most painful thing thats happended to you?

stony said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I'm surprised some woman hasn't come on here bleating on about the pain of childbirth and how us men have it easy and don't know the meaning of the word "pain".
And don't get them started on periods...

I've had bigger shits and my arse didn't fucking dilate to make it easier and I didn't have someone holding my hand and mopping my brow either.

I've never forgiven Elaine for biting me while she was having James. Bit my thumb to the fucking bone she did.

Its pathetic.
And they get free pethidine and gas and air.
I vaguely remember lots of screaming,biting and shouting "get this thing out of me!"
Though actually,thinking about it,that was the conception not the birth.
lol , sorry lads about killing the thread .
i did get some strange looks whilst on the floor (which seemed to bother the missus) but i didn't give a fuck . neither would anyone else feeling the pain i did .
i sometimes get people looking at me now , with that 'i'm sure i know you' look on there face when i'm out and about shopping . i've put on six stone since the good ol' tumour days .

i should have mentioned the time many moon's ago when i got involved in a mini riot and ended up being stabbed in the top of the leg with a meat cleaver outside the cleveland pub on crumpsall lane . a mate of mine helped me get around the corner into crumpsall hospital into A&E with the fucker still embedded in my leg . he fucked off whilst the nurses phoned the police . whilst they were removing it out of my leg , the coppers were saying to them not to touch the handle so they could retrieve fingerprints . asked what had happened i said i was walking down the road , bladdered , tripped over the pavement and fell onto it .
how we all laughed as they knew i was talking bollocks . asked whether i had been drinking in the cleve i said that i don't drink in there because it's got a bad reputation . then laughed again .
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
stony said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I'm surprised some woman hasn't come on here bleating on about the pain of childbirth and how us men have it easy and don't know the meaning of the word "pain".
And don't get them started on periods...

I've had bigger shits and my arse didn't fucking dilate to make it easier and I didn't have someone holding my hand and mopping my brow either.

I've never forgiven Elaine for biting me while she was having James. Bit my thumb to the fucking bone she did.

Its pathetic.
And they get free pethidine and gas and air.
I vaguely remember lots of screaming,biting and shouting "get this thing out of me!"
Though actually,thinking about it,that was the conception not the birth.

ahhh the painful memories of the aftermath of a vindaloo. Towel in my mouth sweating like a pedo in a nursery. You could of branded someone with my arsehole.
******** grossout allert **********

i had hernia surgery, groin hernias on both sides, decided to get 'em both done at one time. it went well except i was sent home from the hospital well before i should have been. i was still bleeding internally. a lot. all this extra blood went into my ball sack, and this area was already tender from surgery. my ball sack was nearly the size of a football, filled with blood. there was no position that was comfortable and the only painkiller i had handy was paracetamol. i nearly bled to death internally apparently but i didn't want my friend who was taking care of me to call an ambulance because i'd quite literally decided i'd rather die than endure the bumping and jostling that riding in a vehicle entails (that was stupid). the worst part was having to carry my enormous ball sack to the bathroom when i had to piss or shit.

***end grossout alert ************

ultimately though those spinal tumors of Stuart's sound like the most painful thing that COULD possibly happen. sorry you had to endure that, Stuart.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I vaguely remember lots of screaming,biting and shouting "get this thing out of me!"
Though actually,thinking about it,that was the conception not the birth.

pmsl, quality
zeusbheld said:
******** grossout allert **********

i had hernia surgery, groin hernias on both sides, decided to get 'em both done at one time. it went well except i was sent home from the hospital well before i should have been. i was still bleeding internally. a lot. all this extra blood went into my ball sack, and this area was already tender from surgery. my ball sack was nearly the size of a football, filled with blood. there was no position that was comfortable and the only painkiller i had handy was paracetamol. i nearly bled to death internally apparently but i didn't want my friend who was taking care of me to call an ambulance because i'd quite literally decided i'd rather die than endure the bumping and jostling that riding in a vehicle entails (that was stupid). the worst part was having to carry my enormous ball sack to the bathroom when i had to piss or shit.

***end grossout alert ************

ultimately though those spinal tumors of Stuart's sound like the most painful thing that COULD possibly happen. sorry you had to endure that, Stuart.

wow is all i can say.
When I was 16 I feel from the top of my stairs and landed FACE FIRST at the bottom..
I broke my nose in 2 places, my eye socket and my jaw…not to mention having some rather nasty carpet burns down the side of my face.
6 very painful operations to repair the damage…. :(
SambaBoys said:
When I was 16 I feel from the top of my stairs and landed FACE FIRST at the bottom..
I broke my nose in 2 places, my eye socket and my jaw…not to mention having some rather nasty carpet burns down the side of my face.
6 very painful operations to repair the damage…. :(

fucking hell. You carnt even tell in your pic. It could of been worse you could of ended up like steve bruce with blonde hair haha
SambaBoys said:
When I was 16 I feel from the top of my stairs and landed FACE FIRST at the bottom..
I broke my nose in 2 places, my eye socket and my jaw…not to mention having some rather nasty carpet burns down the side of my face.
6 very painful operations to repair the damage…. :(

Well I must say that you have healed magnificently sweetness.
And i'm sure carpet burns were not an alien concept...:)x

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