most painful thing thats happended to you?

Sitting on a deckchair it collapsed and folded shut with my finger trapped between two edges. My finger was hanging on by the skin on the opposite side of the nail. Still have a nice V shaped scar now.
My ladders slipped from underneath me on Friday.
My nose hurts like hell, my bottom teeth went just short of going through my bottom lip, my top lip is bruised, graze on my knee, a gash in my shin and a gash at the back of my knee. Made the match yesterday but had to drink my Guinness through a straw. I'm sure it gets you pissed quicker? Every cloud eh!
playing rugby in the army got a wack in the sturnum and cracked my sturnum from top to bottom that hurt like shit for 6 weeks or so.
Dislocated my shoulder many times but have been able to put it back in. Did it twice during a match once that was easily the worst time though.

But an old work mate suffered what must have been agony, when he was arguing with his missus about him going out for a round of golf she threw his clubs out the front door and whilst he was going out to get them she slammed the front door shut he only had his fingers in the hinge side and was trapped there, she didn't even open the door straight away cos she thought he was taking the piss all his fingers were crushed, felt sick when he told me and when i saw them it just made my stomach churn.
Losing my younger brother last year to Bowel Cancer. Love you Tony x

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