Moths, wasps and spiders..

I read once that Siamese cats are squirrel killers. Ours just sits under the bird table and watches them eat. They stroll nonchalantly past him.

Yup. One of the cat catches leafs to show its natural killer instincts but only if they blow within 1cm or them during their 2 minutes of being awake time so they don’t actually have to move.
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My cat caught a sparrow the other evening and brought it back for me to play with :)) Dead, though. I threw it around a bit with the cat watching, and then she ate it. Crunched through the head and legs!. Only one feather was remaining on the lawn after she'd finished. Starving cats in Africa would have left nothing. I should have filmed it and shared it here.
3 huge spiders last couple nights, horrific. squashed them all with Mrs Hammers recipe cook book.
Ah yeah mate, I want nothing more than to see a spider tortured for hours, begging for death long before it comes!!! Hahaha

Cats are only marginally less of **** than the squirrel that is currently stripping my walnut tree and has been for a week now. They’re not even ready yet for another month. I hope it gets indigestion. Will forget where it puts them because no squirrel needs that many nuts. I believe @kaz7 says Merlin is a bit of a squirrel killer, my cats just stare at it for 30 seconds before going back to eating and sleeping for the rest of the day. The dogs chase it but never get close.

We don't see wildlife from our back window ever, Jasper operates a scorched earth policy. Although he has struck up a weird relationship with a family of Hedgehogs who took root under a tarpaulin over the winter and we haven't the heart to evict.

Cats are weird though, you can get a mean looking Cat who looks like he would choke a small child but is as nice as fuck or you get a sly bastard who looks like he dropped out of an advert but would shred your face if you bothered him :)
3 huge spiders last couple nights, horrific. squashed them all with Mrs Hammers recipe cook book.
You could have just used Mrs Hammer to squash them?
I'm the spider catcher in our house. The missus and my daughter are terrified by them. I don't get it...they do fuck all. They're HOUSE spiders. They have rights!
We don't see wildlife from our back window ever, Jasper operates a scorched earth policy. Although he has struck up a weird relationship with a family of Hedgehogs who took root under a tarpaulin over the winter and we haven't the heart to evict.

Cats are weird though, you can get a mean looking Cat who looks like he would choke a small child but is as nice as fuck or you get a sly bastard who looks like he dropped out of an advert but would shred your face if you bothered him :)

Hahaha brilliant mate!! Daughter’s cat is lovely but seems to have some deep seated issues as she attacks the postman and people with dogs who dare to walk past her house. Those seem to be her pray.

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