stony said:
"Constructive criticism" ? haha. This is purely a bitching thread because you got banned and you don't like it. Dress it up anyway you want but it's the same as a kid holding it's breath because it's been told off.
If you have a problem, take it up with Ric. Nothing constructive about this thread one bit. It's just a pure woman fest.
Within two pages we have put forward a handful of ideas which Ric and the moderators could discuss if they wish to. We've offered the idea of having copy & paste PM's to send to members when their thread is remove and the idea of moderators not replying to PM's in response to the reasoning as to why the thread was removed (because they acted on the CoC so there should be no reasoning as to why your thread should stand) in order to avoid a war of words.
Forums survive via active members. Every so often feedback should be given to keep it running. We were always thankful of feedback to gain an idea on how we were doing. No naming X, Y or Z - just genuine ideas and feedback.