MUTINY by players.Konspiracy??.... We will see

cyberblue said:
BillyShears said:
The club who are currently top of the league have the most unapproachable, dogmatic, cold, manager in the league. Step forward Rafa Benitez. In fact, I remember an interview with one his Spanish contingent where the player talked about being chewed out by Benitez in his first couple of training sessions so badly that the poor lad wanted away even before he'd played a game...

It's widely known that the reason Stevie G wanted away was because Rafa refused to treat him like a star. I don't buy this notion that modern day managers need to molly coddle professional footballers. Just look at Capello...listen to what the England players say about the difference between his regime and Sven's or McClaren's.

The Managers you mention there(Capello and Benitez) have won everything there is to win so they comand respect, Hughes on the other hand hasnt so just imagine your a work and you are working for a bloke who has acheived everything you are very unlikely to question him no matter what he says. Now imagine your working for someone who hasnt achieved everything but is acting like he has and starts telling anyone who will listen that your not up to the job. I dont think it would take long for you to start falling out with him

That's as spot on as it gets IMO. You can't just demand respect, it has to be earned.
cyberblue said:
BillyShears said:
The club who are currently top of the league have the most unapproachable, dogmatic, cold, manager in the league. Step forward Rafa Benitez. In fact, I remember an interview with one his Spanish contingent where the player talked about being chewed out by Benitez in his first couple of training sessions so badly that the poor lad wanted away even before he'd played a game...

It's widely known that the reason Stevie G wanted away was because Rafa refused to treat him like a star. I don't buy this notion that modern day managers need to molly coddle professional footballers. Just look at Capello...listen to what the England players say about the difference between his regime and Sven's or McClaren's.

The Managers you mention there(Capello and Benitez) have won everything there is to win so they comand respect, Hughes on the other hand hasnt so just imagine your a work and you are working for a bloke who has acheived everything you are very unlikely to question him no matter what he says. Now imagine your working for someone who hasnt achieved everything but is acting like he has and starts telling anyone who will listen that your not up to the job. I dont think it would take long for you to start falling out with him

we dont know that hughes is walking round thinking he is the big i am,he is the manager and if players can not respect that then they dont have a place in the side,in my job i have 2 managers one good one bad but i do as i am told by both whether i think the bad manager is right or wrong,that is my place as an employee to do as i am told.
Blue Mooner said:
Big G said:
As said before, Sven's training was mainly football based, kick-a-bouts, 5 a side etc, after all they are footballers.

And I think you're naive to think they don't do that 'as well' as the hard running.

That's what made City successful in the late sixties - it's all in Summerbees book as I mentioned earlier.

I am sure they do, but I think there is more 'hard running' going on than football, and that may be a problem for some.
cyberblue said:
The Managers you mention there(Capello and Benitez) have won everything there is to win so they comand respect, Hughes on the other hand hasnt so just imagine your a work and you are working for a bloke who has acheived everything you are very unlikely to question him no matter what he says. Now imagine your working for someone who hasnt achieved everything but is acting like he has and starts telling anyone who will listen that your not up to the job. I dont think it would take long for you to start falling out with him

Nice end run round the point i was making. We're not talking about "commanding respect", because that is simply rhetoric. We're talking about styles of management. Do you befriend your entire squad, act like a father figure to them all in the way that some managers do. Or do you behave in a more distant and professional manner. There is no right or wrong way. So to criticize Hughes for being distant or unapproachable is just absurd. Or to imply that modern day footballers, the great ones, need to be molly coddled, is also simply not true. Different managers do it differently.
I don`t give a fuck about who likes trainin and who does not I just deal in facts ,under erickson last year we where 5th or mayb 6th at this stage and had more points then than we do now and Hughes as had robinho , konpany , wright-phillips I think u will agree these r better players than we had last season .

warpig said:
i have read the dunnes relationship with hughes being described as "cold".

EVERYONE'S relationship with Hughes is cold, from Dunnie right down to the cleaners! He's the most un-friendly, cold-faced person I've ever seen! I've seen people trying to be friendly with him, to be greeted by a stare. Compare that to Sven or Keegan, and it's miles away. Even Stuart Pearce, who was the most focused person on a matchday even had time to say "hello" to people or smile.
mammutly said:
leewill31 said:
Not sure what that's about but I suggest you put me on ignore cos I couldn't give a flying one what you think.

Oh, and you messed up your quote, genius.

my point proven!

I wished I skated in a happy little world like you ;-)[/quote]

didnt take long did it mammutley,2 of the same and all that!
Its the type of run that needs coaching. I hate to say it but do we ever see our fullbacks overlap like Evra or Clichy or Cole? Zab of late is looking to do that but not with the same frequency or intent. Fitness is the easy bit to coach, actually coaching a game plan is where the manager should earn his corn. If the players arent doing as he asks and he hasnt got replacements yet then blood some reserves they wont do any worse and as fans we will give them a chance.
mammutly said:
That's as spot on as it gets IMO. You can't just demand respect, it has to be earned.

You earn it by earning the right to be manager of a premiership football club. Or should footballers only respect managers who have won lots of trophies?

You lot don't half talk out of your arses sometimes...
All the players mentioned are shit anyway and on borrowed time, I have heard form a very good source that the worst influence has been RD closely followed by “do you know who I am Elano”.

One things for sure some of these players have played their last match for gods own club (thank fcuk)

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