mr mancini I am 100% behind you

nobody is 100% behind any manager, there will always be detractors at every club, i think its fair to say most of us are behind the manager but miles off being 100% convinced by him, foolish to be any other way.
gio's side step said:
Aw, well done, you have proven your loyalty to 'BobbyManc'. He's going to be so proud and happy that he's loved by you. He's going to think you are such a fantastic supporter. You can sleep well at night, knowing your support is out there for him to value. Say it a little louder. Go on. Just a little.

He might hear you.
it`s called being positive you geek,how is your half empty glass of lemon juice?
manimanc said:
gio's side step said:
Aw, well done, you have proven your loyalty to 'BobbyManc'. He's going to be so proud and happy that he's loved by you. He's going to think you are such a fantastic supporter. You can sleep well at night, knowing your support is out there for him to value. Say it a little louder. Go on. Just a little.

He might hear you.
it`s called being positive you geek,how is your half empty glass of lemon juice?

No it's called living your life riddled in self-deception sir. Does it make you sleep a little easier at night? Do you feel more of a blue by publically stating it?
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
I bet all the tossers on here have got those iPhone things (apologies to those who aren't tossers and have got one one those iPhone things)! Why don't you search the clips from YouTube, find some of the shittiest matches MCFC have been involved in over the last 30 years - York, Halifax, Chesterfield, Brighton, Forest - and when yer get a little 'bored' with the current performances and players, play 'em back and say to yerself - "I wish we could go back to those days!"

Well said Dave, but you forget getting beat at Wycombe, on a rainy Tuesday evening, not even a decent curry beforehand could erase that one for personal low during those dark, very days or yor i think !
gio's side step said:
manimanc said:
it`s called being positive you geek,how is your half empty glass of lemon juice?

No it's called living your life riddled in self-deception sir. Does it make you sleep a little easier at night? Do you feel more of a blue by publically stating it?
it`s a forum isn`t it? people can express their feelings? if they want!! i think you need to get over yourself love,you`re in a right kerfuffle....
Anybody complaining about how boring this match was clearly wasn't around in the Stuart Pearce days, I remember watching City v Watford on a rainy Monday night and actually thinking of how I would get rid of a body in case I ever murdered someone! Hoof up one end, headed away, hoofed down the other end, headed away!

Last night was a defensive masterclass with long periods of possession, no comparison!
as we didn`t beat united 5-0 and we`re not 10 points clear at the top of the table
Yawn. Already discredits your post, but we'll analyse it anyway.
some fans have obviously taken it upon themselves to announce or denounce the fact that roberto mancini is a liar and a disgrace...well guess what,whoever written that is a liar and a disgrace!!
Or people who have an opinion on the difference between what Mancini says and does.
we have come out of a mini blip,or a MAJOR CRISIS in the eyes of the whores in the press,with two clean sheets and 4 pts against teams who have taken ponts off us in recent times...
We lost to Chesterfield in "recent times", would getting a clean sheet against them be progress then?
what is even more pathetic at peoples reaction is that we`re ONLY 12 GAMES IN on a 38 game season and sitting pretty in fourth with 2nd or 3rd well within our grasp. WHAT A DISASTER!!!
Few, if any, people are claiming there to be a disaster, they are complaining about style of play and ambition in games, which as fans they are entitled to do.
I for one am 100% behind the team and mancini,through thick and thin,through winning or losing because we`re at the start of something special here boys and girls....
Well that's just silly. You're behind him even if he's losing? Surely if he was to lose a series of games that would mean he wasn't good enough? But apparently you'd still back him.
rome wasn`t built in a day
No, it took several hundred years. Is that how long we should wait?
i'm in the mancini 'in' camp. but i have to say, last night i saw the most dull manchester derby EVER! i think a lot of managers forget that the game isn't just for them, it's for the supporters and, therefore, have a duty to at least try and entertain. and before anybody gives me this "it's a results industry" crap. bollocks! marks and spencer are in the results industry, but you don't have to pay a hefty admission price to watch them sell knickers.

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