Moths, wasps and spiders..

Bees are useful! Can't think what good wasps are!

And while were on this esoteric thread whatever happened to those four, five, 'n six inch slugs that used to appear five mins after it stopped raining. There's plenty of snails inside their shells in the gardens at Ewing Towers (not open to the public!) but where are the orange, white 'n brown super slugs?
Wasps are important pollinators and they eat greenfly. All good until you want to sit out with a beer.
The slugs you refer to are probably Portuguese. They invaded a few years ago but seem to be dying away now. We had loads eating our hostas, but none this year.
This is what you need mate :)

View attachment 128996

Ah yeah mate, I want nothing more than to see a spider tortured for hours, begging for death long before it comes!!! Hahaha

Cats are only marginally less of **** than the squirrel that is currently stripping my walnut tree and has been for a week now. They’re not even ready yet for another month. I hope it gets indigestion. Will forget where it puts them because no squirrel needs that many nuts. I believe @kaz7 says Merlin is a bit of a squirrel killer, my cats just stare at it for 30 seconds before going back to eating and sleeping for the rest of the day. The dogs chase it but never get close.
Wasps eat flies, aphids, caterpillars and other invertebrates, making them an important insect-controlling predator and are important pollinators

They are incredibly important apparently in the grand scheme of the eco system.

My issue is, why are they so fucking thick?

Bees come round, have a quick sniff around you, realise theres nowt down for them and fuck off.

Fucking wasps won’t leave you alone. Buzzing round your head for hours. Even if you manage to swat one, they just send a secret signal to their mates to come and annoy the fuck out of you for revenge.
Fucking wasps won’t leave you alone. Buzzing round your head for hours. Even if you manage to swat one, they just send a secret signal to their mates to come and annoy the fuck out of you for revenge.
Similar to utd fans on twitter
Ah yeah mate, I want nothing more than to see a spider tortured for hours, begging for death long before it comes!!! Hahaha

Cats are only marginally less of **** than the squirrel that is currently stripping my walnut tree and has been for a week now. They’re not even ready yet for another month. I hope it gets indigestion. Will forget where it puts them because no squirrel needs that many nuts. I believe @kaz7 says Merlin is a bit of a squirrel killer, my cats just stare at it for 30 seconds before going back to eating and sleeping for the rest of the day. The dogs chase it but never get close.
I read once that Siamese cats are squirrel killers. Ours just sits under the bird table and watches them eat. They stroll nonchalantly past him.
They are incredibly important apparently in the grand scheme of the eco system.

My issue is, why are they so fucking thick?

Bees come round, have a quick sniff around you, realise theres nowt down for them and fuck off.

Fucking wasps won’t leave you alone. Buzzing round your head for hours. Even if you manage to swat one, they just send a secret signal to their mates to come and annoy the fuck out of you for revenge.

Have you ever thought of writing a book on wasps? Nailed it mate.

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