Music Is Dead


Well-Known Member
8 Aug 2009
I thought for years i was just an old snob but no, real quality crafted Music really has passed on. Just a beautiful memory now it seems. The victim of a selfish quick fix society too self absorbed or trampled down to care.

Every generation looks to the one before for inspiration in the artwork of the future. What in gods name will the next generation have to look back on? David Guetta? Rhianna?... Fucking Coldplay at Best!

We need to change this now before it's too late. Re releasing great old songs at christmas in protest to the evil of manufactured pop simpley isn't enough. We need to boycot this shit on mass. People don't realize the importance Art, Music especialy, plays in a young persons development. If they are saturated with X-factor mediocrity 24/7 then it will have a detrimental effect on the rest of their lives... We can already see the effects, It's a much more self centred society now than ever. A cultures music says a lot about who we are. What do you think modern music says about us?

I will leave you with a little gift:


This is the very hight of what we are capable of as a species, He makes this work of genius look effortless. If this doesn't prove my point and stir your soul then i fear we truelly are lost.
Re: Music Is Dead!!!

there's plenty of quality music out there you just need to look in the right places, chart music is abysmal and always has been.
Re: Music Is Dead!!!

M22 Blue said:
there's plenty of quality music out there you just need to look in the right places, chart music is abysmal and always has been.
Well said. You need to listen to the right radio station, as most just churn out shite. 6Music is good in places (the bloody DJs need to be told to stop chatting though). I heard some really good stuff on Radio 3 the other night (2330hrs programme) - and am now trying to track it down.

Recently I've bought Philharmonics by Agnes Obel (Norwegian female vocalist) and it's awesome. I normally listen to Kraftwerk, Joy Division, Lou Reed etc, so this is out of my comfort zone. Also, try Little Dragon who have released another cracking album.

Point is, you need to hunt around. Plenty of good stuff out there. There's a good thread on hifi Wigwam where audiophiles list music they are currently listening to - and no Robbie Williams, Rhianna (?) or Lady Gaga in sight!
Re: Music Is Dead!!!

Sign up for free to Lastfm. Type in a 'classic' band or a type of music you like. Then just click on play radio and it'll play lots of a similar type of stuff from new and old bands. Its a great way of discovering new music.
Re: Music Is Dead!!!

Guys i appreciate what you are saying and i agree to an extent, But my point is why should we have to scrape around for the quality stuff while disposable garbage is force fed to us on a daily basis, You can try to block it out but it's gonna get through eventualy.

Do the majority actualy like this crap?

My main issue really was about our future generations. I understand that chart music has never been brilliant but it was never this bad, There was always something there... The Beatles, New order, Blur etc... Now there is nothing in the mainstream atall... Kings of Leon? Coldplay? Not the best are they.

Kids in 10 years time will be referenceing David Guetta as the legend who's music changed their lives... It's soul destroying stuff to witness.
im under the personal opinion that all of the 'simple' songs have been used up in the past times, and so music these days has to be slightly out of the ordinary, thus making it harder for older people to listen too, thats why everyone loves the older music, ut not so many like new stuff...

david guetta songs wont be eternal like beatles, queen etc, but so long as music is still being produced there is always hope!<br /><br />-- Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:44 am --<br /><br />p.s- the masses enjoy these new artists mainly as they are the songs that are played when we go out, so although people may not like it, they can dance to it, so it sells :)
Re: Music Is Dead!!!

BlakeTheBlue said:
Guys i appreciate what you are saying and i agree to an extent, But my point is why should we have to scrape around for the quality stuff while disposable garbage is force fed to us on a daily basis, You can try to block it out but it's gonna get through eventualy.

Do the majority actualy like this crap?

My main issue really was about our future generations. I understand that chart music has never been brilliant but it was never this bad, There was always something there... The Beatles, New order, Blur etc... Now there is nothing in the mainstream atall... Kings of Leon? Coldplay? Not the best are they.

Kids in 10 years time will be referenceing David Guetta as the legend who's music changed their lives... It's soul destroying stuff to witness.

During times of economic hardship music tends to get better as records companies are more willing to take a risk to make a profit. Hopefully the one good to come out of all the economic turmoil we're having atm will be better music. Because its been bleeding dire now for at least a decade. The blame for that lands squarely at Simon **** face Cowell feet IMO.

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