Motion - the country is completely broken

True but if you’re not politically motivated & get the paper for the racing & the tits but read every page then that’s how they get you. Not you & not me…….anymore but clearly that’s how they did it.

How many people really know much about Politics? & don’t they know it.
I agree but at the end of day if people don't know much about politics they can either learn or not vote. Voting on the basis of what a paper who shows tits is the readers fault. In a democracy everyone gets a vote if someone wants to prevent that or make sure everyone is educated to what they believe that is dangerous.
I agree but at the end of day if people don't know much about politics they can either learn or not vote. Voting on the basis of what a paper who shows tits is the readers fault. In a democracy everyone gets a vote if someone wants to prevent that or make sure everyone is educated to what they believe that is dangerous.

I agree mate

Over in Aus you get fined for not voting.
vultures picking at the carcass of public services poisoned deliberately by the far-right policies that thatcher turbo-charged, cheered on by little-englander racists led and conducted by murdoch/dacre media propaganda. Incompetence is not a factor, the destruction of democracy has been planned and enacted to a degree only dreamed of before the referendum .
The media tell you something often enough people start believing it. Joseph Goebbels knew a thing or two about that. Change Jews for immigrants and you start to see the picture.
I don’t think I said I lived there at the time. I lived there over 20 years ago. The town I lived in was next to Luxembourg border. I would imagine they’d be horrified at the break up of the EU. The Germans I lived and studied with were very much pro-EU. I also lived in France, near the Spanish border. They saw themselves far less as “European”. In fact, a sizeable chunk were more Basque than French.

So you had enjoyed the benefit of free movement in at least two countries and voted to remove it from others....?

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