Morrissey - The Falkland Islands belong to Argentina

Re: Re: Re: Morrissey - The Falkland Islands belong to Argentina

stony said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
stony said:
I haven't attempted to justify "the Irish situation" I wasn't even aware that we were discussing it. I thought this was a thread about the Falklands.

You say Britain has a genuine claim to sovereignty over the Falklands because Argentina didn't discover it (and presumably ''we'' did).
Others have suggested ''let the people of the Falklands decide.... and they want to remain British.''
So can I presume that you therefore feel that Northern Ireland should be given back to the Irish as they surely have a genuine claim to its sovereignty and the majority of Ireland would like to see it handed back?

That's a lot of presuming and most of it well wide of the mark.

The first country to claim sovereignty was France. I said the UK had the most genuine claim, and if you look at the history of the Falklands, you will see why.

The Irish problem ? At this time of the day, after this many beers ? I don't think so. Another time and another thread. You can presume all you want, but I aint giving my opinion on that particular can of worms at the present time.
Ahhh go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on.
Re: Re: Re: Morrissey - The Falkland Islands belong to Argentina

stony said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
stony said:
I haven't attempted to justify "the Irish situation" I wasn't even aware that we were discussing it. I thought this was a thread about the Falklands.

You say Britain has a genuine claim to sovereignty over the Falklands because Argentina didn't discover it (and presumably ''we'' did).
Others have suggested ''let the people of the Falklands decide.... and they want to remain British.''
So can I presume that you therefore feel that Northern Ireland should be given back to the Irish as they surely have a genuine claim to its sovereignty and the majority of Ireland would like to see it handed back?

That's a lot of presuming and most of it well wide of the mark.

The first country to claim sovereignty was France. I said the UK had the most genuine claim, and if you look at the history of the Falklands, you will see why.

The Irish problem ? At this time of the day, after this many beers ? I don't think so. Another time and another thread. You can presume all you want, but I aint giving my opinion on that particular can of worms at the present time.

Ha ha fair enough.... I'm 5 hours behind and ''only'' on my 3rd beer..... the night is long ;)
Up The Blues tomorrow (or today if you are in the UK)
Going on geography is way too short sighted. If we want to do that then Alaska is in Canada. Texas is Mexican. Among the many other countries that can annex one another if we fall under that bollocks rule.
The islands are independent of Argentina as in they don't even sit within their territorial waters. They can be treated as separate and therefore the population are self determining. That means we listen to them and not some depressing greased up whine artist.
By the way message to Morrisey the people of Britain for the most part recognise the Falklanders rights. So do pipe down.

The Argies are and will continue to do this to drum up nationalist feelings to detract from their internal problems. Having spoken to some Argentinians (not Carlos or Sergio) the majority of the population recognise this.

A more substantiated claim would be Paraguay taking back a vast part of their country from Argentina that was stolen in 1830s. In fact if Argentina had got their way Paraguay would no longer exist because it wanted to divi up the country half and half with Brazil.
hypocritical isn't it.
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
exactly when / what did Morrissey say that was racist?
Morrissey said:
You can't help but feel the Chinese are a sub-species
September 2010

He also spends half his life complaining about how Britain has lost its identity to immigration. I wouldn't say that is racist within itself but when coupled with comments like the one above, yes.
Musically, the man is talented (or rather I like and rate him).

As an individual though, I really really dislike him, almost every time he opens his mouth I just think "what an arrogant, obnoxious c0ckend", used to think his little outburst were endearing and quite 'kookie' and maybe he made some good points way back when, but now, I fear he has delusions of grandeur and really does believe in 'all the hype' that he's some kind of modern day philosopher and spokesman for the people, I wonder how he'd feel if because of his comments (and people like him) the whole thing kicked off again and young lads were to lose their lives ? So, just shut the f*ck up you c**t, you don't speak for me, you don't even know me.
BlueRob01 said:
SWP's back said:
BlueRob01 said:
It's only accepted by those that win..
Not sure those that are taken over (and usually killed), in whatever guise it is undertaken would agree with the principle.
As for wanting it more, I would suggest that economic and military strength may have had something to do with it.
As does the political expedience of the most vile woman in recent history.
Ah so that's it. It's a Thatcher thing. Got'cha.

(see what I did there?)

By the way, do you read the thread? Indigenous people's? No (unlike in Argentina where the Spanish killed them all). Geographically close?? Again no as the London/Portugal - buenos aires/Falklands proves. Was Argentina in control of them? No, it didn't exist.

So it's simply to be contrary to something Thatcher did. Great stuff.

Sadly, that did make me really laugh.
Whilst I make no bones about hating Thatcher with a passion - and we are all entitled to our views of course (unless you are invaded by someone bigger and stronger).
To me it is still a case of pure geopgraphy. Simplistic perhaps maybe.
But all this stuff being spouted that I do not know my history and half a page of justification blah blah..Utter rubbish. History doesn't make a wrong thing right, nor does it exist as any kind of objective set of "facts".
See above
Re: Re: Re: Morrissey - The Falkland Islands belong to Argentina

stony said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
stony said:
Argentina didn't discover the Falklands first, and that is a fact. The only country with a genuine claim for sovereignty is the UK.

So how do you justify ''the Irish situation'' then? Blighty can't have it both ways...

I haven't attempted to justify "the Irish situation" I wasn't even aware that we were discussing it. I thought this was a thread about the Falklands.
We aren't. Mad Eye'd Screamer wants to talk about it though, maybe he should make an Ireland thread.<br /><br />-- Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:27 am --<br /><br />
mancitygaz said:
The main reason the UK is in the shit now is because of the 'Empire'. Time to let go.
George Galloway is usually an absolute tool but his views on the Malvinas are spot on.
You could not be more wrong. Seriously, you could give it a go, but you would fail.

We would be in considerably worse shite without the Empire!! The only reason that we carry more weight now than we really should, as a little island of the European mainland is due to the legacy of the Empire.

I seriously wonder how people can post cock gobble such as the above and think that no one will notice it for its complete lack of clue.
Skashion said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
exactly when / what did Morrissey say that was racist?
Morrissey said:
You can't help but feel the Chinese are a sub-species
September 2010

He also spends half his life complaining about how Britain has lost its identity to immigration. I wouldn't say that is racist within itself but when coupled with comments like the one above, yes.

Not sure that the Chinese are actually a race as such,but it is hard to defend such remarks.
The man courts controversy - was it Oscar Wilde who said 'the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about'?
I presume he is touring soon,or has a cd to flog,and any publicity is good publicity when you are a fat,middle-aged man who once mattered,but just can't accept that he is no longer relevant.

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