MLB playoffs World Series


Here are those dirty Mets trying to injure Chase Utley! The only difference is that Utley didn't cry like a little girl after it happened because it's part of the game.
Lawrie would be sucking things up via a straw for the rest of his life had he hit him.

Herrera deliberately threw at his head, that's not part of the game and doesn't "have to happen". That's disgusting to even justify that. You're missing the point entirely.

Again, Glavine throwing at Murphy is part of the game, not what Herrera did. If you can't tell the difference then you're not being impartial.

Also, Utely's slide was disgraceful. No other word for it. As is any slide outside the rules of the game.

You may not like the Mets, fair enough, but claiming KC are "good guys" is very, very odd. If Madrid played United, we'd all want United to lose but I doubt anyone would say Madrid are "good guys", would you?

Also, why would Utely cry about him deliberately disobeying the rules of the game, knowingly putting his own and another player's body at risk, and as a result break the other player's leg. Why would he cry about the nothing that happened to him?
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Tejada didn't get out of the way, Utley was playing the way you're supposed to. Look at the Mutts taking shots at him. He never cried about it but the Mets threw at him and tried takeout slides against him his whole career because they knew that he owned them. But the candy-ass Mutts cried like bitches when the tables were turned because that's the Mutt way.

The real pain will set in in a few years when the Mutts realize that the Phightins will win another World Series before they do!
Tejada didn't get out of the way, Utley was playing the way you're supposed to. Look at the Mutts taking shots at him. He never cried about it but the Mets threw at him and tried takeout slides against him his whole career because they knew that he owned them. But the candy-ass Mutts cried like bitches when the tables were turned because that's the Mutt way.

The real pain will set in in a few years when the Mutts realize that the Phightins will win another World Series before they do!
Tejada didn't get out of the way?

He's actually playing the game trying to turn a double play.

Utely slid outside of a resonable line to the bag and PAST the bag itself. Illegal. Not "the way you're supposed to play" at all, that is shocking to hear. Do you condone cheating in other sports?

I imagine if Utely had his leg broken he may have taken offence to some degree.

Also, I am not a Mets fan. I have no affanity towards them, if they did something outside of the rules of the game or as disgraceful as Utely and many of the Royals then I don't condone it. Same with ANY team, I can be impartial and sane...

Your take on the game of baseball is horrible, quite twisted in fact. It is fundamentally a non-contact game sport for starters. Your examples of "how the game should be played" include deliberately throwing 100mph at a players head, his head...., with the intention of hitting him and illegally, again ILLEGALLY, sliding into a player and breaking their leg.

You sir, are a biased cockwomble, incapable of decent discussion. Or even comprehending it as you consistently miss every point. I hope the Phillies are never victims of such disgusting acts, or if they are that they keep quiet for fear you will call them cry babies when they're writhing in pain at the cost of playing the game properly but for some **** not doing so. All the best.
Obviously you've never played because it absolutely is a contact sport. I can't count the number of times I've been taken out either as a shortstop or a catcher. If you can reach the bag (as Utley could) then it is a fair play. Either get out of the way or take a shot for your team. If you watched Utley play his whole career you'd have seen him give up his body countless times to make a play. I remember a reporter asking him if what he did was smart because he could get hurt and he said "Who cares if I get hurt? I'm trying to win a game". I hope that someday you appreciate the game for what it is and not just focus on what you see as dirty play because EVERY team does it. Just look at those pictures of Murphy and Wright trying to injure Utley, and after each of them Chase just ran off the field after making the play. Should he not play as hard because Tejada sucks and can't get out of the way? Should he just pull up like a "gentleman" and let the Mutts turn two? Or should he put the heat on the SS like a big-league player?

Maybe baseball isn't for you. Might I suggest curling or maybe dressage?
Oh, and I'm not biased, I hate the Mutts because they are scum. They are scum the way United are scum. The last time they won the World Series their whole team was a bunch of coked-up whore-mongering woman beaters. And since then I've had to deal with their Jersey Shore goombah douchebag fans coming to CBP and terrorizing women and children. The only upside to them being in the World Series is that they're going to be embarrassed in front of the largest possible audience.
FFS I only started this thread for some fun ( i always knew Buckshots views about the Mets ) so I wasn't expecting him to bring the Fanatic out for us, but f**king hell Pudge has rattled his cage.
Fair shout I agree the 86 Mets were no angles but neither was the Dalton gang ( thats when Dykstra was a Phillie and not a boozed up Met, then he was the best lead off man in the nationals,with the aid of well work it out). The Mets of 86 were kids to some of the other teams that have a more illustrious history in Americas favorite past time.
FFS I only started this thread for some fun ( i always knew Buckshots views about the Mets ) so I wasn't expecting him to bring the Fanatic out for us, but f**king hell Pudge has rattled his cage.
Fair shout I agree the 86 Mets were no angles but neither was the Dalton gang ( thats when Dykstra was a Phillie and not a boozed up Met, then he was the best lead off man in the nationals,with the aid of well work it out). The Mets of 86 were kids to some of the other teams that have a more illustrious history in Americas favorite past time.
Apologies for derailing the thread. To be fair I haven't read the replies since my last post nor do I have any intention to to be fair, so it should halt.

I just couldn't/can't fathom some of the rather horrendous views on how the game of baseball should be played. Especially when they fall foul of the actual rules of the game, mind boggling.
No derailing done its all about baseball, I'm just pissed off Fri,Sat and Sunday is shit or bust in Queens.I always thought it was a uk army that did all the raping and pillaging on the east coast, now I know it was them nasty Mets
FFS things could be worse like going to York away with 500'000 other blues ;-) I love the fact we all see things in different ways, gives us something to have some fun about.

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