Mourinho or Mancini

BoyBlue_1985 said:
The cookie monster said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
I would like to point out that I dont hate Mancini just some people have him on a pedestal he doesn't deserve. He is well known to be a wanker at times.
I want whatever is best for City and I dont care who is the manager that delivers it or the players.
I never said you hated him
Would you swap him for mourinho?

I dont know, there was a time when I would of had Mourinho no matter what.
Its not that clear for me, im attached to Mancini he delivered us so much but we appear to be going backwards and he is doing his "falling down" act that happened at Inter in his last season

Good post.

Personally, I really liked Mancini, I was proud of our win last year and called my dog Bobby. I liked his persona (witty Italian, no nonsense) and the strides we made forward. Things have changed now and I give my thoughts below, I may miss a few things out but my opinion is formed and I'm of the opinion we should part ways and say farewell with a pat on the back with best wishes for the future (and a few million in his tail to go home with).

The time I began to start getting pissed off was the handling of Adebayor situation (I believe Mancini could have helped our position by saying he could work at a return and play for us, we could of done a better deal maybe?) which his stance fucked us up imo, Tevez can swan off and return, Balotelli gets how many chances, doubles standards basically.

I believe he fell in love with the 3-5-2 becuase of Juventus last year and Italy when they used formation too. He's tried to get us playing the formation even though we had a winning forumula that worked last season, he tried to fix something that wasn't broken. I don't like the blame put on Richards, Hart etc when we did poorly in CL and I don't like the blame on us not getting such and such a player. We play too narrow and we have no wingers (even though all top teams have wide options, just us who don't why is that?) and yet the blame is because of RVP and our strikers not scoring more. I don't get that, our midfield is poor this year and they are too blame imo. I like managers who lift teams, take the blame themselves and act as a magnet for criticism, henging players out to dry is not only poor management but it's demoralising. We've all fucked up at work at somepoint but how would you like it if you were dragged infront of the workforce and slaughtered infront of them and blamed for wrongs. Woudl you not prefer it was done in the privacy of the gaffers office?

We also have the ongoing power struggle and slaughtering of colleagues in the media eye, Marwood in this case. It's truly unprofessional, yet again.

Now if results were in our favour you could say 'well its part and parcel of him as a manager, he delivers so you have to accept it', but he isn't deilivering and if I look to the future and I compare our CL campaigns under Mancini and Jose, who do I believe will get us further in the competition? Could we win it? Yes, but only with Jose. I have zero faith in Mancini when it comes to Europe to be blunt. I look to Inter as well as City for that opinion.

So to conclude;
*Blames staff publicly. Be it players or colleagues at management level.
*Varying attitudes toward players and 'tolerance thresholds' depending on preference, which can lead to problems in the dressing room due to percieved bias.
*Seems to have hit a wall when it comes to Europe.
*Still no partnerships forming upfront and too busy lamenting what we haven't got on our rosta than what we have. Find a formation that compliments what we have rather than players who compliment a formation so to speak.

That's my two cents anyway.
Didsbury Dave said:
Rolee said:
Billy, who is this player Mancini forced to travel when his wife was in labour? Was that at Inter? Did he have the authority to make that call when he was there but diesel have the authority to give Tevez a few days off for a family issue at City.

Can you please help me understand, thanks.

I'll tell you. It was Jerome Boateng when we played in a UEFA cup game, a long way away. Might have been Kiev, can't remember.

Not only was his wife in labour, but it was with twins. As the father of twins I can tell you first hand that the birth of twins is quite traumatic, as it's usually premature and leads to the babies having to go into intensive care.

He received the call to travel by text message, and received no response to his pleas for understanding. When he got there a car took him to the team hotel. The manager said nothing to him about this, didn't pick him and he just had to hang around whilst his wife went through the whole thing.

That's what Billy is referring to, and is exactly what happened and a major reason he left.
That's pretty fucked up.
BillyShears said:
Skashion said:
BillyShears said:
I see lying is the new "discussion" on Bluemoon.
Hang on, you admitted you said that.

To be fair I said that Mancini would do well in knock out competitions ... I did once after Liverpool beat us at Anfield say that we'd never win the league under him ... so I guess Moomba's just half a liar rather than a full blown one.

Any chance you will answer my question
If we do win a few more titles and the champions league
Will you still hate bobby?
Didsbury Dave said:
Rolee said:
Billy, who is this player Mancini forced to travel when his wife was in labour? Was that at Inter? Did he have the authority to make that call when he was there but diesel have the authority to give Tevez a few days off for a family issue at City.

Can you please help me understand, thanks.

I'll tell you. It was Jerome Boateng when we played in a UEFA cup game, a long way away. Might have been Kiev, can't remember.

Not only was his wife in labour, but it was with twins. As the father of twins I can tell you first hand that the birth of twins is quite traumatic, as it's usually premature and leads to the babies having to go into intensive care.

He received the call to travel by text message, and received no response to his pleas for understanding. When he got there a car took him to the team hotel. The manager said nothing to him about this, didn't pick him and he just had to hang around whilst his wife went through the whole thing.

That's what Billy is referring to, and is exactly what happened and a major reason he left.

Thanks Dave, is there any hard evidence that this happened?

Why did the tabloids not pick up on this at the time? Fairly juicy story for them to have missed, don't you think?
The cookie monster said:
I thought boateng left because he was a shithouse
A wimp who wouldnt go into challenges and bobby had had enough of him

You learn something new on here everyday.

Boeteng is actually shit hot for club and country, the Germans dont do defenders who cant defend, if true about Boeteng and Mancini that is extremely shit man management-in fact its not man management its down right fucking disgusting.
flb said:
The cookie monster said:
I thought boateng left because he was a shithouse
A wimp who wouldnt go into challenges and bobby had had enough of him

You learn something new on here everyday.

Boeteng is actually shit hot for club and country, the Germans dont do defenders who cant defend, if true about Boeteng and Mancini that is extremely shit man management-in fact its not man management its down right fucking disgusting.
I dont give a fuck what he has done for club & country
He was a fucking coward when he put our shirt on.
Rolee said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Rolee said:
Billy, who is this player Mancini forced to travel when his wife was in labour? Was that at Inter? Did he have the authority to make that call when he was there but diesel have the authority to give Tevez a few days off for a family issue at City.

Can you please help me understand, thanks.

I'll tell you. It was Jerome Boateng when we played in a UEFA cup game, a long way away. Might have been Kiev, can't remember.

Not only was his wife in labour, but it was with twins. As the father of twins I can tell you first hand that the birth of twins is quite traumatic, as it's usually premature and leads to the babies having to go into intensive care.

He received the call to travel by text message, and received no response to his pleas for understanding. When he got there a car took him to the team hotel. The manager said nothing to him about this, didn't pick him and he just had to hang around whilst his wife went through the whole thing.

That's what Billy is referring to, and is exactly what happened and a major reason he left.

Thanks Dave, is there any hard evidence that this happened?

Why did the tabloids not pick up on this at the time? Fairly juicy story for them to have missed, don't you think?

No, there is no hard evidence. You can choose to believe it or not believe it. It's honestly up to you and I'm not going to twist your arm.
Didsbury Dave said:
Rolee said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I'll tell you. It was Jerome Boateng when we played in a UEFA cup game, a long way away. Might have been Kiev, can't remember.

Not only was his wife in labour, but it was with twins. As the father of twins I can tell you first hand that the birth of twins is quite traumatic, as it's usually premature and leads to the babies having to go into intensive care.

He received the call to travel by text message, and received no response to his pleas for understanding. When he got there a car took him to the team hotel. The manager said nothing to him about this, didn't pick him and he just had to hang around whilst his wife went through the whole thing.

That's what Billy is referring to, and is exactly what happened and a major reason he left.

Thanks Dave, is there any hard evidence that this happened?

Why did the tabloids not pick up on this at the time? Fairly juicy story for them to have missed, don't you think?

No, there is no hard evidence. You can choose to believe it or not believe it. It's honestly up to you and I'm not going to twist your arm.

Thanks for giving me the permission to believe what I want.

I find it hard to accept that this just passed under the radar considering the amount of hacks out there that are thirsty for Mancini's blood.
Rolee said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Rolee said:
Thanks Dave, is there any hard evidence that this happened?

Why did the tabloids not pick up on this at the time? Fairly juicy story for them to have missed, don't you think?

No, there is no hard evidence. You can choose to believe it or not believe it. It's honestly up to you and I'm not going to twist your arm.

Thanks for giving me the permission to believe what I want.

I find it hard to accept that this just passed under the radar considering the amount of hacks out there that are thirsty for Mancini's blood.

That's fine.
The cookie monster said:
flb said:
The cookie monster said:
I thought boateng left because he was a shithouse
A wimp who wouldnt go into challenges and bobby had had enough of him

You learn something new on here everyday.

Boeteng is actually shit hot for club and country, the Germans dont do defenders who cant defend, if true about Boeteng and Mancini that is extremely shit man management-in fact its not man management its down right fucking disgusting.
I dont give a fuck what he has done for club & country
He was a fucking coward when he put our shirt on.

Perhaps he played shit because he had no respect for Mancini, if he did that to me and my family id be going through the motions aswell.Its funny how he transformed into a very very good defender when he transferred to Bayern.

Its for these reasons that hes cooked his goose for me-his man management skills are appalling and if the weekends performance was anything to go by we have some serious issues in the dressing room.

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