen the likes of Beye, Sidwell and Heskey plus with the players that have already gone we have some movement within our wage structure to buy those missing players.

Time will tell if Milner is a Villan by September the 1st but i think with the reception he got from us on Saturday it shows he is still wanted at the club. The same can't be said with players that you seem to cast off with little regard, players with years of service to the club too, such as Dunne last year.

lol..............i love that last bit, remember a player by the name of Gareth Barry by any chance?

Quality, such hypocrisy.
Villan said:
Marvin said:
I hope Ireland agrees to join Villa and City get Milner.

But if Ireland stays I like I am sure the vast majority of City fans will be get fully behind him. I was bemused and confused by his performances last season, particularly the home League Derby, but if he applies himself like he has done before we know what a good player he can be.

It's too simplistic to say that if Ireland doesn't do what Mancini/Marwood would like he is acting against City. Who's to say Mancini is acting in the best interests of the club? He might think he is, but he might well be wrong. I am usually blinkered by loyalty to always back the manager, but in hindsight when the blinkers are off I think how stupid I have been. Before now I've defended Alan Ball and Joe Royle to the hilt.

We don't really know what goes on behind the scenes with players and the manager so we shouldn't be so quick to condemn and write players off.

I'd love to see Milner at City, but I am very confident that if Ireland decides to stay he will still have the goodwill of 99% of City fans, and he like every other player will always have that while they put the effort in.

At the end of the day, Stevie Ireland will do what is in his own self interest, and I hope that coincides with City. I have no idea if City would be able to buy Milner for a straight cash deal.

In short lets not condemn players just because it seems to be getting in the way of what City's management want to do. The players are human beings with families and affinity to City as well and not pieces of meat. I am sure City's management recognise this as well.

I also hope that there we can maintain a good relationship with Villa and their fans through this saga. The fact that we're been after their players is a back-handed compliment to them.

Pretty sure our chairman is none too impressed by the way your side have dealt with things. He's not one to usually speak to the media but has said that.

I think i can pretty much guarantee that the vast majority of Villa fans will welcome Milner staying if this proves to be the case. You seem to think that O'neill left because of lack of ambition/funds available. That seems not to be the case as he has been given plenty of funds to spend on players. The problem is his lack of rotation and actually using the players within the squad that he has amassed. We have players that total some 300K a week that just barely make the bench. This is what the chairman had beef with. The same 11 players playing irrelevant to if they are tired or out of form. He asked O'neill to clear the players that were not playing. O'neill refused. He then spat his dummy out at the chairman because he wanted 10M to waste on Mcgeady of Celtic.

The good thing about O'neill leaving is that we may actually use our squad of players and all the players that he fell out with will actually start with a fresh slate. Our squad is actually a fairly strong one with perhaps missing a Striker and a creative central midfielder. Clearing out of the shite still needs to happen the likes of Beye, Sidwell and Heskey plus with the players that have already gone we have some movement within our wage structure to buy those missing players.

Time will tell if Milner is a Villan by September the 1st but i think with the reception he got from us on Saturday it shows he is still wanted at the club. The same can't be said with players that you seem to cast off with little regard, players with years of service to the club too, such as Dunne last year.
Perhaps Lerner is trying to deflect ny flak he may get from Villa fans on to the "enemy"?

I'll accept what you say about MON's management. I thought he did a fantastic job at Villa, but you think he could have got more out of the squad. I am surprised at that viewpoint, but you know your club.

with regard to City disregarding Dunne I think that's unfair. It's the football club that come first. if the manager identifies better players, then he needs to move on the incumbents. The popular media might believe that Kompany, Lesoctt, Toure and Boateng are inferior players to Dunne, but I don't agree.

City had the good fortune to be taken over by wealthy new owners and those owners want to make City the best we can be. The quickest way to do that is to buy better players, sadly that means that loyal club players are replaced, but the club comes first. You'd feel exactly the same way if you were in our shoes. You'd want your club to spend money in the bank and get players on the pitch so that we can win something.

Dunne will always be aassured of a great reception from City fans but just because your fond of a player and appreciate their loyalty, doesn't mean that that player can see out his days at the club. City and Villa aren't charities
Danamy said:
Villan said:
Pretty sure our chairman is none too impressed by the way your side have dealt with things. He's not one to usually speak to the media but has said that.

I think i can pretty much guarantee that the vast majority of Villa fans will welcome Milner staying if this proves to be the case. You seem to think that O'neill left because of lack of ambition/funds available. That seems not to be the case as he has been given plenty of funds to spend on players. The problem is his lack of rotation and actually using the players within the squad that he has amassed. We have players that total some 300K a week that just barely make the bench. This is what the chairman had beef with. The same 11 players playing irrelevant to if they are tired or out of form. He asked O'neill to clear the players that were not playing. O'neill refused. He then spat his dummy out at the chairman because he wanted 10M to waste on Mcgeady of Celtic.

The good thing about O'neill leaving is that we may actually use our squad of players and all the players that he fell out with will actually start with a fresh slate. Our squad is actually a fairly strong one with perhaps missing a Striker and a creative central midfielder. Clearing out of the shite still needs to happen the likes of Beye, Sidwell and Heskey plus with the players that have already gone we have some movement within our wage structure to buy those missing players.

Time will tell if Milner is a Villan by September the 1st but i think with the reception he got from us on Saturday it shows he is still wanted at the club. The same can't be said with players that you seem to cast off with little regard, players with years of service to the club too, such as Dunne last year.

lol..............i love that last bit, remember a player by the name of Gareth Barry by any chance?

We made effort to keep Barry, gave him another year after Liverpool tried buying him. Last year of contract, made it clear he wanted to go. People were annoyed because Barry said he wanted to leave to get champions league football, however he ended up going to you instead of Liverpool. City wern't even in the Europa league that year, why football fans were saying he just went for the money.

Dunne, won player of the season many many times at City, but was sold off cheap to us when in truth he is probably just as good as any of your center backs at the moment.

We'd still have Milner and Barry if we had our way, but once a players head is turned, you know the rest.
Villan said:
How was he cast off? He was sold as it was agreed if we never reached the Champions league in that season he could leave.

What got me about the Barry transfer was that the hundreds of Villa fans who said he was a mercenary because he moved to City rather than Liverpool.

I mean if you aren't bothered if a player moves on, why does it matter which team he is going to!!
Villan said:
Marvin said:
I hope Ireland agrees to join Villa and City get Milner.

But if Ireland stays I like I am sure the vast majority of City fans will be get fully behind him. I was bemused and confused by his performances last season, particularly the home League Derby, but if he applies himself like he has done before we know what a good player he can be.

It's too simplistic to say that if Ireland doesn't do what Mancini/Marwood would like he is acting against City. Who's to say Mancini is acting in the best interests of the club? He might think he is, but he might well be wrong. I am usually blinkered by loyalty to always back the manager, but in hindsight when the blinkers are off I think how stupid I have been. Before now I've defended Alan Ball and Joe Royle to the hilt.

We don't really know what goes on behind the scenes with players and the manager so we shouldn't be so quick to condemn and write players off.

I'd love to see Milner at City, but I am very confident that if Ireland decides to stay he will still have the goodwill of 99% of City fans, and he like every other player will always have that while they put the effort in.

At the end of the day, Stevie Ireland will do what is in his own self interest, and I hope that coincides with City. I have no idea if City would be able to buy Milner for a straight cash deal.

In short lets not condemn players just because it seems to be getting in the way of what City's management want to do. The players are human beings with families and affinity to City as well and not pieces of meat. I am sure City's management recognise this as well.

I also hope that there we can maintain a good relationship with Villa and their fans through this saga. The fact that we're been after their players is a back-handed compliment to them.

Pretty sure our chairman is none too impressed by the way your side have dealt with things. He's not one to usually speak to the media but has said that.

I think i can pretty much guarantee that the vast majority of Villa fans will welcome Milner staying if this proves to be the case. You seem to think that O'neill left because of lack of ambition/funds available. That seems not to be the case as he has been given plenty of funds to spend on players. The problem is his lack of rotation and actually using the players within the squad that he has amassed. We have players that total some 300K a week that just barely make the bench. This is what the chairman had beef with. The same 11 players playing irrelevant to if they are tired or out of form. He asked O'neill to clear the players that were not playing. O'neill refused. He then spat his dummy out at the chairman because he wanted 10M to waste on Mcgeady of Celtic.

The good thing about O'neill leaving is that we may actually use our squad of players and all the players that he fell out with will actually start with a fresh slate. Our squad is actually a fairly strong one with perhaps missing a Striker and a creative central midfielder. Clearing out of the shite still needs to happen the likes of Beye, Sidwell and Heskey plus with the players that have already gone we have some movement within our wage structure to buy those missing players.

Time will tell if Milner is a Villan by September the 1st but i think with the reception he got from us on Saturday it shows he is still wanted at the club. The same can't be said with players that you seem to cast off with little regard, players with years of service to the club too, such as Dunne last year.

So does your chairman expects City to enjoy being ripped off? JM is a good English player but not worth more than £18M at the very most. Up and till MoN left AVFC seemed a decent club to deal with, but they are now slagging City off in the press for doing exactly what AVFC did when they signed JM from Newcastle. The opening offer was more than respectable at £20M, we are use to the City tax, but no Villa what to shaft us. Lerner said that "Big Bad" City came back after a few days of the initial bid despite it being widely reported that nothing else happened for four weeks. If City did do something wrong then stop gobbling off in the press Mr Lerner and report us to the FA
Of course Villa fans want JM to stay he is your best player however, It is clear than JM wants the move, he wants to win things, and he must think he will have a better chance at City.
So stuff your sanctimonious attitude with your chairman this and that lets see what you think about him when he has taken his investment back because like most Yankees he is feeling the pinch.
Villan said:
How was he cast off? He was sold as it was agreed if we never reached the Champions league in that season he could leave. Bearing in mind that was his reason for leaving of course! Not the extra 80K a week your lot threw at him! Still he gets to play in that tournament this year with you doesn't he?

No sorry i forgot you'll be playing in the very same European competition as we are.

Extra 80k a week? Bloody hell Lerner must be a right tight git then sacking MON for overblown wages - my calculations would put Barry on about 10k a week at your club based on that statement
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