most memorable thing you have done in the last year

Bloody hell. I'm trying to think back over 12 months, and by eck, there's too many

Camel riding in Abu Dhabi
Seeing Dubai
Meeting Bert Trautmann
Watching City beat Barcelona at the Nou Camp
Taking part in the City film (and not ending up being in the friggin thing)
Having my best 'away day' record, missed only a couple this year
Got told my nephew and neice considering me "best uncle" (which was absolutely fantastic)

Too many. But it's made me think back on the past 12 months and think "blimey, it's been brilliant", so thanks for bringing up the memories!
MCFC BOB said:
Gelsons Dad said:
Stood up for my principles regardless of the consequences.
Good man.

Can you tell me what happened?

MCFC BOB said:
Gelsons Dad said:
Don't tell me what happened then. That's fine too.

It's work related so not for public consumption but may well cost me my job in the long term and has cost me a large amount of money in the short term. But I don't regret it as my reputation has taken over 20 years to build.

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