Most annoying thing about last...

When their second goal went in I thought there was no point in waiting any longer and went for a piss. I was a little dismayed at the faithless going out of the turnstiles. If we all did that we'd be the laughing stock of football.
As it was I went back in and though it wasn't to be I thoroughly enjoyed the last 30 minutes of the game.

Just a comment to those who walked out. Don't let the door hit your back.
daveduke67 said:
BurnCK said:
Most annoying thing was actually the first half performance...

Most annoying was the stewards who fucked me about sending me around te concourse to closed gates when I'm carrying a sleeping child and dragging another one who was half asleep around.

David - were they yours? Hand hovers over speed dial button to Abductors Hotline.
most of the people round me was ok expect for 2 guys behind us. Sat in family stand swearing at all ours players. Constant abuse dont know how many times one of the guys said i dont know why i sat watching this rubbish. After they scored the 2nd they left and missed a cracking 2nd half. Thought the booing was a disgrace yes we wasnt good but no need to boo like that.
Bellers_a_hero said:
The part time fans who were cursing the team, booing at half time and leaving after 70 minutes!

I just sat there, annoyed but letting the team see out the rest of the match, it couldn't have got any worse at half time really only better. But for those who don't come enough they didn't think like that and were talking as if they were the tactical geniuses!

And you know what pisses me off are those self righteous tosspots who sit there annoyed, and fucking silent ffs at everybody else making their opinions known and being vocal !! If the stadium was full of people who just sat there observing and giving their full but non demonstrated support what a fucking waste of non atmospheric time it would be for all concerened. You know what some people annoy the fuck out of me at games and am sure as hell I do the same to other people but nothing winds me up more than those sitting in silent judgement on how people express themselves freely at a football game ! it's what makes it the peoples game and why it crosses every section of society get a grip ffs
Salado De Bap said:
Bellers_a_hero said:
The part time fans who were cursing the team, booing at half time and leaving after 70 minutes!

I just sat there, annoyed but letting the team see out the rest of the match, it couldn't have got any worse at half time really only better. But for those who don't come enough they didn't think like that and were talking as if they were the tactical geniuses!

And you know what pisses me off are those self righteous tosspots who sit there annoyed, and fucking silent ffs at everybody else making their opinions known and being vocal !! If the stadium was full of people who just sat there observing and giving their full but non demonstrated support what a fucking waste of non atmospheric time it would be for all concerened. You know what some people annoy the fuck out of me at games and am sure as hell I do the same to other people but nothing winds me up more than those sitting in silent judgement on how people express themselves freely at a football game ! it's what makes it the peoples game and why it crosses every section of society get a grip ffs

Give them a break !! They were eating their prawn sarnies at the time.
night one of the favourites we couldn't beat an average Portuguese side over two legs.
You know what really pissed me off? It was the bloody Sporting players laying on their arses wasting time and then the bloody ref only allowing 5 minutes extra time for nearly 8 minutes of stoppages.

Oh, yes, and those so called City fans who left early. Give your tickets to someone who can really appreciate the team.
I swear that half of this forum have only been old enough to go to the match on their own a year or so.

Threads about leaving early, threads about booing , threads about shouting abuse, threads about not singing, threads about players being criticized.

You all might as well stand shouting indignation at the sun every morning for disturbing your sleep.
Didsbury Dave said:
I swear that half of this forum have only been old enough to go to the match on their own a year or so.

Threads about leaving early, threads about booing , threads about shouting abuse, threads about not singing, threads about players being criticized.

You all might as well stand shouting indignation at the sun every morning for disturbing your sleep.
and you might as well stand shouting your indignation about their indignation ad infinitum.

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