Moral Victory

Well said Gary,

when Rooney scored I turned to my Dad and we both said typical! - we watched the reds cheering like they had won the champions league instead of a trophy they never cared about, they are so scared its untrue, our time is coming, in my 35 years on this planet I have never being so positive about the boys in blue.

The good times are only round the corner.

Ben Kelly
'oh hello, another tourist, fuck me you are an embarrassment of a club.'

If 'tourist' is a dig at our support or me personally I can assure you I'm no tourist. A tourist of this board maybe.
For a club which claims the city to be yours there were an awful lot of coaches present last night for such a relatively small trip from east manchester. It makes me laugh when I see City fans mocking Utd's out of town support on here, whilst posting from an out of town location.
Football fans can not help having a bias approach towards other clubs. We all focus purely on the worst characteristics of our rivals. With this in mind though, I can still not work out how Man Utd is an embarrassment to anyone.
'when Rooney scored I turned to my Dad and we both said typical! - we watched the reds cheering like they had won the champions league instead of a trophy they never cared about, they are so scared its untrue, our time is coming, in my 35 years on this planet I have never being so positive about the boys in blue.'

What are we scared of?? I'm glad the derby actually means something these days but you're getting seriously carried away. In the 3 games we've played you this year, city have rolled over for a large part of the match. There was a good half hour last night where your only kick of the ball was to give it us back. The same was true at OT earlier in the season. No top team does that. That's why I think city are well behind Utd, Chelsea and Arsenal.

I am hoping that there is some sort of rule change where by clubs can spend no more than there revenue but not because I'm scared, just that I think football will implode, but if those rules don't come then Utd will relish the task of beating City and Chelsea on what is an uneven playing field.
bizzbo said:
Gary you are a man after my own heart. So is Macca however. Maybe I agree with you both. There was no shame in last night. These boys want it and are working hard for it. We played geniunely in a big game and lost very narrowly. Compared to last year's UEFA quarters where we only showed up once the tie was already dead and buried, it was enough to prove to me we are developing the right spirit and mentality. It was enough to make me proud.

But it won't be enough next time. No excuses, next time something untoward happens, we can't let it affect us.

Agreed as usual as yr. fine mind is involved.

I think we will start dominating a game when we can sign a top "regista", I mean a set pacer midfielder, fitted with long passing skill, one like, Mascherano, Xavi Alonso, Pirlo when younger.
imo two things we lacked yday:
a) experience that drives to cool mindset: and this only come by playng games like the yesterday's
2) a midfielder able to set pace as a clever chess-player and stretch suddenly the game: U all noticed how good they had turned in those 15 minutes when they stretched the field right to left very accurately: it was the origin of our backs' axiety that result in two scores.

Currently we do not have that solution, and that is what might improve us most, Then if a kind of cassano can be added, the blend will be great, but indeed the "regista" first of all.
Gary James said:
Of course it's hard to take at the moment and because it was against you-know-who at you-know-where it hurts more than usual, but we do need to try and look forward. We need to move away from the actual game and be positive about where we are and where we are going.

For me City achieved a moral victory last night. Sure that counts for very little in the end but already we have shaken up football - and utd - so much that we are now seen as real players.

Thinking specifically about last night's result.... First utd did all they could to ensure they selected their strongest possible squad. They even appealed against rio's obvious and deserved punishment just so that he could play against City. That means this was a game utd HAD to win and I would say they needed to win more than us in the end (though again it doesn't feel like that at the moment).

Had they lost they would have lost more than us. It also means that rio will be missing for highly significant League games for utd (assuming the facts are accurately seen) - who knows he may even have an extended ban and that could damage utd's longer term ambition. Short term thinking on utd's part because they knew they could not lose to us - but they can see how the football world is changing.

Next... the fact Neville was nowhere to be seen meant they knew he was a liability. They hid him away. We don't have to do that with our players. We're not ashamed or embarrassed.

Bottles... when Bellamy went to take that corner they threw everything they could at him. Greatest fans in the world? Unfortunately, that incident did disrupt us and I don't think it's coincidence that directly from that corner they made their break and scored. Personally, I'd rather have impeccable fans than that.

Looking forward Mancini has said we'll win the FA Cup - great! I know there's been criticism of others on here for this type of comment but, let's face it, every season we are told that utd will win the Euro Cup but more often than not they don't. It's seen as ambition when others say it, so let's go with it.

Didn't Malcolm Allison boast about what City would achieve. Sometimes he was right, sometimes he was wrong. When he was wrong we always seemed to be a bit more determined the next time (or we conveniently forgot about it).

To me, today hurts, but the future is an awful lot better than it felt when Blackburn knocked us out of the Cup in the qtr final a few years back. We are going somewhere. We will find success. For the first proper time in years I feel that.

Well said Gary - Quality post!!
Serious? said:
In the 3 games we've played you this year, city have rolled over for a large part of the match. There was a good half hour last night where your only kick of the ball was to give it us back. The same was true at OT earlier in the season. No top team does that. That's why I think city are well behind Utd, Chelsea and Arsenal.
What matters at the end of a match is the final score - nothing else. And what the records will show is that your lot narrowly won the League match and CC Semi Final in injury time.

Serious? said:
I am hoping that there is some sort of rule change where by clubs can spend no more than there revenue but not because I'm scared
Oh no, of course not, perish the thought. Your not scared, your fukcing terrified!!!
Serious? said:
'oh hello, another tourist, fuck me you are an embarrassment of a club.'

If 'tourist' is a dig at our support or me personally I can assure you I'm no tourist. A tourist of this board maybe.
For a club which claims the city to be yours there were an awful lot of coaches present last night for such a relatively small trip from east manchester. It makes me laugh when I see City fans mocking Utd's out of town support on here, whilst posting from an out of town location.
Football fans can not help having a bias approach towards other clubs. We all focus purely on the worst characteristics of our rivals. With this in mind though, I can still not work out how Man Utd is an embarrassment to anyone.

Gary Neville
Roy Keane
Martin Buchan
Albert Scanlon and everything your club has ever done regarding the crash
I could go on and on but that should be enough for you to try to get your head round for the moment.
Whenever i see that banner it makes me wonder how many people in that ground know that they actually went 37 years without winning a Trophy.
Just wait until Feb the 10th, boy are they going to get a shock.


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