motorway idiots targeted

Markt85 said:
black mamba said:
I still see many people driving whilst eating

i ate a kebab on my lap down the motorway the other night, stayed in the slow lane and there was zero traffic, had knife and folk... was more relaxing that eating indoors with the toddler trying to nick my cutlery.. might have a roast on sunday on the M20/A2

Is it true that you lot don't have gravy on your roast?
Never Mind The Pollocks said:
Markt85 said:
black mamba said:
I still see many people driving whilst eating

i ate a kebab on my lap down the motorway the other night, stayed in the slow lane and there was zero traffic, had knife and folk... was more relaxing that eating indoors with the toddler trying to nick my cutlery.. might have a roast on sunday on the M20/A2

Is it true that you lot don't have gravy on your roast?

i tend to only have a little bit of gravy but ... plenty of Ketchup (don't think that is a southern thing as i get a lot of stick round my folks for that )
SWP's back said:
Challenger1978 said:
Speeding is way more dangerous than sitting in the middle lane.

What some of you lot do not seem to understand is the speed limit is just not about breaking distance. Its about judging distance and reaction times

If I'm in my car doing 70 mph and see a big gap then i go to move over. Only to have the car in the next lane near enough fly up my arse and have to slam on their breaks as the cunts are doing 90+ mph.

Is that not much more dangerous than some dopey **** sat in the middle lane doing a constant 70 mph and not moving over to the left ?
You will of course have facts and figures to back that up won't you.

And no, in your scenario, I would still say the middle lane driver is the bigger ****.

You see this


Why don't you sit down and have a piss you wonky nob ****.

Blueboy Danny said:
True_Blue69 said:
crizack said:
so yet more fucking nansy pansy mother hen legislation is passed or ammended to suit the moaners and the do rights. Funny how it hasn't mentioned cracking down on the 80-100mph unwritten 'flashing headlights telling someone to move the fuck over' code for the outside lane.

fucking idiots the lot of them.

Get out of the middle lane and stop dordelling in the fast lane and these things wont annoy you!

You are aware there is no such thing as a "fast lane" aren't you?

Is it there for people to go faster than the other 2 lanes? Yes, so I call it that. There is technically no such thing as a linesman anymore (referess assistant) but I still call them that. As long as people understand what I am talking about Im not too concerned about using the technically correct name.

---Sent from my iPhone in the fast lane---
If being a road hog is suddenly such a bad thing to do then why only a crackdown (which won't happen) on motorways.

The worst types of road hog I encounter are

1. Young men, probably quite thick ones, cruising round and round town at night at very low speeds, fog lights on because of poor eyesight caused by too much w*nking, sometimes stopping for a chat with a similar moron driving the other way, thinking they and their cars look cool, wicked or whatever the latest kids word is for trendy and with it.

2. People parking on double yellows outside shops and takeaways, and everyone has to wait for a gap in the oncoming traffic to get past.

3. Fat slobs and lazy people who drive round crowded streets very slowly waiting for a parking space to appear because they are so disgustingly lazy and/or fat they can't walk more than 20 yards to where they want to go.

4. People who buy cars but can't afford a house with enough off-road parking and so they leave their cars on the road all the time making it impossible for 2 way traffic to use the road, so causing lots of waiting for other drivers.

5. People who are so pathetically proud of their cars and how shiny and pristine they look that they need a gap twice as wide as the bloody thing before they'll get a move on, so they end up blocking the road needlessly for normal drivers.

Compared to these anti-social types the middle lane motorway hogger is a very, very rare bird indeed.
urmston said:
If being a road hog is suddenly such a bad thing to do then why only a crackdown (which won't happen) on motorways.

The worst types of road hog I encounter are

1. Young men, probably quite thick ones, cruising round and round town at night at very low speeds, fog lights on because of poor eyesight caused by too much w*nking, sometimes stopping for a chat with a similar moron driving the other way, thinking they and their cars look cool, wicked or whatever the latest kids word is for trendy and with it.

2. People parking on double yellows outside shops and takeaways, and everyone has to wait for a gap in the oncoming traffic to get past.

3. Fat slobs and lazy people who drive round crowded streets very slowly waiting for a parking space to appear because they are so disgustingly lazy and/or fat they can't walk more than 20 yards to where they want to go.

4. People who buy cars but can't afford a house with enough off-road parking and so they leave their cars on the road all the time making it impossible for 2 way traffic to use the road, so causing lots of waiting for other drivers.

5. People who are so pathetically proud of their cars and how shiny and pristine they look that they need a gap twice as wide as the bloody thing before they'll get a move on, so they end up blocking the road needlessly for normal drivers.

Compared to these anti-social types the middle lane motorway hogger is a very, very rare bird indeed.
I would say you need to get out more, but judging by that it seems you do little else but drive around looking for things to annoy you.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
urmston said:
If being a road hog is suddenly such a bad thing to do then why only a crackdown (which won't happen) on motorways.

The worst types of road hog I encounter are

1. Young men, probably quite thick ones, cruising round and round town at night at very low speeds, fog lights on because of poor eyesight caused by too much w*nking, sometimes stopping for a chat with a similar moron driving the other way, thinking they and their cars look cool, wicked or whatever the latest kids word is for trendy and with it.

2. People parking on double yellows outside shops and takeaways, and everyone has to wait for a gap in the oncoming traffic to get past.

3. Fat slobs and lazy people who drive round crowded streets very slowly waiting for a parking space to appear because they are so disgustingly lazy and/or fat they can't walk more than 20 yards to where they want to go.

4. People who buy cars but can't afford a house with enough off-road parking and so they leave their cars on the road all the time making it impossible for 2 way traffic to use the road, so causing lots of waiting for other drivers.

5. People who are so pathetically proud of their cars and how shiny and pristine they look that they need a gap twice as wide as the bloody thing before they'll get a move on, so they end up blocking the road needlessly for normal drivers.

Compared to these anti-social types the middle lane motorway hogger is a very, very rare bird indeed.
I would say you need to get out more, but judging by that it seems you do little else but drive around looking for things to annoy you.

You statement is silly.

If I'm driving around all the time I am out .

Nobody drives their car around inside their house.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
urmston said:
If being a road hog is suddenly such a bad thing to do then why only a crackdown (which won't happen) on motorways.

The worst types of road hog I encounter are

1. Young men, probably quite thick ones, cruising round and round town at night at very low speeds, fog lights on because of poor eyesight caused by too much w*nking, sometimes stopping for a chat with a similar moron driving the other way, thinking they and their cars look cool, wicked or whatever the latest kids word is for trendy and with it.

2. People parking on double yellows outside shops and takeaways, and everyone has to wait for a gap in the oncoming traffic to get past.

3. Fat slobs and lazy people who drive round crowded streets very slowly waiting for a parking space to appear because they are so disgustingly lazy and/or fat they can't walk more than 20 yards to where they want to go.

4. People who buy cars but can't afford a house with enough off-road parking and so they leave their cars on the road all the time making it impossible for 2 way traffic to use the road, so causing lots of waiting for other drivers.

5. People who are so pathetically proud of their cars and how shiny and pristine they look that they need a gap twice as wide as the bloody thing before they'll get a move on, so they end up blocking the road needlessly for normal drivers.

Compared to these anti-social types the middle lane motorway hogger is a very, very rare bird indeed.
I would say you need to get out more, but judging by that it seems you do little else but drive around looking for things to annoy you.

All of his threads regarding motorists are like this, he is pathetic, and hates them all! I wrote him quite a long and detailed response a few weeks back in a motoring thread and he didnt reply too for some reason. What's more worrying, is that he doesn't seem to ever see middle lane hoggers. That probably because he is one in his Toyota Prius.

My take on this new rule is brilliant and one that has been long overdue. People who sit in the middle lane for no reason cause tailbacks, undertaking and tailgating. If the inside lane isn't clear, then use the middle lane to overtake. If that middle lane is also busy, then move to the outside lane to overtake. When the middle lane is then clear, move back over and the. Again to the inside lane at the earliest opportunity. It isn't rocket science, just common sense.
"My take on this new rule is brilliant and one that has been long overdue. People who sit in the middle lane for no reason cause tailbacks, undertaking and tailgating. If the inside lane isn't clear, then use the middle lane to overtake. If that middle lane is also busy, then move to the outside lane to overtake. When the middle lane is then clear, move back over and the. Again to the inside lane at the earliest opportunity. It isn't rocket science, just common sense."

This is far too sensible a post. It is so obvious, it will never catch on.

Just don't get me started on Nissan Micra drivers, whether on motorways or not. My pet hate!!
rickmcfc said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
urmston said:
If being a road hog is suddenly such a bad thing to do then why only a crackdown (which won't happen) on motorways.

The worst types of road hog I encounter are

1. Young men, probably quite thick ones, cruising round and round town at night at very low speeds, fog lights on because of poor eyesight caused by too much w*nking, sometimes stopping for a chat with a similar moron driving the other way, thinking they and their cars look cool, wicked or whatever the latest kids word is for trendy and with it.

2. People parking on double yellows outside shops and takeaways, and everyone has to wait for a gap in the oncoming traffic to get past.

3. Fat slobs and lazy people who drive round crowded streets very slowly waiting for a parking space to appear because they are so disgustingly lazy and/or fat they can't walk more than 20 yards to where they want to go.

4. People who buy cars but can't afford a house with enough off-road parking and so they leave their cars on the road all the time making it impossible for 2 way traffic to use the road, so causing lots of waiting for other drivers.

5. People who are so pathetically proud of their cars and how shiny and pristine they look that they need a gap twice as wide as the bloody thing before they'll get a move on, so they end up blocking the road needlessly for normal drivers.

Compared to these anti-social types the middle lane motorway hogger is a very, very rare bird indeed.
I would say you need to get out more, but judging by that it seems you do little else but drive around looking for things to annoy you.

All of his threads regarding motorists are like this, he is pathetic, and hates them all! I wrote him quite a long and detailed response a few weeks back in a motoring thread and he didnt reply too for some reason. What's more worrying, is that he doesn't seem to ever see middle lane hoggers. That probably because he is one in his Toyota Prius.

My take on this new rule is brilliant and one that has been long overdue. People who sit in the middle lane for no reason cause tailbacks, undertaking and tailgating. If the inside lane isn't clear, then use the middle lane to overtake. If that middle lane is also busy, then move to the outside lane to overtake. When the middle lane is then clear, move back over and the. Again to the inside lane at the earliest opportunity. It isn't rocket science, just common sense.

I don't hate all motorists.

After all, I am one myself, and I've been one for longer than most people.

I hate inconsiderate motorists, such as louts who speed or use phones while driving.

They represent a small minority of motorists, but as there are so many motorists on our roads that minority is a large number of people and any road user will see a lot of these selfish yobs any day of the week.

If there's one type of motorist who sounds really pathetic to me its the whingy whiny type who can't understand why his (and it is usually some sad bloke) superb driving skills are not appreciated by the authorities who persecute him with all sorts of rules and regulations which should only apply to lesser drivers.

This miserable type is also prone to blame cyclists, pedestrians, traffic wardens, the police, speed cameras, middle lane road hoggers etc etc for his horrible time on our roads, when most normal motorists understand that it is the sheer number of cars which is the problem.

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