The BoE have a lot economists working on forecasting - it is forward looking analysis so yes it does rely on sentiment and feeling. It is essentially guess work but involving a lot of highly educated people with a vast amount of data to hand. They publish a monthly report that summarises the thinking. The report is presented to a committee who take a vote on what to do with rates. This time round the vote was 7 for +.75 1 for +.50 and 1 for +.25Do they set these with any science behind them or is it all based on sentiment and feeling ?
Agreed. If you want to charge obese people, then you can add the following in:-Calls to charge people of various (self-induced) afflictions are all well and good and very understandable, trouble is once you start this its a slippery slope to a private health service
Much as I love Scotland and my family, I wonder how much letting them have independence would claw back?If we annex Merseyside and let them govern themselves we could save a fortune on benefits. Could also do with charging the obese for using the NHS.
In Canada a guy got pissed up needed a ambulance cost him 300 quid for itCalls to charge people of various (self-induced) afflictions are all well and good and very understandable, trouble is once you start this its a slippery slope to a private health service
Like you say HS2 is the biggest waste of money ever, use that money to improve services, cut rail prices and thus help the environment.
Out of interest, why do you think ‘huge savings’ are required?When did the last recession end?
Just asking, seem to have been in one since 2009!
Fuck off HS2 - save at least £71bn.
Tax the oil and energy companies higher.
Tax the banks a bit more.
Help the people in the middle 40-per-cent bracket but increase the top rate to 46 per cent.
Charge time-wasters, thugs and drunks for using the NHS.
Other than that, I don't see where any government can make the huge savings required.
Not as much as we need I imagine. Maybe ask the delightful Nicola when you are next up thereMuch as I love Scotland and my family, I wonder how much letting them have independence would claw back?