most painful thing thats happended to you?

When I was 16 I was running and jumped over a bench that was missing it's back rest and a few slats from the seat. I slipped and got my leg caught in-between the slats and my full weight bent my leg in the opposite direction. I was convinced I broken my leg. My knee swelled up like a balloon and I couldn't walk for months. I spent the entire school holidays on crutches and it was months before I could run again.

I fell on my arm once and completely shattered the elbow joint. The twats at casualty told me they didn't think I'd broke it and it wasn't worth x-raying it until morning.
I came back the next day and they completely missed it on the x-ray and told me I had a hairline fracture on my forearm. They told me not to be so soft, gave me to paracetamol and made me an appointment for the soft tissue clinic in two weeks time.
When I went for my appointment I still had no movement in my arm, so they sent me for another x-ray and found out the elbow joint was completely shattered.
He told me it should have been operated on the day it happened and it was probably too late.
He also said I would never get full use of my arm back but I have.
It twinges like fuck when it's damp though.

Broke two knuckles once, that was quite painful too.
aphex said:
charliebigspuds said:
cut my finger off on a piston on a printing press (down to the first knuckle), i had it put back on but it didn't take so had to go and get it cut off for good in surgery, they gave me an appointment to have it done but it was the day after i went on holiday so they brought it forward 24 hours and did it under a local anaesthetic, during the procedure i could hear the flesh being cut away and the bone being clipped etc, it wasn't good. Had the snip a few weeks ago and they had to administer more anaesthetic half way through as i could feel the lot, that hurt like hell.

thats bad news mate. i managed to save my thumb, it does look a mess though ;-)
did it 20 yrs ago so used to it now, my mates have had their money's worth out of taking the piss, mind you i was laughing when i got £10,000 for it, i considered doing
stony said:
When I was 16 I was running and jumped over a bench that was missing it's back rest and a few slats from the seat. I slipped and got my leg caught in-between the slats and my full weight bent my leg in the opposite direction. I was convinced I broken my leg. My knee swelled up like a balloon and I couldn't walk for months. I spent the entire school holidays on crutches and it was months before I could run again.

I fell on my arm once and completely shattered the elbow joint. The twats at casualty told me they didn't think I'd broke it and it wasn't worth x-raying it until morning.
I came back the next day and they completely missed it on the x-ray and told me I had a hairline fracture on my forearm. They told me not to be so soft, gave me to paracetamol and made me an appointment for the soft tissue clinic in two weeks time.
When I went for my appointment I still had no movement in my arm, so they sent me for another x-ray and found out the elbow joint was completely shattered.
He told me it should have been operated on the day it happened and it was probably too late.
He also said I would never get full use of my arm back but I have.
It twinges like fuck when it's damp though.

Broke two knuckles once, that was quite painful too.

hard ****... i broke my knuckles punching a radiator and a brick wall in anger lol. Not nice
three of the five tumours growing out of the top of my spine were growing against the nerve roots at each side of the vertebrae . i've never experienced pain like it in all my life . it felt like someone sticking a knife in my back whilst running high voltage electricity down both arms . the best was when i would go into a twenty minute spasm ( with no warning ) . to try and eleaviate the pain and wait until the spasm had passed , i had to lie on the floor and grit my teeth . not a good look when your shopping in asda , lol .
I was walking past the barrier in the car park when it lifted and whacked me in the nose, causing me great pain, considerable blood loss and huge embarrassment.
Stuart said:
three of the five tumours growing out of the top of my spine were growing against the nerve roots at each side of the vertebrae . i've never experienced pain like it in all my life . it felt like someone sticking a knife in my back whilst running high voltage electricity down both arms . the best was when i would go into a twenty minute spasm ( with no warning ) . to try and eleaviate the pain and wait until the spasm had passed , i had to lie on the floor and grit my teeth . not a good look when your shopping in asda , lol .

You could have waited for a few more pages before killing the thread. Unless someone has been eaten by a tiger and cut their way back out, there's no point carrying on with the thread. ;-)
Stuart said:
three of the five tumours growing out of the top of my spine were growing against the nerve roots at each side of the vertebrae . i've never experienced pain like it in all my life . it felt like someone sticking a knife in my back whilst running high voltage electricity down both arms . the best was when i would go into a twenty minute spasm ( with no warning ) . to try and eleaviate the pain and wait until the spasm had passed , i had to lie on the floor and grit my teeth . not a good look when your shopping in asda , lol .

not laughing at you mate but if you seen someone do that in asda you would piss yourself laughing.

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