Mourinho or Mancini

Just to clarify, Boatengs twins were born about 2 weeks after the Kiev game, about 5 weeks premature.

Must have one hell of a labour.
Didsbury Dave said:
Rolee said:
Didsbury Dave said:
No, there is no hard evidence. You can choose to believe it or not believe it. It's honestly up to you and I'm not going to twist your arm.

Thanks for giving me the permission to believe what I want.

I find it hard to accept that this just passed under the radar considering the amount of hacks out there that are thirsty for Mancini's blood.

That's fine.

You can lead a horse to water...........

Regarding that 'story', I am sickened. If that is true then I hold absolutely no emotions or feelings for Mancini. That is a terrible thing to do and totally unwarranted, playing him is one thing but to bench him :(
flb said:
The cookie monster said:
flb said:
Boeteng is actually shit hot for club and country, the Germans dont do defenders who cant defend, if true about Boeteng and Mancini that is extremely shit man management-in fact its not man management its down right fucking disgusting.
I dont give a fuck what he has done for club & country
He was a fucking coward when he put our shirt on.

Perhaps he played shit because he had no respect for Mancini, if he did that to me and my family id be going through the motions aswell.Its funny how he transformed into a very very good defender when he transferred to Bayern.

Its for these reasons that hes cooked his goose for me-his man management skills are appalling and if the weekends performance was anything to go by we have some issues in the dressing room.

Cookie's like the other side of the coin to me. Just as some people say I'd never praise Mancini no matter what he did, it's plain to see that Cookie won't have a bad word said about Mancini not matter how often and in how many different ways he fucks up. I think that's why we get along so well. :)
BillyShears said:
flb said:
The cookie monster said:
I dont give a fuck what he has done for club & country
He was a fucking coward when he put our shirt on.

Perhaps he played shit because he had no respect for Mancini, if he did that to me and my family id be going through the motions aswell.Its funny how he transformed into a very very good defender when he transferred to Bayern.

Its for these reasons that hes cooked his goose for me-his man management skills are appalling and if the weekends performance was anything to go by we have some issues in the dressing room.

Cookie's like the other side of the coin to me. Just as some people say I'd never praise Mancini no matter what he did, it's plain to see that Cookie won't have a bad word said about Mancini not matter how often and in how many different ways he fucks up. I think that's why we get along so well. :)

Forever joined in a love hate relationship-i sense a civil ceremony coming up, you could have beautiful little children together like Elton John and David Furnish!
moomba said:
Just to clarify, Boatengs twins were born about 2 weeks after the Kiev game, about 5 weeks premature.

Must have one hell of a labour.


Well played moomba
Didsbury Dave said:
Rolee said:
Billy, who is this player Mancini forced to travel when his wife was in labour? Was that at Inter? Did he have the authority to make that call when he was there but diesel have the authority to give Tevez a few days off for a family issue at City.

Can you please help me understand, thanks.

I'll tell you. It was Jerome Boateng when we played in a UEFA cup game, a long way away. Might have been Kiev, can't remember.

Not only was his wife in labour, but it was with twins. As the father of twins I can tell you first hand that the birth of twins is quite traumatic, as it's usually premature and leads to the babies having to go into intensive care.

He received the call to travel by text message, and received no response to his pleas for understanding. When he got there a car took him to the team hotel. The manager said nothing to him about this, didn't pick him and he just had to hang around whilst his wife went through the whole thing.

That's what Billy is referring to, and is exactly what happened and a major reason he left.

No offence, but I don't believe this story. It would have been out there in tabloidland well before now if it was true.
Rolee said:
I find it hard to accept that this just passed under the radar considering the amount of hacks out there that are thirsty for Mancini's blood.

This. I also happen to believe that every man in their right mind would tell Mancini to fuck off and go AWOL if it the alternative meant missing the birth of your children.

Like Moomba said, the twins were born 2 weeks after the Kiev game.
BillyShears said:
flb said:
The cookie monster said:
I dont give a fuck what he has done for club & country
He was a fucking coward when he put our shirt on.

Perhaps he played shit because he had no respect for Mancini, if he did that to me and my family id be going through the motions aswell.Its funny how he transformed into a very very good defender when he transferred to Bayern.

Its for these reasons that hes cooked his goose for me-his man management skills are appalling and if the weekends performance was anything to go by we have some issues in the dressing room.

Cookie's like the other side of the coin to me. Just as some people say I'd never praise Mancini no matter what he did, it's plain to see that Cookie won't have a bad word said about Mancini not matter how often and in how many different ways he fucks up. I think that's why we get along so well. :)

Thats bollocks,of course i disagree with bobby on some of the shit he does
But you have issues with mancini and god knows what they are
I dont know one city fan who has that much hate towards our manager than you billy.
moomba said:
Just to clarify, Boatengs twins were born about 2 weeks after the Kiev game, about 5 weeks premature.

Must have one hell of a labour.

Didsbury Dave said:
I'll tell you. It was Jerome Boateng when we played in a UEFA cup game, a long way away. Might have been Kiev, can't remember.

Not only was his wife in labour, but it was with twins. As the father of twins I can tell you first hand that the birth of twins is quite traumatic, as it's usually premature and leads to the babies having to go into intensive care.

He received the call to travel by text message, and received no response to his pleas for understanding. When he got there a car took him to the team hotel. The manager said nothing to him about this, didn't pick him and he just had to hang around whilst his wife went through the whole thing.

That's what Billy is referring to, and is exactly what happened and a major reason he left.
That's pretty fucked up.
lol nevermind. thanks moomba

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