moyes for city tin hat ready

I absolutely hate David Moyes, I dont know what the big fuss is over him, What did he ever do for Everton apart from avoid them from relegation? He didnt win a trophy with them yet, They never do well in Europe when there in it, As far as am concerned while he is at Everton all they will ever be is a mid-table mediocre team!
Damocles said:
Probably Unwelcome Evertonian said:
You'll be delighted to hear that I won't log on again until just before we are going to play you next season but...

Moyes immediate predecessor (sp), Walter Smith, never got us a top half finish. In fact, he was fired for fear of relegation. God - my low point was a 3-0 home defeat against Ipswich while he was in charge.

Moyes then got 7th the following season, which was followed up by an end of season DVD called 'The Magnificent 7th'. Funny how times change isn't it - that was an Hell of an achievement back then.

Before Wally we had Howard Kendall Part III - survived on the last day of the season. In fact, in the 90s, we finished in the top 8 only once and that was Royle's season after the FA Cup win when we signed Kanchelskis.

So "has took a top 8 club consistently to the top eight" is so far off the mark it's like a Thomasz Radzinski finish. Moyes however has achieved stability that we had not experienced for many years prior to his appointment.

You can't be an Everton fan. Has nobody ever told you that you have are the FOURTH most successful club in England EVER?

Yet still,not one fucking dickhead everton fan,despite my points on numuorous times,will answer the question I've put on countless fucking threads about this shithole of a club will answer the simple question:IF YOU GET £22MIL FOR A PLAYER THAT IS (In your words and some City fans) NOT WORTH ANYWHERE NEAR THAT,AND GET A CB THAT YOU SAY IS BETTER THAN LESCOTT,WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU MOANING ABOUT?Victims all the time aren't you,you sad horrible bastards.Capital of culture???Fucking hell!!Who dreamed that one up??You're culture is to feel sorry for yourselves and hope everyone else joins in.
I absolutely hate David Moyes, I dont know what the big fuss is over him, What did he ever do for Everton apart from avoid them from relegation? He didnt win a trophy with them yet, They never do well in Europe when there in it, As far as am concerned while he is at Everton all they will ever be is a mid-table mediocre team!

LOL! Yes, he avoided relegation within six weeks of joining. Quite handy that.

And also the only manager in recent seasons to break into the 'Sky Four' despite having Kevin Kilbane in his side.

However, you are on the money with his European record. I hope it improves. While he was at Preston, well, it was shocking that the Anglo Italian Cup was no longer competed - they took away his YTS scheme by doing that!
Probably Unwelcome Evertonian said:
Damocles said:
You can't be an Everton fan. Has nobody ever told you that you have are the FOURTH most successful club in England EVER?


I think it has been mentioned. I'm not that bothered. I would add it's probably as cringeworthy as your lot saying how big a club you are. You can be big, you have the potential to be big, but you are a long way from it yet as proven by the high possibility of you not getting Champions League this season.

With an endless pot of cash, I think you'll get there and we can all tell our grandchildren of times when Man City were in the third tier - they won't believe it!

I want to see success at Everton for myself, and I don't mind admitting I'll take a little bit of pride SHOULD it occur given the relative small change we've spent. You can give it all your 'net spends' between convenient dates if you like, but the reality is there has been a shoe string budget and at an average of just under £3m per year, we're finally no longer relegation fodder. Give more money to the wrong manager, and we could take a massive step backwards.

You see, that's the funny thing. We're the same, Everton and City fans.

I always love the banter with opposition fans, and love taking the piss a bit because that is a big part of footy to me. We have a laugh with each other.

Realistically though, the club's are united because of our status as the second in our city, despite us actually having the majority of the populace in it. I've always had a bit of a soft spot about Everton from when we were playing Palace a while back, and some Everton fans were part of their away fans. We had a great laugh that day, and our similarities outweigh our differences.

Our fans are the same as they were years ago, but since the money has come in, the expectations for us have changed a bit. Due to this, some of us come off as bitching whingers when we really aren't. We have pretty much the same guys going now as there were when we were shit. We have just added a new string to our 'pisstaking' bow.

All in all, I still respect Everton as a club despite their manager. The fans deserve the extra investment and if you get it under Moyes then great. If I had my way, City, Everton, and West Ham would be deciding the league every year. I love it when you beat Liverpool, because your fans are so different from them. You are like us, and the match going guys that I've met always have that sense of schadenfreude that we do.

Good luck to you, in all honesty, I hope you guys do well but not at the expense of us :-)
Probably Unwelcome Evertonian said:
I absolutely hate David Moyes, I dont know what the big fuss is over him, What did he ever do for Everton apart from avoid them from relegation? He didnt win a trophy with them yet, They never do well in Europe when there in it, As far as am concerned while he is at Everton all they will ever be is a mid-table mediocre team!

LOL! Yes, he avoided relegation within six weeks of joining. Quite handy that.

And also the only manager in recent seasons to break into the 'Sky Four' despite having Kevin Kilbane in his side.

However, you are on the money with his European record. I hope it improves. While he was at Preston, well, it was shocking that the Anglo Italian Cup was no longer competed - they took away his YTS scheme by doing that!

Am not having a pop at you mate, Its just my opinion on him as a manager, I dont think you will ever do well in Europe with Moyes in charge, You might think differently though. Just want to ask you a question, Do you think Moyes can take you any further than he has already?
Probably Unwelcome Evertonian said:
LOL! Yes, he avoided relegation within six weeks of joining. Quite handy that.

And also the only manager in recent seasons to break into the 'Sky Four' despite having Kevin Kilbane in his side.

However, you are on the money with his European record. I hope it improves. While he was at Preston, well, it was shocking that the Anglo Italian Cup was no longer competed - they took away his YTS scheme by doing that!

Am not having a pop at you mate, Its just my opinion on him as a manager, I dont think you will ever do well in Europe with Moyes in charge, You might think differently though. Just want to ask you a question, Do you think Moyes can take you any further than he has already?

A tough one that, because when he joined 4th place wasn't the potential gold mine that it is now. He has us in a position to challenge for 4th, IF we had a season with few injuries and another where Liverpool or Arsenal under perform. But then, with an established top four in place, what happens but a realtively local rival gets a huge injection of cash. Grrr!

Has Moyes taken us to our pinicle? Of course I have to say 'No he has not' because otherwise what is the point? 4th isn't seen as a success, but it is seen as a potential stepping stone to greater things. I think you all realise that if you get Champions League then you will attract a quality of player that wants to play at the highest level. You don't need me to explain how you are viewed by the outsider in that regard. We can't get 4th now, so good luck to you. Just don't get to strong because we'll be after you in 2011!
Total twunt but we could take a leaf on how he handles the media sometimes.


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