Munich ticket criteria announced

Fact is it's got to relate in some way to the current season not just points gained in years gone by. Can it be fair that someone signs up to say the Champions league cup scheme 2011/12 and in doing so makes a commitment to go to at best 6 CL home games, then is denied any chance of a final ticket because a supporter with 8000 points knew full well he would get a final ticket anyway regardless of any loyalty shown to City in this years competition.
i think points and a commitment to that specific tournament was a good way forward for the club.

lets face it, they didn't put this in place with the champions league in mind, they did it with the carling cup in mind and doing what they can getting bums on seats,i've never done the cup schemes before, i always just bought as we went along, i didn't miss any of the wembleys but i'm not risking missing them in future at so i've signed up for all three.

to be honest , i was in the mindset that a wembley game wasn't on the cards much, now i know better and do all i can to look after number one.
CTID1974 said:
i think points and a commitment to that specific tournament was a good way forward for the club.

lets face it, they didn't put this in place with the champions league in mind, they did it with the carling cup in mind and doing what they can getting bums on seats,i've never done the cup schemes before, i always just bought as we went along, i didn't miss any of the wembleys but i'm not risking missing them in future at so i've signed up for all three.

to be honest , i was in the mindset that a wembley game wasn't on the cards much, now i know better and do all i can to look after number one.

I agree. I think the club are just trying to change the mindset of the fans. Before the wembley trips most of us felt that we could buy tickets when we needed them. I'll admit I didnt use to go to all of the early rounds of the cups but this year I signed up to all of the cup schemes, just in case.

The club obviously want to boost attendances for cup games, something most will support. Clearly the CL scheme is separate, but the overall strategy of getting as many fans as possible into the cup schemes makes sense.

Perhaps the club should have made it clearer when seasoncard went on sale that they would be adopting a different approach to last year, when membership of the cup schemes wasnt given quite as much proirity? I can understand that those on 7000 points who didnt think it necessary to join cup schemes might feel aggrieved.
Uber Blues said:
Fact is it's got to relate in some way to the current season not just points gained in years gone by. Can it be fair that someone signs up to say the Champions league cup scheme 2011/12 and in doing so makes a commitment to go to at best 6 CL home games, then is denied any chance of a final ticket because a supporter with 8000 points knew full well he would get a final ticket anyway regardless of any loyalty shown to City in this years competition.

The guy with 8k points would most likely be at the games too anyway
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:

It is a genuine offer and have had plenty of interest. I am totally not bothered about loyalty points. My boy who is 11 is only gold and not on any of the cup schemes.He has 2010 pts. We go to all games together that we can get a ticket for away (as I said,Wigan,Villa,Blackburn) If I was that arsed I would have put him on all 3 schemes especially at the prices but no point for him.

The ticket is available as I said. Why let it go to waste when someone may need one ticket and I fall into the criteria to enable someone to go.True I get the points but that is not my doing that has always been the case. I know people who did the cup offer last year where you got 100pts per ticket(correct me if I am wrong) and didn't even attend. I will purchase collect and then arrange handover of ticket at next home game...

The club clearly stated members in the cup scheme get preference-No hiding that.

Because lets say the top 3000 fans on a loyalty points basis all decide not to go.

They all sell their tickets to whoever regardless of points etc.

All 3000 then get more points and so pull further away from the rest.

Fan 3001 is sitting waiting for the criteria to go down to his level. It doesnt, he misses out whilst someone gets one who might go to 3 games a season.

I know it goes on but i dont particularly agree with it.

I am sure your offer is very genuine and well meaning but in general thats what sales criteria is for, to give people lower down the ladder a chance to get a ticket and then build their own points up. What you do and what others do stops that happening.

I know a lad who does his own euro trips awy for city and to get loyalty points for those games he had to go to the club with proof of physically going to the match ie plane ticket stubs so you cant get points just for buying tickets. So people cant keep going further ahead of others.

I also think that those who go to away games should het prefence for later rounds irrelevant of points instead of members with major points going to a semi at old trafford say or london ahead of those who have been to say all away games spending hard earned money. I only have 3300 points but have booked on munich and villareal and hope to go to more but then I prob wont have enough points for later rounds.

How is that fair
Hey i am from bosnia and herzegovina is it possible to get a ticket , with the city fans?? i would come to munich alone , and on the stadium to be in your part of the stadium? and how can i get a ticket? please give me informations about it if possible... cause i have no idea :)

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