MUTINY by players.Konspiracy??.... We will see

Anyone can be a premiership manager these days if they have a coaching badge course - hutchings, sanchez etc - of course winning trophies earns you more respect and credibility.
Can you really see some of our senior players enjoying the prospect of a new man coming in and making them work hard. Didi is on deaths door and ball has past his heyday. Dunne wants an easy life which although hes been good the last few seasons has started to rest on his laurels. Get young players in that want to be apart of this and ship out the old timers that never saw what it is to make it at the very top. Theres too many of these stories for it to not have basis and doesnt suprise me one bit with hughes demanding players in asap after clear player protest against forest.
Blue2112 said:
I honestly don't know the answer to that but I will try and find out and pm you if I do, the players liked Sven from what I can gather although it was said the morning after the 8-1 debacle of which I witnessed first hand that only 3 of the team could be arsed and afterwards only a few felt gutted about it. IMHO I don't think much of that attitude has changed since.

Cheers Josh, I would really appreciate that.

No doubt the Hughes out brigade are ignoring most of your posts since they don't suit the agenda being chased at the moment...
jay_mcfc said:
projectriver said:
When hearing the "Boro was a protest stories" Ive always wondered how losing 8-1 could be seen as helpful to Sven. I know players are generally not the brightest but surely the only thing the 8-1 did was condemn Sven to certain sacking?

He was already sacked by then, everyone knew it even if it weren't official.

The players knew Sven would be going for sometime and it definitely had an adverse effect on them but I don't think they lost 8-1 on purpose. For a start off, Dunne's sending off came about from an accidental foul; if Dunne had been looking to concede a penalty and get sent off he'd have cleaned the guy out.

Also the idea posed earlier that player's wanted to get Sven the sack is bollocks. My understanding is that even the players on the fringes wanted Sven to say and that his popularity with the players was unusually high for a manager.
If a player needs to be "molly coddled" by a Manager then he does not have my respect.

And, if the thoughts of some on here are to be believed, that we should keep Elano simply because Robinho WANTS him then they can fook off right now.

I am sick to death of hearing about Robbie and Elano this and Elano and Robbie that.

Personally, I think Robbie a smashing player with a refreshingly professional approach. Love him to bits. Yes, he goes missing at times but he has been worth every single penny so far.

But the posts that some make saying "What about Robbie if Elano goes??" makes me want to spit.
Sven over achieved and Hughes is underachieving, I dont believe players are conspiring against him they are just shit and he doesnt know how to change it. Whether anyone else could do better Im not sure anymore.
OB1 said:
jay_mcfc said:
He was already sacked by then, everyone knew it even if it weren't official.

The players knew Sven would be going for sometime and it definitely had an adverse effect on them but I don't think they lost 8-1 on purpose. For a start off, Dunne's sending off came about from an accidental foul; if Dunne had been looking to concede a penalty and get sent off he'd have cleaned the guy out.

Also the idea posed earlier that player's wanted to get Sven the sack is bollocks. My understanding is that even the players on the fringes wanted Sven to say and that his popularity with the players was unusually high for a manager.
Never heard you use a word like bollocks before?, you been drinking ?
Brucie Bonus said:
Humlannitton said:
So you don't think there was exception circumstances last spring?

Here's what you all need to do. You've painted yourselves into a corner and filled this forum with the invective for weeks. You've paraded and puffed before all as the wisest, the most sage, the most astute of fans. Anything that made Hughes look worse than he is, was accepted at face value: if it provided a modicum of exculpation, it was dismissed as leaks and pr and, even if the substance was accepted as reasonable, the process was condemned. You are tactical geniuses, you know everything about everything about City, football, and human nature.

I think you all ought to arrange a time when you can do a pm huddle and figure out what your next move is going to be. Get back to us when you've decided on a new plan of attack.

I'm not sure what that means, but since you don't answer my question I suppose that you agree that there in fact was exceptional circumstances last spring.

bondsman said:
Its the type of run that needs coaching. I hate to say it but do we ever see our fullbacks overlap like Evra or Clichy or Cole? Zab of late is looking to do that but not with the same frequency or intent. Fitness is the easy bit to coach, actually coaching a game plan is where the manager should earn his corn. If the players arent doing as he asks and he hasnt got replacements yet then blood some reserves they wont do any worse and as fans we will give them a chance.

Fair point, but regarding replacements, If you was Michael Ball on Saturday, would you have not given the best performance of your career?

Some of the players probably know they are on a hiding to nothing, knowing no matter how well they play they will get replaced.
Big G said:
Blue Mooner said:
And I think you're naive to think they don't do that 'as well' as the hard running.

That's what made City successful in the late sixties - it's all in Summerbees book as I mentioned earlier.

I am sure they do, but I think there is more 'hard running' going on than football, and that may be a problem for some.

I keep seeing this 'hard running' and 'players made to run their way to winning the league' sort of comments. After reading Blue2112's posts (thanks for those) and a little bit of an insight as to some of the newly introduced training methods and the reception they received by some of the players, I can believe some of the original post. The running requirements mentioned in each game by each player also sound as though they'd be beneficial over teh course of the season - obviously it depends on what concurrent training methods are being used, but, it seems a few players don't want to pull their weight for our club and those types of players, no matter who the manager is, can suck my sack.

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