Mr Bean

peoffrey said:
Mayor West said:
It really is brilliant comedy. So funny when you are young and almost as funny when you are a fully grown up boy! Never liked anything else he has done though.

Is Mr Bean just socially inept or is he an alien? I'm going on the theme tune where he's beamed down and clues dropped where TVs lose their reception when he walks past etc.

If you ever get to see the cartoon *cough* version it is explained. He gets taken back by a space ship full of Mr Beans with the teddy. One of them falls back out but which one?????
I can't say I've watched much but the sketch he did on a high diving board was brilliant, reminded me of myself.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
peoffrey said:
Is Mr Bean just socially inept or is he an alien? I'm going on the theme tune where he's beamed down and clues dropped where TVs lose their reception when he walks past etc.

Yeah he was supposed to be an Alien i believe but some uptight people on here think he is mocking mentally ill people

I work with the public and for the public and see gross acts of ignorance and stupidity on a daily basis akin to the kind of things Mr Bean would do. I've never once thought any of them are mentally ill. Just a bit... odd.
wayne71 said:
I can't say I've watched much but the sketch he did on a high diving board was brilliant, reminded me of myself.

Everybody saying they dont like Bean watch this sketch, its one of the funniest things iv ever seen, not one word spoken yet its hilarious.
Went to Ayia Napa about 4 years ago. Sat in a restaurant/bar having something to eat. The place was packed out, maybe 100 people in there, mostly, probably all, British.

They had Mr Bean on the TV and every single person was sat there watching it while they were eating. Even the staff we laughing at it as they walked past.

Was very bizarre.
It's big in foreign countries because there's obviously no language barrier.

It's staple TV if you're on a coach in Thailand or the UAE, and I fucking hate it. It was shit then and it's shit now.
I think it’s sickening and basically a micky take of people with learning disabilities. Look at me, look at me, the shining beacon of morality.
tueartsboots said:
Can't stand it but that could be down to years of being compared to Rowan-being called Blackadder or Mr Bean for many years. Yes I know I've opened myself up, go for it you bastards, nothing you can say I haven't heard before (Bimbobob piss off !)


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