most memorable thing you have done in the last year

Gelsons Dad said:
MCFC BOB said:
Don't tell me what happened then. That's fine too.

It's work related so not for public consumption but may well cost me my job in the long term and has cost me a large amount of money in the short term. But I don't regret it as my reputation has taken over 20 years to build.
That's fair enough.
Went to Bradford for a rave only to find out it had been cancelled on arrival. As the return train wasn't until midday the next day, we found ourselves walking the streets of Bradford for about 4 hours in the middle of the night (couldn't afford a hotel). We then got told by a copper we could get a coach to Leeds and we could get a train from there. When we finally got to Leeds at about 5am, where we were told by some twat that we weren't aloud to use our tickets in Leeds :s. What we then did was wait till the security guard looked away before sneaking onto the train, before almost being kicked off in Huddersfield! Arrive back in manc about 8am , mate throws up everywhere on the train, job done.
Probably the City busking gig...


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