Moisés Caicedo

Caceido seems a headcase

Why would you turn down liverpool for Chelsea

Either way...fucking hilarious
Because he agreed terms with chelsea a few weeks ago and is staying loyal to his verbal agreement to join them, or so he’s suggesting via his agent. I can respect that.
Father-in-law (God rest his soul), was a Liverpool supporter (as are/were the rest of that side of the family) - I honestly find it's a generational thing, the younger they are the more vile they are when it comes to football.
I don't understand the sense of entitlement, or the constant moaning about money after what they got up to in the 70s/80s. I just smile though
I do t speak to my younger cousins, it always ends in threats and utter carnage. It’s far better to just ignore them all bar my mum! They are typical dippers, never their fault and always the victims. Irony is most of the kids/grandkids of my grandparents are all Manc’s! Only my Nan, grandad and my mum and uncle were scousers… everyone else was born here after they moved to Urmston lol. Only two of us went a different path, me City and my only sound cousin who sadly is a Rag.
Thought it couldn't get funnier than seeing dippers so desperate that they massively overpay for a player and make Klopp a hypocritical twat ...

... and then the player turned them down ...

... for a team that's not even in Europe.

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