Most pissed you have been at a game..

There was a really boring derby in late 2010 where I had been drinking White Ace in town all day and then threw up outside Mary D's when someone set a smoke bomb off inside. I also got a smack outside the ground for singing less than acceptable songs - happened right infront of the police and in fairness I think they could have nabbed me if instant karma didn't come around, so i'll take that one. 0-0 draw on the pitch.
Maine Road, Monday night match v Southampton, mid 90's.

Couple of cans on the train, got off a Deansgate, pint in town, another 3 in the Claremont. A couple in the ground before KO and another couple at HT. Kebab in Rusholme, staggered back for the late train home.

I'm not really a big drinker, and throughout most of 90's I was 8 1/2 stone wringing wet.

Work the next day - felt sh*t.
Some of the Euro always have to be up there, especially when we beat Bayern 3-2 at the Allianz, which happened to be on my birthday, but they are knocked into a cocked hat by the Brighton semi final in 2019.

Ironically enough, had been working in Sussex the day before and my punter took my out on the Friday night in Brighton, which was mental in itself. Got up on Saturday morning and got the train up to London, which was full of Brighton fans (obvs) and started drinking as soon as I landed.

Then went to an Italian off Baker Street for an early lunch with my son and my best mate and after quite a bit of wine started on the Negronis. Must have had at least six each. By the time I got to Wembley I could barely stand. Spent most of the first half drifting in and out of sleep, although I saw the goal. Sobered up enough to watch the second half in its entirety.

I was an absolute shambles tbf and fuck knows what those sat around me thought. Still, I have a very high embarrassment threshold and now look back fondly upon the day.

That period from the defeat of Liverpool through to the Cup Final win v Watford was like something from a dream, it was that good.
About as close to perfection as it’s possible to experience, over half a season (there or thereabouts), as a football supporter - and that mental day was very much part of it.
Santander away. My mate and I arrived the day before and got involved in a biblical drinking session with other blues. Went on most of the night, ending up drinking all sorts of shots etc. Then spent the day of the game with horrendous hangover, throwing up every 30 minutes and slept in my seat through the match itself. Was told by quite a few people afterwards that I had been lucky to miss it.
Plzen away, two of us went in a bar in the town centre in early afternoon and we must have got through nine or ten rounds of the local Pilsner lager before meeting up with a couple of other Blues in a restaurant near the stadium where we had a couple more before heading to the match. Then afterwards we went back to the hotel bar for another couple of drinks yet I had no hangover the following morning, normally I'm under the table after about 6 or 7 pints. The only reason I could think of was that the lager came straight from the brewery near the stadium for local consumption without any of the usual additives in it.
Stoke away one year when I landed in a student bar selling jäger bombs for a quid

got the train down and was confused when I woke up on my bathroom floor the next day

turns out my dad has driven down and took me home in the car where I climbed into the boot and found a crate of lager
Definitely Monchengladbach. Ended up talking, and drinking with, two Danish lads in a bar in that town they sent us to pre match. One of them had a picture on his phone of the 'famous Jackie' taken in Mary D's which he was proudly showing everyone. Almost forgot to go to the game ... we won, so I'm told.

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