Mr Bates vs the Post Office

There is something seriously wrong.

There is more chance of a rough sleeper who smells a bit ripe being jailed under this bunch of cunts tbh
Specifically who are "the bunch of cunts" your referring to? It's a genuine question by the way, I am genuinley unsure.
Aren't all religions fairy tales anyway.
What god would let his children murder, maim, assault and bomb to destruction other people following a different fairy tale.
Also, advances in science and other development's will be the undoing of the human race.
Hope City can beat the rags and dippers to the highest number of premier league titles before some deranged physcopath presses the red button;-)
Aren't all religions fairy tales anyway.
What god would let his children murder, maim, assault and bomb to destruction other people following a different fairy tale.
Also, advances in science and other development's will be the undoing of the human race.
Hope City can beat the rags and dippers to the highest number of premier league titles before some deranged physcopath presses the red button;-)
It would be a great way to sign off!
My take on it is that religions provide convenient cover for the worst types of people to whitewash their reputations and “get away with” their inherently bad behaviour.

It’s what I’d call adverse selection, the religion doesn’t really so much as create these individuals, it attracts them through what it confers onto them. They join/stay with the church to have friends in high places who can absolve them of their worst traits. Those friends being both human and otherwise.

Look at the Clapham alkali attack bloke, and all of the myriad minister/priest abuse scandals. What came first, the **** or the religion? I’m inclined to say the ****. If they didn’t have Christianity they would find the next best thing.

I think there's a fair degree of truth to that especially the second para, seem to remember a couple of priests causing a ruckus by writing a paper pointing out that there is a proportion of priests with a form of narcissism such that when they are ordained they get it into their heads that they have become spiritually bonded with God in a way that makes them superior to the unwashed masses. What could possibly go wrong there?
It’s what I’d call adverse selection, the religion doesn’t really so much as create these individuals, it attracts them through what it confers onto them. They join/stay with the church to have friends in high places who can absolve them of their worst traits. Those friends being both human and otherwise.

Besides the access to kids, probably why the reason why churches, yeshivas etc are such a popular place for nonces.
Besides the access to kids, probably why the reason why churches, yeshivas etc are such a popular place for nonces.
I expect over the next 40-50 years, we'll see the Catholic child abuse scandal repeated in the developing world. I think Catholicism is uniquely vulnerable to it, because of its huge, organised network. The other issue that religion has is that it presents itself as the ultimate moral authority. Therefore, when something like this does happen, the temptation is to deal with it internally, rather than report it to another authority (i.e. the police).

We've seen examples of the Church of LDS asking people to sign an NDA and destroy recordings, for example. We've seen examples in India of the followers of obvious sexual abusers committing violence when they're convicted. The idea that religion is the ultimate moral authority has a lot to answer for, and why the cover up is arguably more of an issue in religion than it is in secular institutions. In secular institutions, people might not report something because they're not sure, don't want to get someone in trouble on a hunch, or are worried about losing their job. But if the police interview them about it, they're unlikely to be tight lipped out of some loyalty to their boss. But religions often actively practice in-group, out-group dynamics, where someone who doesn't tow the line is ostracized from the group, and in certain places that means being ostracized from your entire community and way of life.
I expect over the next 40-50 years, we'll see the Catholic child abuse scandal repeated in the developing world. I think Catholicism is uniquely vulnerable to it, because of its huge, organised network. The other issue that religion has is that it presents itself as the ultimate moral authority. Therefore, when something like this does happen, the temptation is to deal with it internally, rather than report it to another authority (i.e. the police).

We've seen examples of the Church of LDS asking people to sign an NDA and destroy recordings, for example. We've seen examples in India of the followers of obvious sexual abusers committing violence when they're convicted. The idea that religion is the ultimate moral authority has a lot to answer for, and why the cover up is arguably more of an issue in religion than it is in secular institutions. In secular institutions, people might not report something because they're not sure, don't want to get someone in trouble on a hunch, or are worried about losing their job. But if the police interview them about it, they're unlikely to be tight lipped out of some loyalty to their boss. But religions often actively practice in-group, out-group dynamics, where someone who doesn't tow the line is ostracized from the group, and in certain places that means being ostracized from your entire community and way of life.

Celibacy actually goes against Christ's teachings.
Bizarre response. The question (which was expressly and unequivocally posed) was:

It’s a perfectly legitimate question. Some of the most ‘unchristian’ people I have encountered have been Christians. In fact the most selfish man I have ever met is a practising Catholic. Goes to mass every Sunday. He’s a ****, although quite entertaining company when he wants to be.

I find it both strange and noteworthy that people who actively promote and practise a particular belief system can live their lives in a way that is so incongruous with its widely stated values.

I think the point you have raised about it merely being a manifestation of the powerful exercising power over the weak is a gross simplification - it is far more complex than that and reveals a more nuanced, unappealing trait of human nature, rooted in a lack of self-awareness and hypocrisy, and goes some way to explain why we are basically fucked as a species.
Rabbie Burns says Hi.

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