mr mancini I am 100% behind you


Well-Known Member
26 Jul 2010
breaking into heaven.....
as we didn`t beat united 5-0 and we`re not 10 points clear at the top of the table some fans have obviously taken it upon themselves to announce or denounce the fact that roberto mancini is a liar and a disgrace...well guess what,whoever written that is a liar and a disgrace!! we have come out of a mini blip,or a MAJOR CRISIS in the eyes of the whores in the press,with two clean sheets and 4 pts against teams who have taken ponts off us in recent times...what is even more pathetic at peoples reaction is that we`re ONLY 12 GAMES IN on a 38 game season and sitting pretty in fourth with 2nd or 3rd well within our grasp. WHAT A DISASTER!!! I for one am 100% behind the team and mancini,through thick and thin,through winning or losing because we`re at the start of something special here boys and girls....rome wasn`t built in a day...bring on birmingham...

Some fans should be ashamed of themselves. some of you are so damn deluded its pathetic. think will we will just walk over United and be top of the table. Its not our divine right to win every game! its not our divine right to be the best team in the league!

These guys havent played more than 11 games together.
manimanc said:
as we didn`t beat united 5-0 and we`re not 10 points clear at the top of the table some fans have obviously taken it upon themselves to announce or denounce the fact that roberto mancini is a liar and a disgrace...well guess what,whoever written that is a liar and a disgrace!! we have come out of a mini blip,or a MAJOR CRISIS in the eyes of the whores in the press,with two clean sheets and 4 pts against teams who have taken ponts off us in recent times...what is even more pathetic at peoples reaction is that we`re ONLY 12 GAMES IN on a 38 game season and sitting pretty in fourth with 2nd or 3rd well within our grasp. WHAT A DISASTER!!! I for one am 100% behind the team and mancini,through thick and thin,through winning or losing because we`re at the start of something special here boys and girls....rome wasn`t built in a day...bring on birmingham...

Whilst I like the sentiments - 100% ?? There are bound to be some reservations with any manager?
Good luck with the thread - got a feeling this will be a red rag (urgh) to a bull.
Aw, well done, you have proven your loyalty to 'BobbyManc'. He's going to be so proud and happy that he's loved by you. He's going to think you are such a fantastic supporter. You can sleep well at night, knowing your support is out there for him to value. Say it a little louder. Go on. Just a little.

He might hear you.
Just looking at the Premiership table. City in fourth place, five points clear of the pack (Newcastle don't count). A damn site better than last season when they were see-sawing with Aston Villa, Spurs and Liverpool for fourth or fifth spot.

Anybody who moans about Mancini has forgotten the days of Mark (with a bit of luck we'll avoid the drop) Hughes.
gio's side step said:
Aw, well done, you have proven your loyalty to 'BobbyManc'. He's going to be so proud and happy that he's loved by you. He's going to think you are such a fantastic supporter. You can sleep well at night, knowing your support is out there for him to value. Say it a little louder. Go on. Just a little.

He might hear you.

Sarcasm can sometimes be funny - but not when it's done badly
GaudinoMotors said:
gio's side step said:
Aw, well done, you have proven your loyalty to 'BobbyManc'. He's going to be so proud and happy that he's loved by you. He's going to think you are such a fantastic supporter. You can sleep well at night, knowing your support is out there for him to value. Say it a little louder. Go on. Just a little.

He might hear you.

Sarcasm can sometimes be funny - but not when it's done badly

Ah, I was going for the 'don't be too brutally sarcastic' incase I hurt the feelings of the majority Bluemoon government
Fully agree with the OP, Mancini is the man who will end the wait, 2 clean sheets 4 points with the chance to go level 3rd at weekend if United lose at Villa.

Forza Mancini
You can't please all of the people all of the time. Those who want Mancini out also wanted Hughes out & before that Sven, Pearce, Keegan. These are the people who also voted Conservative just because they'd had enough of Labour.
I bet all the tossers on here have got those iPhone things (apologies to those who aren't tossers and have got one one those iPhone things)! Why don't you search the clips from YouTube, find some of the shittiest matches MCFC have been involved in over the last 30 years - York, Halifax, Chesterfield, Brighton, Forest - and when yer get a little 'bored' with the current performances and players, play 'em back and say to yerself - "I wish we could go back to those days!"

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