More Telegraph propaganda

robbieh said:
Neil McNab said:
Surely that's the best way to judge a player or a manager. If you tell people what you think of a player just after he's had a stinker you may not not, at that moment in your life, remember all the posetive stuff he's done in other games, your opinion is tainted.
Don't get me wrong i think Winter is a fuck wit of the highest order but I wouldn't call him for sticking to his guns and remaining consistent in an opinion of someone.
I for example thought Adebayor was over rated, lazy and fortunate Arsenal made him look good. After the first few games of the season my long term unbiassed assessment had been tainted by a couple of goals and the excitement of a new player up front. Over time it's always that first impression that's nearer to the truth!

And what was your first impression of MH at Blackburn? Mine were not that favourable and things have gone downhill since then.
That he was shit and had fell lucky with a couple of signings, no real aptitude for the job and that whatever job he got from there would be the big payday of his career!
Like I said I think Winter is a tit and is totaly wrong about Hughes but he's right to stick to his initial assessments, if he was intelligent those initial assessments would serve him well!
He likes hughes because he played for united under his hero fergie..he can never write an article without a reference to Man Utd in it. Clearly hoping to write ferguson's biography when he calls it a day.
Immaculate Pasta said:
DirtyHarry said:
Personally I would give Mark Hughes more time than most others if they were at the club, I`ll tell you why.
Many years ago I used to work with a lad who was a good pal of Hughes at school in Wrexham, I always remember him telling me about how Hughes got on at the rags, he said it was common knowledge that rag scouts were coming to watch a team they played in as they were sniffing around 2-3 lads there, Hughes was not one of them, talent-wise he wasn`t even in the top 3 but he was a determined f*cker according to my old mate.
On finding out about this Hughes put in outstanding displays over the 3-4 matches they watched, at the end, the scouts told the manager they weren`t interested in the lads they`d come to watch but they definitely wanted to take the lad with the curly mop ( Hughes obviously).
Now I don`t know about, you but for me, for a lad of 15-16 to show such desire, determination and going out and grasping an opportunity like that well that`s pretty damned commendable at that age and let`s remember Hughes carried those traits through his whole playing career so I see no reason why, now of all times those kind of traits would suddenly desert him.
Now I`m not saying he`s the greatest tactician, but let`s remember he`s learnt his trade working on a very limited budget, so in effect he himself is still on a learning curve with what he now has at his disposal, it may work out, it may not, but I`m happy that Hughes will be giving it 100% until he`s told otherwise and am prepared to give him the time he needs because of that.

Great! Lets bring in Robbie Savage and Joey Barton in on the coaching staff, devoid of any talent yet plenty of determination.

Firstly, cut the sarcasm mate, no need, if you read the whole post and understand you`ll know that is NOT what I was saying/implying or otherwise (as it says in the first line of the post).

The point was regarding Mark Hughes himself, people question Hughes, as is their right arguably, but his desire, dedication and determination etc to this club should not be, he`s shown right through his career from his early years his attitude has never changed, he`s given 100% no matter what team he`s played for or managed so as I say I would be inclined to give HIM more time than most because I`m pretty sure that despite things not going great at the moment he`s doing his best to put it right, I`d rather have someone like that in charge of the club when the chips are down than someone who has never or has rarely ever shown those qualities.

As I say, it may or may not work out, but I`m prepared to give him more time to develop as a manager due to the unique circumstances he finds himself in.
The most audacious love letter I've ever read.

This one knocks the MEN article out of the water.

Truly jaw-dropping stuff.

A Pulitzer Prize is required for the paragraph that waxes lyrical about the depth of due diligence and in the next breath states that this squad contains plenty of people who are shirkers and chancers (or whatever phrase he uses - made of the right stuff).

That is as brazen as it gets. What a paragraph!
Er, sorry. Can I just ask what's wrong with the article? I loathe Henry Winter, but I'd agree with most of what he's said there.
Owain said:
Er, sorry. Can I just ask what's wrong with the article? I loathe Henry Winter, but I'd agree with most of what he's said there.

dont worry m8 its just the normal hughes attackers in here!
leewill31 said:
Owain said:
Er, sorry. Can I just ask what's wrong with the article? I loathe Henry Winter, but I'd agree with most of what he's said there.

dont worry m8 its just the normal hughes attackers in here!

Awww diddums!

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